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Іі. Vocabulary Comprehension.

1. Learn the words and word-combinations to comprehend the text:

urban planning

планування міста

urban renewal

відновлення міста

to undergo

піддаватися (чому-небудь)

multifunctional center

багатофункціональний центр

omnifunctional center

однофункціональний центр

human settlements

поселення людей

city core

середина міста

within the confines of

в межах





to counteract


to waste time

утрачати час

to establish




to succeed

досягати мети

to invent methods

винайти методи

associated with

зв’язаний з …

cohesive center

зв’язаний центр

to supply




to apply


inner space

внутрішній простір

assembly rooms

зали для зборів

freight elevator


moving ramps

рухливий трап





2. Read the following international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

multi, center, plan, transport, urban, problem, vacuum, human, fortification, maximum, vertical, transportation, control, office, hospital, technology, role.

3. Underline the affixes, state what part of speech they indicate and translate them into Ukrainian:

planning, renewal, undergo, multifunctional, omnifunctional, natural, settlement, formally, requirement, attainable, shopping, meaningfulness, relationship, planner, utilization, development, multistoried, multilevel, available.

Ііі. Reading Comprehension

1. Skim the text first to define its general subject and the subject of each paragraph .Use the following phrases:

The text is about…

The subject of the text is…

There are…paragraphs in it.

The first (second, third, etc.) paragraph deals with (considers, describes, informs).

2. Skim the text again and answer the following questions:

1. Is the goal of urban planning mentioned?

2. How many concepts of urban planning described?

3. What tools has technology supplied planners with to succeed in creating multifunctional centers?

3. Read the text:

Text a. Modern Urban Planning

1. Urban (city, town) planning integrates land use planning and transport planning to improve the environments of communities. It can include urban renewal, by adapting urban planning methods to existing cities.

2. Urban planning has undergone different changes during centuries. There have existed different schools and approaches to this problem. Today one of them is the concept of the multifunctional center. It does not come out of a vacuum and represents, in fact, the natural and organic organization pattern which has existed since the founding of human settlements. On the other hand many of the old city cores grew not just as multifunctional centers but as omnifunctional centers. This was due to the fact that within the con­fines of the old cities, formerly protected by fortifications, all urban requirements had to be satisfied. This omnifunctionality is no longer necessary or attainable.

3. The new-type multifunctional center cannot be developed with the goal of creating omnifunctional centers. The goal should be rather to combine as many urban functions of the center-conforming type as possible in a concentrated and land-conserving manner. The task of creating a multifunctional center is difficult and complex because it is necessary to place a maximum amount of enclosed space serving human activities on a minimum of land.

4. Multifunctionality is already established when just two different urban functions are combined (for example shopping facilities with employment facilities in offices). But the meaningfulness of multifunctionality grows when one suc­ceeds in combining a large number of urban functions within one physical framework.

The problem which faces the center team is that of in­venting methods which make possible the most intensive use of land, avoiding, however, the disadvantages and dan­gers commonly associated with the term high density.

To create cohesive and concentrated multifunctional centers, then we will have to succeed in changing the relationship between productive surface and land surface considerably.

5. Technology has supplied planners with certain tools which have changed the design of structures from an engineering and architectural point of view. Outstanding in this respect is the progress made in creating conditions of controlled light and air on the one hand and in the field of vertical transportation on the other hand.

6. Conditions of controlled air and light can be applied to a large number of utilizations of inner space, such as meeting rooms, conference rooms, cinemas (which of course have to be dark in order to operate), lecture halls, storage rooms (whether for goods or automo­biles), restaurants, etc. It is thus possible to establish a listing of urban functions for which conditions of controlled light and air are definitely preferable. Controlled light and air assist designers in utilizing land in a highly intensified manner.

7. The second tool is the development of vertical transpor­tation. Technology has replaced the individual transportation medium, the climbing of stairs, through highly efficient and speedy public trans­portation, by means of electronic elevators, escalations, freight elevators, inclined moving ramps, vertical conveyer belt systems, etc. These inventions have made possible the construction of multistoried department stores, multilevel shopping centers and, of course, high-rise apartment build­ings, office buildings, hospitals, etc. There is no doubt that we are on the threshold of new technological development concerning horizontal public transportation. In connection with the concept of the multifunctional center, both the already applied technology concerning vertical transportation and the already available but not yet applied technology concerning horizontal transportation will have to play a role.

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