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Expressions to be memorized

autumn/winter collection – осеннее-зимняя коллекция

best efforts – самые большие усилия

British fashion silhouette – силуэт (покрой) по английской моде

hand-crafted – пошитый, сделанный вручную

mans suit – мужской костюм

mass-produced tailoring – массовое производство (одежды), массовый пошив

more frequently – наиболее часто

optical illusion – визуальный обман

skinny suits – облегающий костюм

stylish Utility clothing – стильная упрощенная одежда

three-piece suit – костюм «тройка»

trouser suit – брючный костюм

to receive commissions (for) – получать заказ


1. Use an expression or word from the text instead of the Russian one in brackets:

  1. Coco Channel is a French fashion designer.

  2. Тhe British designers (получили заказ на) (осеннее-зимнюю коллекцию).

  3. In autumn collection in 1996 the British coterie presented English (облегающий костюм).

  4. (Самые большие усилия) of the post-war period were made to develop the British fashion and fashion industry.

  5. In this creations of Savile Row we can see the style of the (великий художник).

  6. It was (наиболее часто) in romantic eveningwear than in tailored daytime styles.

  7. British designer clothes were relying heavily on (визуальный обман) rather than cloth.

  8. (Мужской костюм) is a more humble piece, and helps to explain the desperation people felt for a change of clothes.

  9. Both (пошитый вручную) and (массовый пошив) were every bit as important to the British wardrobe as they remain today.

  10. The woman’s suit is a fine response to the government’s call for (стильная одежда).

2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What did the American designer R. Lauren offer?

  2. Who worn his collection?

  3. Was hand-crafted clothing an important to the British in the 1940s?

  4. What was happened with British fashion by 1945?

  5. What was the British fashion silhouette in that period of time?

  6. Could the effect of Dior be ignored by British designers?

  7. Did British designers draw on it to create clothes?

  8. Why were the front flaps added on top?

  9. What was the British solution in the question of fashion?

  10. Were the British clothes relying on optical illusion?

3. Compose sentences using the following words and expressions:

to offer, to be worn by (men or women), to be central to British fashion, to be extremely limited, to be a humble piece, to be forbidden, to be more frequently, the effect of (somebody or something), to exaggerate the effect, to be cut in.

4. Translate the following text into the English:

Весеннюю моду 60-х годов прошлого века задавал не Лондон, а Париж. Сенсационная коллекция Кристиана Диора превзошла все остальные и имела ошеломляющий успех. Модные журналы «New Look» и «Vogue» регулярно печатали статьи, посвященные французской моде. Эффект Диора нельзя было игнорировать. Британские дизайнеры опирались на работы Диора, создавая свое собственное направление. В своих работах они использовали складки, которые придавали эффект завершенности изделиям. Складки любой формы использовались для мужской и женской одежды. В своих работах британские модельеры полагались в основном на визуальный обман.