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  1. Ложечка моя желобовыгибистая, да с переподвыподвертом.

  2. Four furious friends fought for the phone.

  1. Стоит гора посреди двора. На дворе - трава, на траве - дрова. Не руби дрова на траве двора!

  2. How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot

  1. Свинья белорыла, тупорыла, полдвора рылом изрыла.

  2. If Kantie can tie a tie and untie a tie, why can't I tie a tie and untie a tie like Kantie can.

1.3. Повтор с переводом. Inspirational Quotes

    1. You have to have a darkness...for the dawn to come.(Harrison Ford)

    2. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.(Lao Tzu)

    3. I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.(Voltaire)

    4. True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all. (Socrates)

    5. A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child.(Order of the Knights of Pythagoras)

    6. Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.(Chinese Proverb)

    7. Life is too important to be taken seriously.(Oscar Wilde)

    8. Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.(Confucius)

    9. There is no sin except stupidity.(Oscar Wilde)

    10. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.(Plato)

Задание 2. Response rate

News in Brief 10 (World Events)

10A. Сторонник жесткого курса- to abide by a peaceful policy – отказаться от насилия- run for president -- крайне правая партия – rescind an agreement – умственно неполноценный – lay down an agenda – признать законным – set out – toughen a bill – не разрешать выдачу – retroactive law – подлежащий выдаче другому государству- be shot dead - разведывательная служба- advocate reforms – парализовать, привести к остановке – off-year elections – выиграть с легкостью – buffeted by financial turmoil – выход из экономических трудностей с чьей-либо помощью – deregulated price – закон о сокращении вмешательства правительства в экономику.


10 B. Hardliner – придерживаться миролюбивой политики- repudiate violence – баллотироваться на пост президента- far-right party – аннулировать договор – mentally handicapped – составить/представить план – legalize – отправиться – ужесточить законопроект – oppose extradition – закон с обратной силой – be extraditable – быть застреленным – intelligence agency – поддерживать реформы – bring to a standstill – промежуточные ( дополнительные) выборы – romp home – пострадать от финансовых неурядиц – bail-out – цена на сырье,не регулируемая правительством – deregulation law


Задание 3. Sight Translation

  1. The main Croat party in Bosnia said it would boycott local elections this year, Serbs dropped a similar threat. NATO troops blocked roads to Banja Luka to prevent a demonstration against the president of Bosnia's Serb Republic by supporters of her hardline rival.

  2. Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA, formally agreed to abide by democratic means and to repudiate violence, earning a place in all-party talks on Northern Ireland's future.

  3. John Hume, leader of the main non-violent Catholic party in Northern Ireland, decided not to run for president of the Irish Republic. Opinion polls suggested he would have won.

  4. The leader of Austria's far-right Freedom Party won permission to seek the minimum 100,000 signatures needed to force a referendum on whether Austria should join Europe's single currency.

  5. Germany's unemployment figure rose by another 49,000 to a record 4.46 m but the economy grew at a healthy annual rate of 2.9% in the second quarter.

  6. Sweden's ruling Social Democratic party rescinded a promise of tax cuts for low and middle-income households.

  7. Colombia’s upper house (of Parliament) voted to toughen a bill allowing extradition of Colombians that could also apply retroactively. It faces trouble from several sides – not least the “extradi-tables”: drug dealers who have threatened a campaign of violence like the one that got extradition of citizens banned in 1991.

  8. A North Korean soldier was shot dead by South Korean forces in the worst border clash for year.

  9. A satirical weekly, Paris-Hebdo, said that thousands of mentally handicapped women had been forcibly sterilized in France. The government said it would investigate.

  10. Economic reform was thrown into doubt in Menialand after the Supreme Court ruled against an oil-deregulation law.

  11. Kenya;s parliament passed constitutional reforms that had originally been advocated, at some cost to itself, by the opposition reform movement but have since been taken up by President.

  12. In the closest race among the off-year elections in the United States, Christie Whiteman, the Republican governer of New Jersey, squeaked to victory by 47% to 46%. Another Republican, jim Gilmore, won the governor’s race in Virginia. Incumbent mayors romped home in New York, Detroit and Boston.

  13. Some 340,000 striking lorry-drivers and their mates brought France to a standstill, with demands for more pay and shorter working hours while the prime minister urged drivers and employers to negotiate but held back from sending in police to remove most barricades. Neighboring countries complained.
