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Cancer of the kidney

Renal cell carcinoma is the most common cancer of the kidneys. It also is called renal adenocarcinoma. It begins in one of the cells that form the lining of a renal tubule. Renal cell carcinoma occurs twice as often in men as in women. The most common age at diagnosis is between 55 and 60. Smokers, particularly those who smoke pipes or cigars, are at greater risk of renal cell carcinoma than are nonsmokers. In some instances, the disease appears to be hereditary. A large number of persons with von Hippel-Lindau disease, an inherited condition affecting the capillaries of a part of the brain, also have renal cell carcinoma.

The outcome with renal cell carcinoma depends on the extent to which the tumor has spread. If the tumor is in its earliest stage, 60 to 75 percent of affected people will survive for at least 5 years. If the lymph nodes around the kidney have been infiltrated, the 5-year survival rate drops to 5 to 15 percent. When the cancer has spread to other organs, fewer than 5 percent survive for 5 years.

When it appears that a renal cell carcinoma has not spread beyond the kidney, the best treatment is removal of the entire kidney. Some surgeons advocate also removing the surrounding lymph nodes. Sometimes, radiation therapy may be used to prevent spread of the cancer. If the disease has spread, there is no universally agreed on method of treatment.

Ex. 23. Ask 5-7 questions on the text “Cancer of Kidney” and be ready to answer them.


The cause of malignant gastric tumor is unknown. Genetic factors may have some influence. The signs and symptoms of gastric tumor are discomfort in the upper or middle region of the abdomen, black stools, vomiting after meals, vomiting of blood, weight loss, and anemia. If the tumor is malignant, surgical removal is the only chance to cure. If the cancer is diagnosed early full recovery is possible. Sometimes surgery may be recommended to alleviate pain, bleeding, or obstruction. In addition to surgery for malignant tumors, chemotherapy is used as an additional treatment. Radiation is sometimes used, but both radiation and chemotherapy can only relieve the symptoms, they do not cure the cancer. If the cancer is too far advanced for chemotherapy or surgery to be effective, analgesic drugs may be used to reduce pain.




pregnancy [‘pregnqnsI] вагітність

fetus [‘fI:tqs] (утробний) плід

female [‘fI:meIl] жінка

gravida [‘grxvIdq] вагітна

embryo [‘embrIqu] зародок, ембріон

trimester [traI’mestq] триместр, тримісячний термін

sensitive [‘sensItIv] чутливий

assault [q’sO:lt] тут: негативне явище

inch [InC] дюйм ( = 2.5 см )

ounce [auns] унція ( = 28.3 г )

fertilization [“fq:tIlaI’zeIS(q)n] запліднення

burrow [‘bq:rqu] ховатися, зариватися

placenta [plq’sentq] плацента, послід

rudiment [‘ru:dImqnt] рудимент, зачаток

evident [‘evId(q)nt] явний, очевидний

mammal [‘mxm(q)l] ссавець

noticeable [‘nqutIsqbl] помітний

bud [bAd] брунька, зачаток

gestation [Ges’teIS(q)n] вагітність; період вагітності

albeit [O:l’bI:t] хоча (б)

mature [mq’tjuq] дозрівати, розвиватися

kick [kIk] штовхати ногою

transparent [trxns’pFqr(q)nt] прозорий

vernix [‘vq:nIks] сироподібна змазка, першородна змазка

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