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5. Compose sentences with the words and phrases from Ex. 4.

6. Look through the text and find sentences with Modal verbs. Translate them into Ukrainian.

7. Complete these sentences using must, may, can, should, had to, needn’t:

1. The majority of buildings … be divided into classes.

2. This building … have exterior walls of wooden framework.

3. You … have sheathed the exterior walls with wood shingles or siding.

4. The exterior walls … be veneered with brick.

5. Frame construction … be considered the most inflammable.

6. Exterior walls of nonfireproof buildings … be masonry.

7. The designer … know that heavy beams and girders of large dimension are far less inflammable.

8. The engineer … have used wood partitions in this construction.

9. This building is rather high. The flooring … be of incombustible material.

10. You were wrong. You … use wire glass in the windows.

8. Make the sentences from Ex.7 interrogative. Start questions with:

1. How …?

2. What …?

3. What …?

4. What …?

5. Why …?

6. What …?

7. What …?

8. Who …?

9. Why …?

10. Why …?

V. Talking Assignments

1. Divide the text into logical parts.

2. Express the main idea of each part. Use the following phrases:

– The first (second, third …) part of the text is about …

– It describes (considers, deals with, informs) …

– The author stresses (points out) that …

3. Ask your friend some questions in English about their content. Summarize his/her answers:

– На які класи може ділитися більшість споруд?

– Як діляться споруди за способом будівництва?

– Які споруди мають каркасну конструкцію?

– Який основний недолік каркасної конструкції?

– Які споруди є не вогнетривкими?

– Які конструкції є вогнетривкими?

– Які будівельні матеріали використовуються для останніх?

4. Name all building materials mentioned in the text. Tell your friends in what constructions they are used.

5. Give a short summary of the text. Present summaries to the class and choose the summary that is the best.

VI. Listening Comprehension

1. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

bearing wall, skeleton frame, the earliest days, loaded floor, in turn, to transmit the load, foundation, sufficient thickness, excessive, structural steel, to occur, required interval, storey level.

2. Mask the text “Bearing Wall and Skeleton Frame” and listen to it attentively:

Text b. Bearing Wall and Skeleton Frame

From the point of view of method of construction buildings may be divided into the following groups:

1. Bearing wall construction;

2. Skeleton frame construction.

Bearing wall construction has been the method of structural design employed from the earliest days. By this method the loaded floor and roof beams rest upon the exterior and interior walls, which in turn transmit the loads to the foundation. It is evident that the walls must be of sufficient thickness to carry the loads as well as their own weight; consequently, as the height of buildings increased the required thickness of the walls and the weights brought upon the foundations became excessive and uneconomical.

Skeleton frame construction has been made possible by the development of structural steel and later of reinforced concrete. According to this method the loaded floor and roof beams rest upon girders running between the columns. The columns are placed along the buildings and are known as exterior or wall columns: they also occur at required intervals within the body of the building, in which case they are called interior columns. A framework is thereby formed, the walls being carried upon the wall girders at each storey level. The walls are consequently mere enclosures bearing no weight and are of the same thickness on all storeys. The columns transmit the loads to the foundations.

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