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Expressions to be memorized

to take shape on the body – сидит (одежда) по фигуре

as a result – в результате

a variety of figure types – различные типы фигур

to be inspired by smth. – быть вдохновленным чем-либо

at the same time – в тоже время

to be much enriched – значительно обогащаться

with detailed illustrations – с подробными иллюстрациями

to graduate from smth. – заканчивать какое-либо учебное заведение

clothing patterns – модели одежды

to launch the fashion label – запустить марку (в моде)

to design clothes – конструировать одежду

garment construction – конструирование одежды

source of inspiration – источник вдохновения

in particular – в особенности


      1. Look the phonetical transcription of the following words and learn to pronounce them properly:

manipulate, idiom, bohemian, natural, textile, ethnic, ethnicity, silhouette, multicultural, chiffon, djellabah-style dress, antique, shawl, asymmetry, drape, technique, eloquent, emphasis, embellishment, visual, reign;

2. Read and translate the names of the countries:

Morocco, China, Japan, India, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Italy, France, Hungary, German, Great Britain, Brazil, Spain, Syria;

3. Give English equivalents for the Russian expressions given in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The asymmetry and drape of the Indian sari was another (источник вдохновения) which dominated in spring collection.

2. The printed design is called “knitted circle” and (был вдохновлен) examples of historical knitting.

3. Zandra Rhodes (закончила) the textile course at the Royal College of Art.

4. Museum collections and published works (с подробными иллюстрациями моделей одежды) have been potent sources of inspiration to fashion designers.

5. (В то же время), British society was becoming increasingly multicultural.

6. The clothes are comfortable, (сидит по фигуре) and many are full length.

7. Fashion (значительно обогатилась) by the designers.

8. Developing the shapes from non-western (моделирования одежды), the designers skillfully manipulated large expanses of the fabric to create innovative fashion trends.

9. (В результате), they are flattering for (различные типы фигур) and age groups.

10. Zandra Rhodes (запустила свою собственную марку) in 1969.

11. She started (моделировать одежду) in 1964.

  1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the following list:

Chinese jacket, trend, decoration caftans, asymmetry, ethnic cut, silhouette, clothes, patterns, clientele, shawls, silk chiffon;

    1. _____ and drape of the Indian sari dominated the spring/summer collection in 1976.

    2. The _____ was international and found eloquent expression in Britain.

    3. She has reflected the visual experiences of her travels and historical research in the textile _____.

    4. Fashion designers fully embraced _____, construction and textiles of a variety of non-western clothing traditions.

    5. The _____ take shape on the body.

    6. The _____, made in brilliantly coloured printed silks, attracted the _____.

    7. There is much emphasis upon hand-worked surface _____ and a bold use of colour.

    8. Porter designed chiffon garments and _____.

    9. Silk-velvet, jewelled _____, featured in Vogue, represents an early post-war example.

    10. From 1972 Bill Gibb regularly exploited _____ and construction techniques in his collections.

    11. The collection includes a screen-printed, _____, hooded, djellabah-style dress.