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The respiratory system consists of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea (windpipe), bronchi, and lungs. The respiratory system and the cardiovascular system take oxygen from the air and transport it to individual cells. Air enters the nasal cavity. Then the air passes into the pharynx. After that air reaches the larynx and then trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs. The lungs are the principal organs of the respiration. The right lung is larger than the left. The right lung has three lobes, and the left lung has two. The primary function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the blood and to remove carbon dioxide from it. Respiration involves several important processes: 1) ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the respiratory passages and the lungs; 2) gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood; 3) transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood; and 4) gas exchange between the blood and the tissues.




inflame [In'fleIm] запалюватися

ailment ['eIlmqnt] захворювання, недуга

bring up [brIN] виводити

sputum ['spju:tqm] мокротиння

soreness ['sO:nIs] біль, болісність

constriction [kqn'strIkS(q)n] стиснення

chill [CIl] озноб, гарячка, пропасниця

fever ['fI:vq] жар, лихоманка, підвищена температура

hasten ['heIsn] прискорювати

trace [treIs] слідкувати

occurrence [q'kAr(q)ns] наявність

damp [dxmp] сирість, вологість

community-acquired [q'kwaIqd] позалікарняний

aspiration ["xspq'reIS(q)n] аспірація

distortion [dIs'tO:S(q)n] відхилення, аномалія

sample [sa:mpl] мазок

severity [sI'verItI] тяжкість


Ex. 1. Form new words adding the prefix anti-. Define the part of speech and translate:


toxin токсин – antitoxin антитоксин.

Body, gen, ferment, pepsin, septic, serum, virus, vaccination, bacterial, coagulant, microbic.

Grammar: absolute participle construction

Ex. 2. Read and translate the sentences containing Absolute Participle Constructions:

1. Each lung is conical in shape, its base being on the diaphragm and its apex extending superiorly to a point approximately 2.5 cm superior to each clavicle. 2. Elastic fibers of connective tissue composing the walls of the alveoli, alveolar passages and the visceral pleura enable the lungs to dilate. 3. The lung has the apex extending upward 3-4 cm above the level of the first rib. 4. Andreas Vesalius studied the structure of the inner organs of the human body taking into consideration their functions. 5. During the examination respiration should be uninterrupted, the respiratory rate and rhythm being kept under observation. 6. The respiratory act consists of an inspiratory movement and a short phase, followed by an expiratory movement.

Reading and developing speaking skills

Ex. 3. Read VOCABULARY once more and memorize new words.

Ex. 4. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.

Ex. 5. Insert the missing letters:

Sever_ty; oc_urrence; sput_m; chi_l; constri_tion; comm_nity-acquired; ai_ment; sam_le; sorene_s; asp_ration; infl_me; feve_.

Ex. 6. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Hasten; distortion; aspiration; flu; mucous membrane; air passageways; ailment; spread; deep cough; soreness; chill; fever; drinking extra liquids; damp environment; community-acquired pneumonia; aspiration pneumonia; to detect distortion; a sample of patient’s sputum; severity.

Ex. 7. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Virus; bronchitis; tuberculosis; virtually; cough; breathlessness; recovery; trachea; occurrence; susceptible; acquired; bloody sputum; identify; severity.

Ex. 8. Read the following text:

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