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There are many forms of kidneys diseases. Glomerulonephritis results from inflammation of the filtration membrane within the renal corpuscle. It is characterized by an increased permeability of the filtration membrane. The signs and symptoms of glomerulonephritis are the following: tea-colored urine, hypertension, fluid retention, headaches, and generalized aches and pains. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal pelvis, medulla, and cortex. It often begins as a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis. Then it extends into the kidney itself. Pyelonephritis may cause the destruction of nephrons and renal corpuscles. The ability of the kidney to concentrate urine is dramatically affected. As a rule the person has flank pain, high fever, vomiting, and burning sensation during urination. When properly treated, acute pyelonephritis rarely progresses to chronic renal disease. Renal failure may result from any condition that interferes with kidney function. Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney leads to the accumulation of the urea in the blood. In renal failure death may occur in 1 to 2 weeks. Acute renal failure may result from acute glomerulonephritis. In some cases it may be caused by damage to or blockage of renal tubules. Circulatory shock caused by sympathetic vasoconstriction of the renal blood vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.

Lesson 57



cancer [‘kxnsq] рак

excretion [eks’krI:S(q)n] виведення (речовини з організму), екскреція

differentiation [“dIfqrenSI’eIS(q)n] модифікація, пристосування, видозмінення

pattern [‘pxtqn] зразок, модель

orderly [‘O:dqlI] систематичний, упорядкований, організований; правильний

lack [lxk] не мати; відчувати нестачу, потребувати, мати потребу

crowd out [kraud] витискати; замінювати; скупчуватися

restraint [rIs’treInt] обмеження

compete [kqm’pI:t] конкурувати

tumor [‘tjumq] неоплазма, новоутворення; пухлина

nearby [‘nIqbaI] близький, суміжний

via [vaIq] за допомогою чого-небудь.

benign [bI'naIn] доброякісний

attempt [q'tempt] намагатись, прагнути

confine [kqn’faIn] обмежувати

malignant [mq’lIgnqnt] злоякісний

accomplish [q’kOmplIS] досягати

adjacent [q’GeIs(q)nt] розташований поряд; близький, суміжний


Ex. 1. Write the derivatives of the following words and translate them:

Bacteria; number; count; produce; harm; grow; culture; appear; differ; examine; toxic.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:

Functions of the verb “to be”




to be + noun (with a preposition)

Main Verb

The heart is in the chest.

To be + noun (without preposition)


The heart is a muscular organ.

To be + Ving (Continuous Tenses, Active Voice)

to be + being + V3 (Continuous Tenses, Passive Voice)

Auxiliary Verb

The heart is making 120 beats per minute.

He was being examined by the surgeon.

To be + V3 (Simple Tenses, Passive Voice)

to have + been + V3 (Perfect Tenses, Passive voice)

The heart is located in the chest.

A case-history has been filled in.

to be + V (with particle “to”)

Modal Meaning

The heart is to pump blood throughout the vessels.

It + to be

Impersonal Sentences

It is hot.

It was painful.

It is + V3 (Passive Voice)

Indefinite Personal Sentences

It is known that she works here.

Ex. 3. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. Cancer is characterized by abnormal growth of cells. 2. The human body is a living, growing system that contains billions of individual cells. 3. New cells are created through the process of cell division. 4. Cancer therapy is concentrated primarily on trying to confine and then kill the malignant cells. 5. This goal is accomplished by killing the tissue with X-rays. 6. It is important to remember that cancer is very serious disease. 7. Why cancer develops in some people is not fully known. 8. Chemotherapy is the use of medications to treat cancer. 9. The illnesses are associated with a cancer. 10. The major groups of malignant tumors are carcinomas, sarcomas, and mixed-tissue tumors. 11. Students are carrying out very important experiment. 12. Was he preparing Anatomy at 5 o’clock yesterday? 13. The oncologist is to examine this female.

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into English:

Кров’яний тиск|тиснення| цього пацієнта був визначений вчора|учора|. 2. На яких конгресах були прийняті|установлені| всі анатомічні терміни? 3. Напрям|направлення| м’язового скорочення буде встановлений|установлений| експериментально|експериментальний|. 4. Його здоров’я було відновлене після|потім| належного лікування. 5. Вважається|лічить|, що глибокий сон необхідний, щоб|аби| відновити функцію нервової системи. 6. Відомо, що гістологічна будова|споруда| тканини легень і печінки різна|. 7. Без даних аналізів буває складно встановити правильний діагноз. 8. Вважають|гадають|, що хворий повністю|цілком| відновить своє здоров’я до кінця лікування. 9. Хворому необхідно визначити групу крові до операції. 10. Вважали|вважали|, що йому необхідна операція на нирках.

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