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Lesson 48



ear ['Iq] вухо

deliver [dI'lIvq] передавати

auricle ['O:rIkl] вушна раковина

pinna ['pInq] вушна раковина

wax [wxks] сіра

process ['prqu"ses] обробляти; переробляти

eardrum ['IqdrAm] барабанна перетинка

ossicle ['O:sIkl] кісточка

hammer ['hxmq] молоточок

malleus ['mxlIqs] молоточок (вушна кісточка)

anvil ['xnvIl] коваделко

incus ['INkqs] коваделко (у внутрішньому вусі)

stirrup ['stIrqp] стремінце (слухова кісточка середнього вуха)

stapes ['steIpI:z] стремінце

hearing ['hIqrIN] слух

link [lINk] з’єднувати, зв’язувати

Eustachian tube [ju:s'teISjqn] євстахієва труба

yawn ['jO:n] позіхати; позіхання

equalize ['I:kwqlaIz] вирівнювати

labyrinth ['lxbIrInT] лабіринт

cochlea ['kOklIq] равлик (вуха)

tiny ['taInI] дуже маленький, крихітний

curve [kq:v] вигин, закруглення, кривизна

strike [straIk] вдаряти(ся)

disseminate [dI'semIneIt] розповсюджувати(ся), розсіювати

auditory ['O:dIt(q)rI] слуховий


Ex. 1. Translate the following words paying attention to prefixes:

Effective, ineffective; stable, unstable; visible; invisible; real, unreal; natural, unnatural.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:

Noun as attribute

Kyiv University

Київський університет

granulation tissue

грануляційна тканина

hospital laboratory (laboratory of the hospital)

body’s organs (organs of the body)

лабораторія лікарні

органи тіла

Ex. 3. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

One-cell organism; life cycle; insect infestation; grippe viruses; grippe epidemic; bile acid; bone marrow; fat metabolism; heat production; radiation therapy; stomach juice; lymph system; childhood illness; ear canal; sound vibrations; sound wave.

Ex. 4. Change the following word-combinations moving away particle “of”:


formation of the blood – blood formation

Cells of the blood; ability of the body; process of blood clotting; inhalation of droplets; fluid of the body; products of the blood; diseases of the nervous system; cancer of the skin; wall of the chest; bones of the ear.

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. This membrane allows the lungs to move easily within the chest cavity. 2. The diaphragm and rib muscles relax. 3. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs’ tissues. 4. The spread of disease generally is limited by lymph nodes. 5. The drug regimen often includes combined use of definite medicines. 6. The hair cells induce action potentials in the cochlea neurons.

Reading and developing speaking skills

Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize the following words.

Ex. 7. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:

Ea_; a_ricle; eardr_m; ossi_le; mall_us; in_us; sta_es; coc_lea; d_liver.

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Disseminate; yawn; wax; pinna; process; tiny; auditory; link; malleus; deliver; curve; auricle; hearing; ossicle.

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Eustachian tube; equalize; cochlea; labyrinth; malleus; incus; canal; hair; known; lining; channel; throat; vestibular; pass; to convert; impulse.

Ex. 11. Read the following text:


Ears are the organs of hearing. The ear has three parts: outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. The auricle (pinna) and outer ear canal, which delivers sound to the middle ear, make up the outer ear, the part we see. Within the outer ear wax-producing glands and hairs that protect the middle ear are located.

The function of the middle ear is to deliver sound to the inner ear, where it is processed into a signal that the brain recognizes. The middle ear is a small cavity, with the eardrum on one side and the entrance to the inner ear on the other side. Within the


ear there are three small bones (the ossicles) known as the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup). These bones conduct sound vibrations into the inner ear. The malleus is attached to the lining of the eardrum, the incus is attached to the malleus, and the stapes links the incus to the oval window (the opening to the inner ear).

The middle ear is connected by a narrow channel (the Eustachian tube) to the throat. Ordinarily, the Eustachian tube is closed, but when the person swallows or yawns, it opens to allow an exchange of air, thus equalizing the air pressure within the middle ear and the air pressure outside.

The inner ear contains the most important parts of the hearing mechanism. They are two chambers called the vestibular labyrinth and the cochlea. Tiny hairs line the curves of the cochlea. Both the labyrinth and the cochlea are filled with fluid. When sound waves from the world outside strike the eardrum, it vibrates. These vibrations from the eardrum pass through the bones of the middle ear and into the inner ear through the oval window. Then they disseminate into the cochlea, where they are converted into electrical impulses and are transmitted to the brain by the auditory nerve.

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Вигин, закруглення, кривизна|кривина|; сполучати|з'єднувати|, зв'язувати; вушна раковина; стремінце|; передавати; вирівнювати|урівнювати|; слуховий; барабанна перетинка; обробляти, переробляти; молоточок; кісточка; поширювати|розповсюджувати|(ся|ся|), розсіювати|; слух|чутка|; ковадло; сіра; равлик|слимак|.

Ex. 13. Translate the text “Ear” into Ukrainian:

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:

1. The organs of hearing can be divided into three portions: external (outer), _, and inner ears. 2. The outer ear includes the _ and outer ear canal. 3. The outer ear canal is lined by _. 4. Sound waves are collected by the auricle and are conducted through the outer _ canal. 5. Sound waves _ the eardrum and cause it to vibrate.

Ex. 15. Match the following words with their definitions:

1. Auricle

1. The bony and membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.

2. Auditory ossicle.

2. Middle of the three ossicles in the middle ear.

3. Eardrum.

3. Cellular membrane that separates the outer from the middle ear; it vibrates in response to sound waves.

4. Malleus.

4. Smallest of the three auditory ossicles.

5. Incus.

5. Bone of the middle ear: includes the malleus, incus, and stapes.

6. Stapes.

6. Largest of the three auditory ossicles.

7. Labyrinth.

7. Part of the outer ear that protrudes from the side of the head.

Ex. 16. Complete the following sentences:

1. The auricle is _. 2. The eardrum is _. 3. The incus is _. 4. The malleus is _. 5. The stapes is _.

Ex. 17. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the ear? 2. What does the ear consist of? 3. What are the portions of the outer ear? 4. What does the middle ear consist of? 5. What is the function of the middle ear? 6. What are the most important parts of the inner ear?

Ex. 18. Insert the prepositions:

1. The function _ the middle ear is to deliver sound to the inner ear. 2. The middle ear is a small cavity, with the eardrum and the entrance _ the inner ear. 3. These bones conduct sound vibrations _ the inner ear. 4. The middle ear is connected _ the Eustachian tube to the throat. 5. The inner ear contains the most important parts _ the hearing mechanism. 6. When sound waves _ the world outside strike the eardrum, it vibrates. 7. These vibrations _ the eardrum pass through the bones of the middle ear and into the inner ear. 8. Then they disseminate into the cochlea, where they are converted into electrical impulses and are transmitted _ the brain.

Ex. 19. Try to organize the obtained information in the form of table:

Outer Ear

Middle Ear

Inner Ear

Ex. 20. Write out key words of the text “Ear”.

Ex. 21. Speak on the structure and function of the ear.

Ex. 22. Make up a dialogue on the structure of the ear.

Ex. 23. Read the following text and comment upon it. Try to retell it.

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