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Diabetes mellitus occurs as a result of inadequate secretion of insulin. There are two types of diabetes mellitus: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is also known as type I; and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is known as type II. Viral infection and heredity play definite role in diabetes onset. The symptoms of diabetes mellitus are increased thirst, increased urination, weight loss, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, skin infections, and bladder infections. Diabetes mellitus often is treated by administration of insulin by injection. In some cases diabetes mellitus can be treated by administering drugs that stimulate beta cells to secrete more insulin.




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Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Prefixes and term-elements:

re- (back; again)

to write писати – to rewrite переписувати

to build будувати – to rebuild збудувати заново; перебудувати

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:

Reoperate; regroup; remake; rebuild; recover; remove; recurring; return; reinvasion; reaction.


Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


Examining is necessary.

Огляд обов’язковий.

He likes her correct diagnosing.

Йому подобається, що вона правильно встановлює діагноз.

The necessary part of the examination is listening the heart.

Необхідна частина огляду – це прослуховування серця.

They support her idea of observing the stomach.

Вони підтримують її ідею щодо обстеження шлунку.

After giving injection the nurse left the ward.

Зробивши ін’єкцію, медсестра вийшла з палати (Після того як ін’єкція була зроблена, медсестра вийшла з палати).

It is impossible to make a diagnosis without palpating the abdominal parts.

Неможливо встановити діагноз без пальпації (не пропальпувавши) органи черевної порожнини.

Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to gerunds:

1. In making examination special attention is paid to the patient's complaints. 2. The physiologists continued investigating the embryo growth. 3. The scientists work on increasing people's longevity. 4. After performing on the operation the surgeon left the operating theatre. 5. This scientist worked out the method of producing the hormones in the laboratory. 6. The surgeon began preparing patient for surgical intervention. 7. They continued listening to the lungs attentively. 8. She sat in the ward without turning her head. 9. Follicle-stimulating hormone is primary responsible for initiating the development of the primary follicles. 10. Other drugs administered in treating atherosclerosis are so-called lipotropic substances. 11. New techniques and medications for detecting and treating glaucoma and cataract have made these two leading causes of blindness (амавроз, сліпота) very treatable. 12. Drug errors (e.g., prescribing an appropriate drug, misreading a prescription, administering a drug incorrectly) can lead to serious complications. 13. Vitamins are the substances, which are necessary for normal body functioning.

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