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Notes to the text

1 the Good Shepherd — Добрый Пастырь (подразумевается Христос)

2 the more gorgeously to attire itself с тем, чтобы еще пышнее одеться

3 such myths... as could be interpreted in any Christian sense — такие мифы..., которые могли бы быть применены к христианскому учению

4 received special emphasis — получали особое значение

5 bee-hive cell — полукруглая келья, имеющая форму улья в монастыре

на горе св. Михаила в Ирландии

6 A. D. (Anno Domini) — нашей эры; ср.: В. С. (before Christ) — до на- шей эры

7 considered as art — с художественной стороны; букв, рассматриваемые как искусство

8 testify to the value — свидетельствуют о качестве, достоинствах

Expressions to be memorized

in course of time — с течением времени

to come into use — начать применяться

but little — лишь немного

to look to — обращаться к ...

to attach importance — придавать значение

to be of use — быть полезным

to give expression — выражать

in length — в длину, длиной ,

in character — по характеру; ср.: in manner - манере in style — по стилю


1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the following list:

to afford, gradually, to point (to), to trace (to), to erect, similar, to ascer­tain, to attempt, extremely, to account (for), fashion, interlaced;

1. The Emperor Justinian ___ the remarkable church of Hagia Sophia at enormous expense.

2. The old pagan myths ___ began to be interpreted in a Christian sense.

3. Some experts had been consulted in order ___ that the picture was authentic.

4. The poor state of the frescoes ___ to their having been exposed to dampness.

5. The fact that his sculptures lacked vigour and individuality ___ Warrington Wood's failure to become a great artist.

6. On a stormy night the little hut high up in the mountains ___ a shelter to the weary traveller.

7. A ___ design of ___ patterns can be met with in Byzantine manuscripts of the sixth century. 8. Early potters produced their ware in a very primitive___.

9 It is sometimes___difficult to establish the exact date of a find.

10. The standing figures in Byzantine miniatures can be ___ to the ancient Greek statues of philosophers, poets and orators.

11. You need not even ___ to finish your work in so short a time.

12. The belief in the resurrection of the body could have ___ for the importance attached to the tomb.

2. Give words of the same root and translate them into Russian:

to save, pagan, Christ, to believe, sepulcher, feeble, to bury, to inscribe, similar, certain, distribute, gorgeous, round;

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. I hope these books will be of use to you.

2. The wall surrounding the Kremlin is 2,5 km in length.

3. The copy of the manuscript is so marvelously executed that it differs but little from the original.

4. The custom of placing a cross on the tomb must not have come into use in Britain until the fifth century.

5. To understand some peculiarities of Van Gogh's art one should look to the early years of his artistic career.

6. These miniatures are exquisite both in style and execution.

7. At first I did not attach importance to the man's words.

8. Many ways and customs disappear in course of time.

9. In his landscapes Constable gave expression to his love of English natural beauty.