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1.3. Перевод на слух 1-3 предложений без записи

Настоящие матросы :)

1. Военно-парусное судно «Конституция» («U.S.S. Constitution») могло взять на борт 184.000 литров пресной воды. Этого объема было достаточно для обеспечения команды из 475 матросов и офицеров пресной водой на шесть месяцев плавания. Дистилляторов на судне не было.

2. Согласно записям в бортжурнале, 27 июля 1798 г. «Конституция» отошла из Бостона с полной командой в кол-ве 475 матросов и офицеров с миссией уничтожать и тревожить британские торговые судна.

3. На борту было 184.000 л пресной воды, 7.400 ядрами для пушек, 5.300 кг пороха и 300.000 (!) л рома.

4. 6 октября 1798 г. судно пришло на о. Ямайка, где команда загрузила на борт 375 кг муки и 258.000 л рома.

5. 12 ноября 1798 г. судно пришло на Азоры. Провизия судна пополнилось на 250 кг вяленой говядины и 243.000 л португальского крепленого вина.

6. 18 ноября 1798 г. судно отправилось к берегам туманного Альбиона. По пути оно уничтожило 5 британских военных кораблей и затопило (проделав дырки в днищах и бортах) 12 торговых кораблей, забрав на борт только запасы рома с каждого из этих судов.

7. 26 января 1799 г. на «Конституции» закончились порох и ядра. Несмотря на это, судно совершило ночной набег в заливе Фирт-оф-Клайд у берега Шотландии. Десантный отряд захватил спирто-водочный завод и к рассвету загрузил на борт 151.000 л виски. Затем судно отправилось домой.

8. 20 февраля 1799 г. «Конституция» вернулась в Бостон, без пороха, без ядер, без еды, без капли рома, виски или вина, но зато с 146.000 л застоявшейся пресной воды.

( distiller, take goods aboard, pull out/leave, cannon ball, rum, arrive at, dried beef, fortified wine, foggy Albion, stagnant water)

Задание 2. Sight translation

News in Brief 2 (World Events)

  1. The US President used his new line-item veto power, instead of having to pass or kill a whole measure, to delete three items in last week's budget legislation. The Republicans, who first suggested this new sort of veto, were furious. A year after the United States reformed its welfare law, the number of welfare recipients has dropped by almost a quarter, to 10.7m people, the smallest percentage of the population since 1970.

  2. Visiting Washington, Chile's foreign minister discussed new American plans for a bilateral trade deal, and a possible purchase of F-I6 fighters, now that the ban on sales of advanced weaponry to Latin America has been lifted.

  3. Guerrilla (партизанские) attacks continued in Colombia, despite a brief meeting between the government's chief peace-seeker and a FARC (rebel) spokesman. Next day a senator close to President Ernesto Samper was killed, probably by the rival ELN.

  4. Mexico's opposition parties agreed on an alliance to deprive the ruling PR of its outright (full) control of the lower house of Congress. But they are still far apart on policy. An unexpected last-minute decision by the Protestant Orange Order to reroute or abandon some of its hotly disputed marches helped to avoid widespread violence in Northern Ireland.

  5. NEW ORLEANS – President Barack Obama celebrated New Orleans's revival from Hurricane Katrina on Sunday in a visit symbolizing common purpose with residents in the continuing struggle to protect and rebuild the Gulf Coast. The president visited a local institution in the once-flooded midcity, the Parkway Bakery and Tavern, en route to a speech at Xavier University. Obama came to the Gulf five years to the day from when Katrina roared ashore in Louisiana and flooded 80 percent of the city.

  6. WASHINGTON – If Democrats had doubts about the voter unrest that threatens to rob them of their majority in Congress, they needed only look from the Capitol this weekend to the opposite end of the National Mall.It's where Ken Ratliff joined tens of thousands of other anti-government activists at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial for conservative commentator Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally.

  7. BERLIN – Top German officials and immigrant leaders on Sunday condemned remarks by a board member of Germany's federal bank as racist and anti-Semitic. Chancellor Angela Merkel said the Bundesbank should discuss dismissing the banker. Thilo Sarrazin of the Bundesbank came under fire for telling the weekly newspaper Welt am Sonntag that "all Jews share the same gene." He also said Muslim immigrants across Europe were not willing or capable of integrating into western societies.

  8. LONDON – Internet phasing out printed Oxford Dictionary. It's been in print for over a century, but in future the Oxford English Dictionary — the authoritative guide to the English language — may only be available online.Oxford University Press, the publisher, said Sunday that burgeoning demand for the dictionary's online version has far outpaced demand for the printed versions. By the time the lexicographers behind the dictionary finish revising and updating the latest edition — a gargantuan task that will take many more years — publishers are doubtful there will still be a market for the printed form.

  9. Blackhawk class of 2012 will have no valedictorian. Class rankings for high school students are slowly fading into the past — like school bells and paddling — as public education continues its evolution into a highly competitive world of college prep courses and online classes. The Blackhawk Area School District two years ago became the first to discontinue class rankings, a change that will take effect with the class of 2012. The district will still compute class rank. It will be available upon request through the guidance department.

  10. U.S. troops have died in weekend attacks in Afghanistan's embattled southern and eastern regions, while officials found the bodies Sunday of five kidnapped campaign aides working for a female candidate in the western province of Herat.Two servicemen died in bombings Sunday in southern Afghanistan, while two others were killed in a bomb attack in the south on Saturday, and three in fighting in the east the same day, NATO said. Their identities and other details were being withheld until relatives could be notified.

Задание 3.Грамматические трудности перевода.