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Ex. 16. Translate the text “Endocrine System” into Ukrainian.

Ex. 17. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the endocrine system consist of? 2. What is the function of endocrine system? 3. What glands of external secretion do you know? 4. What glands are the glands of internal secretion? 5. What is a hormone? 6. Where do the hormones circulate?

Ex. 18. Read the following abstract and say what it deals with:

Pituitary gland is at the base of the brain. Thyroid gland is located on either side of the trachea below the thyroid cartilage. Parathyroid glands are located on the dorsal side of the thyroid gland. Pancreas is behind the stomach. The adrenal glands are situated one on top of each kidney.

Ex. 19. Choose the correct terms (parathyroid gland; thyroid gland; adrenal glands; endocrine gland; pancreas; exocrine gland; pituitary gland) for the following definitions:

1. Gland that releases its secretion internally into a body fluid. 2. A gland that releases its secretion to the outside through a duct. 3. A set of glands located near the surface of the thyroid gland. 4. This is a largest gland of the human body. 5. This gland is located in the neck and consists of two lobes. Its hormones are thyroxine and calcitonin. 6. These glands are located atop the kidneys. Each gland consists of a medulla and a cortex. 7. This gland is attached to the base of the brain, has an anterior lobe and a posterior lobe. Most its secretion are controlled by the hypothalamus. Its hormones are growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormones, and some others.

Ex. 20. Choose the correct answer:

A mother consulted the doctor about her son who had grown up in height about 18 cm during the summer. On examination: height – 190 cm, weight – 68 kg. What endocrine gland’s hypersecretion may cause this condition? (thyroid gland, epiphysis, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas)

Ex. 21. Write out key words of the text “Endocrine System”.

Ex. 22. Make up a plan of the text “Endocrine System”.

Ex. 23. Give a summary of the text “Endocrine System”.

Ex. 24. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:

Secretory [sI'krI:tqrI] activity секреторна діяльність; extension подовження; band смуга, зона; зв'язка; vascular судинний; triiodothyronine ["traIaI'OdqTaI'ronIn] трийодтиронін; tetraiodothyronine тетрайодтиронін; thyroxine [TaI'rOksIn] тироксин (гормон щитоподібної залози); parietal [pq'raIItl] парієтальний, пристінковий; peritoneum ["perItqu'nI:qm] очеревина; adrenal cortex ['kO:teks] кора надниркової залози; adrenal medulla [me'dAlq] мозкова речовина надниркової залози; pancreatic islet (Langerhans islet) ['la:Ngqha:ns 'aIlIt] острівець Лангерганса, панкреатичний острівець; norepinephrine ['nourepI'nefrIn] норепінефрин, норадреналін; circulatory system система кровообігу, кровотворна система; glucagon ['glu:kqgOn] гіперглікемічний гормон підшлункової залози, глюкагон; immature ["Imq'tjuq] cell незріла клітина.

Ex. 25. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Hypophysis; antidiuretic; hypothalamus; molecule; initiate protein synthesis; embryonic; capsule; mesoderm; elongate; enzyme.

Ex. 26. Read the following text:

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