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fertilization ["fq:tIlaI'zeIS(q)n] запліднення

germinal ['Gq:mIn(q)l] зародковий, гермінальний

embryo ['embrIqu] зародок, ембріон

fetus ['fItqs] плід

neonate [nIo'neIt] дитина у віці до одного місяця, новонароджений

adolescent ["xdqu'lesnt] підлітковий

puberty ['pjubqtI] статева зрілість

accomplish [qk'OmplIS] вчиняти, досягати

subsequent ['sAbsIkwqnt] наступний

maturation ["mqtjuq'reIS(q)n] розвиток

myelin sheath ['maIqlIn'SIT] мієлінова оболонка

prone [prqun] що лежить ниць

exercise ['eksqsaIz] вправляти

aimlessly ['eImlIslI] без мети, безглуздо

voluntary ['vOlqnt(q)rI] довільний

thumb [TAm] великий палець (руки)

suck [sAk] смоктання

push-up ['puS 'Ap] віджимання

raise [reIz] піднімати

grasp [gra:sp] хапати, затискати; захоплювати

erect [I'rekt] прямо, вертикально, прямовисно

reach for [rI:C] діставати, тягнутися

roll over [rqul] перекочувати(ся); перевертати(ся)

pick up [pIk] піднімати, підбирати


Ex. 1. Form nouns from the verbs adding the suffix -ion and translate them:

Prevent; direct; conduct; connect; reflect; inject; radiate; instruct.

Grammar: simple tenses (revision)

Ex. 2. Read the following sentences, translate them, and determine their tenses:

1. Serious changes occur in the life of the newborn from the time of birth. 2. The subsequent growth and maturation of the brain involve the addition of new neurological cells. 3. By 6 weeks the infant holds up its head and begins to smile in response to people or object. 4. At 3 months of age the infant’s limbs are exercised aimlessly. 5. The infant followed a moving person with eyes. 6. At 8 months the infant will recognize familiar people.

Ex. 3. Insert the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets:

1. The infant (to grasp) things placed in its hand. 2. In 5 months the infant (to laugh out) loud and (to sit) with support. 3. Yesterday the infant (to pull) itself to a standing position. 4. The kidneys (to function) as glands producing hormones. 5. The kidney (to surround) by a renal capsule. 6. The bladder (to store) the urine.

Ex. 4. Make the following sentences interrogative:

1. The infant listens quietly when hearing a person’s voice or music. 2. They walk without support. 3. The infant examined this object carefully. 3. The average 18-month-olds use only about 10 words. 4. The liver removes certain waste products. 5. The kidneys are involved in the control of red blood cell production. 6. These absorbed substances are retuned to the bloodstream. 7. Immunization is recommended for people with impaired immune system or with serious illness.

Reading and developing skills

Ex. 5. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.

Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.

Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:

Su_k; accompli_h; neon_te; ra_se; vol_ntary; embr_o; subse_uent; adoles_ent; thum_; fet_s; pi_k; m_turation; re_ch; aiml_ssly.

Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Roll over; reach for; grasp; pick up; suck; erect; accomplish; germinal period; voluntary; fertilization; fetus; embryo; puberty; adolescent; maturation; subsequent.

Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:

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