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Тема 3. Passive Voice

The English Passive Construction can be translated by

  • The Russian Passive Voice Construction

  • The Russian Active Voice Construction

  • The Constructions with reflexive verbs

  • The impersonal sentence

  1. A new computer has been recently bought for the lab.

  2. It was found that the papers for the conference were printed double space instead of 1.5.

  3. It is assumed that the participants will take care of their accommo­dation themselves

  4. The productivity issue has been given special emphasis to in the meeting.

  5. It was suggested by the commission that the project should be worked out in the context of the new circumstances.

  6. The construction of new houses in another place is being negotiated with the district authorities.

  7. Nobody has been refused a chance to put forward their ideas for discussion.

  8. Making decisions is always preceded by a thorough analysis of the market situation.

  9. They will be shown the draft plan right upon their arrival.

  10. Some new approaches to attracting foreign investments are dealt with in this paper.

  11. The issues of foreign exchange policy are also touched on in the re­port prepared for the board meeting,

  12. The higher inflation rate in the second quarter is accounted for by the Central Bank's loan to the government for the needs of agricul­ture and housing construction.

  13. The decision of merging the companies was followed by dismissing a few hundred employees.

  14. The economic growth is influenced by a number of factors.

  15. The sooner the unification of exchange rates is completed, the more smoothly the companies will adapt to new market conditions.

  16. Practically all the enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries were affected by the financial crisis of 1998.

  17. Social issues will certainly be taken care of by the new manage­ment of the company.

  18. An attempt was made to harmonize the legislation of the two coun­tries right after the presidential elections.

  19. Urgent steps are taken to overcome the consequences of the disaster

  20. The denomination of the local currency had been carried out before a decision on merging the two currencies was passed.

  21. In New-York , Dorothy Donohue, the widow of a murdered policeman, finds it incredible that the killer may be spared the electric chair.

  22. “Ready?” said the old gentleman inquiringly, when his quests gad been washed, mended, brushed and brandied.

No young people were of any importance. Young people’s opinions were not consulted and were not expected to be given either without being asked for.

Задание 5. Prepared Translation

From the news press

4. Переговоры в Японии

Представители США, Южной Кореи и Японии завершили в Токио переговоры о предоставлении КНДР новой техноло­гии атомной энергии. Представитель ми­нистерства иностранных дел Южной Ко­реи сообщил, что достигнут значитель­ный прогресс по этой проблеме, включая образование консорциума. Он будет спе­циализироваться на поставках в КНДР ядерных реакторов южнокорейского об­разца.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... переговоры о предоставлении ...

  2. ... образование консорциума ...

  3. ... специализироваться на ...

4. Talks in Japan

Representatives of the USA, South Korea and Japan have concluded talks in Tokyo on supplying the KPDR (North Ko­rea) with modern technology for nuclear power engineering. A spokesman of the South Korean Foreign Ministry reported that considerable progress had been achieved in solving the problem, including the estab­lishment of a consortium, which would con­centrate on supplying nuclear reactors of a South Korean type to the KPDR.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... talks on supplying ...

  2. ... the establishment of a consortium ...

  3. ... concentrate on ...

5. Тайвань готов вести переговоры с Китаем

Президент Тайваня Ли Дэнхуэй зая­вил в субботу, что его страна готова хоть сто лет вести переговоры с Китаем, чтобы улучшить взаимоотношения. Он не согла­сился с пессимистическими оценками их будущего, прозвучавшими из научных кругов. В пятницу в Пекине безрезультат­но закончился очередной раунд перегово­ров между китайскими и тайваньскими полуправительственными организациями по связям через Тайваньский пролив. Стороны не подписали соглашения о вы­даче угонщиков самолетов и перебежчи­ков, а также соглашения о рыболовстве. Тайвань разочарован отказом Китая при­знать его политической реальностью. Ки­тай же надеется, что Тайвань уступит в вопросах юрисдикции и суверенитета.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... очередной раунд ...

  2. ... прозвучавшие из научных кругов ...

  3. ... окончились безрезультатно ...

5. Taiwan: ready for talks with China

President Ly Denhuay of Taiwan said on Saturday that his country is prepared to conduct talks with China to improve mutual relations, even if such talks last a hundred years. He did not agree with the pessimistic predictions regarding these re­lations, which had been made in scientific circles. On Friday a regular round of talks held in Beijing between Chinese and Tai­wanese semi-governmental bodies on links via the Taiwan Strait ended with no re­sult. The sides failed to sign an agreement on the extradition of hijackers and defec­tors, and no agreement on finishing was concluded. Taiwan was disappointed with China's refusal to recognize it to be a po­litical reality. As for China, it hopes that Taiwan will yield on the questions of legal authority and sovereignty.

Translator's decisions

  1. ... a regular round ...

  2. ... which had been made in scientific circles ...

  3. ... ended with no results ...

27. Будут думать как помочь

Всемирный банк объявил, что 8—9 июня в Париже состоится первая встреча консультативной группы в рамках этой крупнейшей международной финансовой организации для обсуждения хода эконо­мических реформ в России и координа­ции усилий Запада по оказанию содейст­вия этим проблемам.

Переводческие решения

  1. ... в Париже состоится первая встреча .,.

  2. ... в рамках ...

27. Thinking How to Help

The World Bank has announced that Paris will play host June 8—9 to the first meeting of a consultative group to be held under the auspices of this largest finan­cial organization. Those attending will discuss the course of Russia's economic reforms and coordination of the West's ef­forts to contribute to those developments.

Translator's Decisions

  1. ... Paris will play host to the first meeting

  1. ... under the auspices of ...

Задание 6. Articles for Sight Translation, Discussion or Essay Writing.

Buzz junkies

As women take to extreme sports in ever greater numbers, Lindsay Baker asks: why do they choose to live so close to the edge? What would drive an affluent 46-year-old divorcee to abandon her metropolitan comfort zone for an expedition so extreme that only 300 people have ever attempted it? What could compel a perfectly groomed mother of two teenagers to embark on a 69-mile trek to the South Pole, through a waste of ice and snow, in temperatures as cold as -50C, with the risk of altitude sickness and unexpected crevasses at every step, pulling her own 70kg sled behind her?

“I love staying in five-star hotels as much as the next person,” says the intrepid Lucinda Partridge-Hicks, the woman who undertook this venture. “But I’m quite good at roughing it, too. It is strangely humbling being in a harsh environment. You can’t just turn on a tap when you’re thirsty — you have to melt snow, which takes ages. And you have to pee into a plastic funnel to avoid frostbite in sensitive areas.” Partridge-Hicks is far from alone in her love of high-risk adventures. Dangerous pursuits are becoming hugely popular with women, particularly those in their thirties and forties. Whether it’s extreme expeditions or adrenaline sports, there’s been a steady movement in recent years, as a new breed of female daredevils unobtrusively enters what was previously a largely male preserve. “When I thought about it too much, the idea of leaving my children to go on this expedition filled me with horror,” admits Partridge-Hicks. The danger aspect first hit home when she went for a final fitting of her custom-made Michel Guillon glacier goggles, which protected her eyes from the harsh conditions and snow blindness. “The reality of what I was going to face suddenly dawned on me. But it had been a lifelong ambition and I felt compelled to go through with it.”

Her desire to seek out “new experiences and remote places” was engendered by her expat upbringing in West Africa, but her divorce played a part as well: “It made me realise that life may not always be a fairy tale of marriage and happy-ever-after, but that what I did have was more freedom.” Four years ago, as soon as she considered her children old enough (they are currently 15 and 17, and at boarding school), Partridge-Hicks booked herself on her first Arctic dog-sledding trip, for the Disabled Living Foundation. The Antarctic expedition, however, was a different kind of challenge. It required months of training — power-walking for 4-5 miles a day around Hyde Park (sometimes dragging tyres behind her attached to a harness to simulate the weight of her sled), with one 10-mile hike per weekend. She also did private Pilates sessions to help her develop strength and mobility. “Physically and mentally it was very tough,” she admits. “But, as I kept reminding my children before leaving, statistically I’d be more at risk driving down the M4.”

Deb Clarke, a sky-diving enthusiast, has a similar attitude: “The first time I hurled myself out of a plane at 12,500ft, freefalling at 120mph, I was absolutely terrified. Now, after 2,000 dives, the only fear I have is that something could go wrong, so I make sure I’m well prepared. My view is that if you don’t take any risks, you don’t have much of a life — anyway, now I’m hooked to that beautiful feeling of flying. It’s also a positive way of releasing stress and putting everything into perspective. Women are good at skydiving because it requires flexibility as well as stamina. I suspect it’s also because when you’re diving, you feel as though you’re living life to the full.”

This same sense of self-discovery through danger seems to fuel the freediving world champion Tanya Streeter, 31, who is currently the only female athlete in any sport to surpass the men’s record. In freediving, the diver takes a deep breath, then descends into the sea — in Streeter’s case, a remarkable 525ft. Needless to say, there are risks. But she doesn’t seem to mind. “If you’re not living on the edge,” she says, “you’re just taking up space, aren’t you?” On one occasion the equipment that helps propel her back to the surface failed, and Streeter blacked out as she reached the surface. She’s remarkably sanguine about what most would consider a near-death experience: “It’s just the body’s way of coping. It’s called the mammalian dive reflex — you lose consciousness in order to withstand the low level of oxygen.” Oddly enough, Streeter insists she’s a complete “chicken” when it comes to heights, rollercoasters, American freeways, even the dark. But with her sport, she says, she’s “so wrapped up in the challenge” that she forgets that what she’s doing is difficult or dangerous.

“It’s a huge rush,” agrees Robyn Davies, 29, the British women’s surfing champion. The twin dangers with surfing are,  it turns out, “sharks and drowning. It’s the only sport where you can be eaten alive by a wild animal”. She recalls one incident when she was surfing off the coast of Madagascar: “I was caught between a huge set of waves and a gnarly reef. I was out of my comfort zone, and my first instinct was to paddle towards the shallower waters. Then I saw that my way was blocked by a shark splashing around in a frenzy. I was thinking, ‘Do I drown or do I get mauled? ’” Thankfully, she escaped unscathed. So, does the element of danger appeal to her? “I don’t really think of the dangers,” she says. “Unless there are a lot of sharks around.” In fact, none of these women dwells on the danger factor. What they seem to value most is the sense of empowerment and confidence their sports provide elsewhere in their lives. “Whenever I face a challenge,” says Streeter, “I take a deep breath and think, ‘If I can dive hundreds of feet into the sea, then I can do anything. I can handle this.’ The mind will stop you doing something long before your body will — to let your body control your mind is the most amazing feeling.”

Or, as Partridge-Hicks puts it: “A man is just as likely to have a wobbly as a woman.”


Задание 1. Мнемотехника

    1. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

    2. If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?

    3. A big black bug-bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

    4. Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

    5. How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

    6. Birdie birdie in the sky laid a turdie in my eye. lf cows could fly I'd have a cow pie in my eye

    7. Four furious friends fought for the phone.

    8. If Kantie can tie a tie and untie a tie,

    9. Why can't I tie a tie and untie a tie like Kantie can.

III. Just quotes ( Inspirational)

  1. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

  2. You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" (George Bernard Shaw)

  3. You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. (Christopher Columbus)

  4. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And Today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present. (Babatunde Olatunji)

  5. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.(Oscar Wilde)

  6. The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.(Theodore Roosevelt)

  7. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)

  8. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.(Martin Luther King Jr. )

  9. Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.(Mark Twain)

  10. If you want to be happy, be. (Leo Tolstoy)

  11. When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.(Helen Keller)

  12. Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end.(Author Unknown)


"He's a guy like us and he just calls a spade a spade."  (Michele Berdy, a Putin watcher and translator)

1. «В ответ на предложение, чтобы российские военнослужащие сейчас приняли участие в операции в Ираке, так и хочется сказать: «Нашли дураков». (На пресс-конференции по итогам переговоров с Берлускони в Риме. 5.11.2003.)

2. «Надо исполнять закон всегда, а не только тогда, когда схватили за одно место». (Из интервью итальянским СМИ. 4.11.2003.)

3. Об обрезании в интимном месте.«Если вы хотите совсем уж стать исламским радикалом и пойти на то, чтобы сделать себе обрезание, то я вас приглашаю в Москву. У нас многоконфессиональная страна, у нас есть специалисты и по этому «вопросу», и я рекомендую сделать эту операцию таким образом, чтобы у вас уже больше ничего не выросло». (На пресс-конференции в Брюсселе по итогам саммита Россия - ЕС. 12.11.2002.)

4. «Если мозги утекают, значит, они есть. Уже хорошо. Значит, они высокого качества, иначе они никому не были бы нужны и не утекали». (На встрече с победителями Всероссийского конкурса сочинений. 5.06.2003.)

5. «Я не хочу сказать, что нам совершенно безразлично ваше мнение и что мы плевать на все хотели. Нет, мы будем прислушиваться к советам... доброжелательным». (На пресс-конференции после встречи с канцлером ФРГ в Осло. 12.11.2002.)

6. «Мы будем преследовать террористов всюду. Если в туалете поймаем, то и в сортире их замочим». (На пресс-конференции в Астане. 24.09.1999.)

7.«Самое простое - махать шашкой, рубить головы и выглядеть на этом фоне крутым руководителем». (На пресс-конференции в Кремле. 20.06.2003.)

 1. At a news conference in Rome, May 11, 2003: "In answer to the proposal that Russian troops take part in operations in Iraq, you just want to say, 'Right, like we're that stupid."'

2. Speaking about Russia's oligarchs, who got rich quick after the fall of the Soviet Union, April 11, 2003: "Everyone has to understand, once and for all, that you've got to obey the law all the time, and not just when someone's got you by the short hairs."

3. Alluding to circumcision in answer to what he considered an impertinent question about the war in Chechnya, at a news conference in Brussels, Nov. 13, 2002: "If you want to completely become an Islamic radical and get yourself sliced off, I invite you to come to Moscow. We're a multifaith country and we've got specialists in that 'question' and I suggest you get that operation done in such a way that nothing will grow back."

4. On the emigration of talent from Russia, June 6, 2003: "If there's a brain drain, that means there are brains here. That's a good start. It means they're high quality; otherwise nobody would want them and they wouldn't drain."

5. On contrary opinions, at a news conference after meeting the German chancellor in Oslo, Nov. 13, 2002: "I don't want to say that your opinion means absolutely nothing to us and that we want to spit on everything. No, we will listen to your advice with good will."  


6. On pursuing terrorists, Sept. 24, 1999 (perhaps Putin's most quoted remark): "We'll chase down the terrorists everywhere. If we catch them in the toilet, then we'll wipe them out in the outhouse."

7. On talking tough, June 20, 2003: "The simplest thing is to wave around a saber, cut off heads and make yourself look like a tough leader."

 Answering a question on what he would really like to do as president, but cannot, June 5, 2003: "I can't go beyond the framework of the Russian Constitution, although sometimes I'd really like to."

Задание 2. Sight Translation

News in Brief 4 (World Events)

  1. A recommendation that United Nations members discourage activities that help Israeli settlement-building was passed by the General Assembly by 131 votes to 3, with 14 abstentions.

  2. On a visit to Beijing, the Japanese prime minister sought to allay Chinese fears about a strengthened security pact with the United States.

  3. In the latest of a number of signs of social unrest in China, about 500 retired civil servants demonstrated in Dujiangyan, in Sichuan province. They demanded higher pensions.

  4. For the first time, the President of the Philippines did not rule out running for a second term next year, if the constitution were amended to allow this. The Roman Catholic Church, which is strong in the Philippines, said it was opposed to a constitutional change.

  5. Italy's foreign minister suggested delaying accepting new states if too many countries fail to meet the criteria, but the European Commission dismissed the idea. Some nations appeared likelier to meet the targets after officials said that adopting EU accounting standards would take a sliver off the government deficit.

  6. WASHINGTON – The number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. has dropped for the first time in two decades, a new study finds. The reasons range from the sour economy to Mexican violence and increased U.S. enforcement that has made it harder to sneak across the border. Much of the decline comes from a sharp drop-off in illegal immigrants from the Caribbean, Central America and South America attempting to cross the southern border of the U.S., according to the Pew Hispanic Center.

  7. WASHINGTON – Under the shadow of fresh violence, President Barack Obama solemnly convened the first direct Israeli-Palestinian talks in two years Wednesday, challenging Mideast leaders to seize a fleeting opportunity to deliver peace to a region haunted by decades of hostility. "I am hopeful, cautiously hopeful, but hopeful," Obama said with the leaders of Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinians beside him in the crowded East Room of the White House. Earlier Obama had met with each individually, and they gathered afterward for dinner.

  8. SYDNEY – A Tasmanian devil named Cedric, once thought to be immune to a contagious facial cancer threatening the iconic creatures with extinction, has been euthanized after succumbing to the disease, researchers said Wednesday. The Tasmanian devil population has plummeted by 70 percent since Devil Facial Tumor Disease was first discovered in 1996. The snarling, fox-sized creatures — made famous by their Looney Tunes cartoon namesake Taz — don't exist in the wild outside Tasmania, an island state south of the Australian mainland.

  9. The Manhattan lawyer who thinks the big problem with singles clubs is that women pay less to get in got the big brush off in court yesterday. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals rejected claims by self-proclaimed "anti-feminist lawyer" Roy Den Hollander that letting women past the velvet rope for free or half price on "Ladies Nights" violates the Constitution.

  10. WASHINGTON – Is the tea party becoming the new Grand Old Party (Republican Party)? The grass-roots network of fed-up conservative-libertarian voters displayed its power in its biggest triumph of the election year: the toppling of Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska's GOP primary. Political novice Joe Miller is the fifth tea party insurgent to win a GOP Senate nominating contest, an upset that few, if any, saw coming.

Задание 3. Грамматические трудности перевода