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Expressions to be memorized

all-in-one – все в одном

to be selected from – быть отобранным из

to move from – переезжать из

double-breasted waistcoatжилет с подкладом на груди

western tailoringзападный стиль по пошиву одежды

stand collar – воротник «стойка»

such as – такой как

up-to-the-minute style – быстрый стиль

three-piece suite – костюм «тройка»

abstractly patternedсвободно смоделированный, свободный покрой

to complete the ensemble – завершать ансамбль (в одежде)


1. Give nouns of the same root:

to select, to introduce, to reflect, to start, to cut, to complete, to decorate, to arrange, to exaggerate, to embellish, to present, to design, to combine, to reflect, to wear, to move, to admire, to own, to exhibit, to invent, to create;

2. Translate the following adjectives and use them as attributes to some nouns:

dramatic, flowing, velvet, heavy, silk, impressive, wedding, antique, fashionable, revolutionary, male, bohemian, slim, neat, formal, distinctive, colarless, western, narrow, decorative, woolen, historical, conservative, exotic;

3. Substitute an English word or expression from the text for the Russian one in brackets:

  1. The Bohemian centre of London (переехал) from Soho to Chelsea in the mid-1960s.

  2. Gibbs wore eleborate (жилет с подкладом на груди), velvet ties, striped Turkish shirts and cravats.

  3. In the early 1960s the Parisian tailors introduced jackets with Mao collars into fashionable (западном стиле по пошиву одежды).

  4. The jacket is slim in cut and buttons at the neck with a neat (воротник-«стойка»), thus negating the need for the formal, starched shirt and tie conventionally worn with a suit.

  5. Key figures (такие как французские дизайнеры одежды) led by examples and commercialized their own distinctive styles.

  6. The extravagant and perfect suit was made by the designer in the (так называемом «быстром стиле») of wide lapels, pocket flaps and narrow trousers.

  7. Brown leather boots, with elastic sides, (завершили ансамбль).

  8. (Костюм-тройка из шерсти), with broad lapels and flared trousers by Tommy Nutter, reflects this latter mood of a designer.

  9. Georgina von Etzdorf has perpetuated her trend in the 1990s with her deeply coloured, (свободно покроенный), velvet dressing gown.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

  1. Fashion designers favoured tweed all-in-one suits.

  2. Norman Parkinson was truly eclectic in his dress, embracing traditional tweed suits as well as Indian-style silk tunics, accessorized with headwear selected from his impressive collection.

  3. The transition, to the more fashion-oriented borough, was paralleled by an increased interest in style.

  4. It combines historical and ethnic references with traditional western tailoring.

  5. Rupert Green designed a cream silk crepe shirt, with an eighteen-century style stock, to wear with a three-piece suit.

  6. Traditionally, white linen and pristine cream wool suits, abstractly patterned, had associations with colonial dress and picnics near the river.