- •1 Unit 1 Art and Design
- •Four steps towards modern art.
- •Giorgione - Caravaggio — Manet - Cezanne
- •Notes to the text
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give words of the same root and translate them into Russian:
- •2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
- •3. Substitute an English expression from the list given above fot the Russian one in brackets:
- •4. Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of the text:
- •5. Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text II John Warrington Wood, Sculptor
- •Notes to the text
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •1. Use an expression or word from the text instead of the Russian one in brackets:
- •2. Answer the following questions:
- •3. Compose sentences using the following words and expressions:
- •4. Translate the following text into English:
- •Vocabulary to de memorized
- •Text III Lucas d'Heere, painter and poet of Ghent
- •Notes to the text
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give English equivalents for the following words and expression:
- •2. Insert suitable prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian:
- •3. Give English equivalents for the Russian expressions in brackets:
- •4. Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text IV The Discoveries in Crete
- •Exercises
- •1. Look up the phonetical transcription of the following words and learn to pronounce them properly:
- •2. Give English equivalents for the Russian expressions given in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian:
- •3. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the following list:
- •4. Link adjectives with suitable nouns:
- •5. Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Italian painting 1200-1600
- •Notes to the text
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text VI The story of art in the British Isles
- •Notes to the text
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the following list:
- •2. Give words of the same root and translate them into Russian:
- •3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
- •4. Answer the following questions:
- •5. Think of other questions you can put to the text.
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text VII Paul Gauguin
- •Notes to the text
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Translate the following words Into Russian, memorize them, and use them in sentences:
- •2. Substitute an English word or expression from the text for the Russian join in brackets:
- •3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions from the text. Pay special attention to the prepositions:
- •4. Retell Gauguin's biography using the following questions as an outline of your story:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text VIII
- •Italian painting 1200—1600
- •Text IX The Santa Croce Frescoes
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Form adverbs from the following adjectives by means of the suffix -ly and translate both adjectives and adverbs into Russian:
- •2. Link adjectives with suitable nouns:
- •3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
- •4. Translate from Russian into English using expressions from the text:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text X Paris Commentary
- •Notes to the text
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give nouns of the same root:
- •2. Translate the following adjectives and use them as attributes to some noun:
- •3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions from the text:
- •4. Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •2 Unit 2 Design and Fashion Text I Britain and Fashion
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give English equivalents for the following words and end expressions:
- •2. Give words of the same root and translate them into Russian :
- •3. Translate into English:
- •4. Find English equivalents for the Russian expressions in brackets :
- •5. Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text II The Unforgivable disadvantage of being English in England
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give synonyms or synonymous expressions for the following words:
- •2. Give words of the same root:
- •3. Insert suitable prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian:
- •4. Put questions to the text using the following verbs:
- •5. Make up sentences with the following words and expressions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text III Fashion in the art schools (part 1)
- •(Part 2)
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Form nouns from the following verbs:
- •2. Translate the following words into English:
- •3. Answer the following questions:
- •4 Translate the following sentences into English using the vocabulary of the text:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text IV British fashion today
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •Read the following word combinations and translate them into Russian:
- •Complete the following sentences:
- •Answer the following questions:
- •Write a summary of the following text in English:
- •5. Summarize your knowledge of the question under consideration. Speak on the different aspects of British fashion today. You may use the following plan:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text V British and English Traditions in Fashion
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Use an expression or word from the text instead of the Russian one in brackets:
- •2. Answer the following questions:
- •3. Compose sentences using the following words and expressions:
- •4. Translate the following text into the English:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text VI Different styles in fashion
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •Read correctly the names of the fashion designers:
- •Give the phonetical transcription of the following words and learn their pronunciation:
- •Translate the following words and expressions into English using the text:
- •Give the words of the same root and translate them into Russian:
- •Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text VII Romantic style
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
- •2. Insert suitable prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian:
- •3. Give English equivalents for the Russian expressions in brackets:
- •4. Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text VIII Bohemian style
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •Look the phonetical transcription of the following words and learn to pronounce them properly:
- •2. Read and translate the names of the countries:
- •3. Give English equivalents for the Russian expressions given in brackets and translate the sentences into Russian:
- •Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the following list:
- •Link adjectives with suitable nouns:
- •Answer the following questions:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text IX Fashion and bohemian designers
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Form adverbs from the following adjectives by means of the suffix –ly and translate both adjectives and adverbs into Russian:
- •2. Link adjectives with suitable nouns:
- •3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
- •4. Translate from Russian into English using expressions from the text:
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •Text X Bohemian suits
- •Expressions to be memorized
- •Exercises
- •1. Give nouns of the same root:
- •2. Translate the following adjectives and use them as attributes to some nouns:
- •3. Substitute an English word or expression from the text for the Russian one in brackets:
- •4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
- •5. Think of the questions you can put to the text.
- •6. Retell the text “Bohemian suits” using the plan below: Plan
- •Vocabulary to be memorized
- •3 Unit 3 Supplementary Material
- •Texts about Design
- •Text b Good Design
- •Text c Futurism
- •Text d Form and decor
- •Text e Hieroglyphic writing
- •Text g Plastics
- •Text h Automobile Design
- •4 Unit 4 Supplementary Material
- •Texts about Fashion
- •Тext a
- •Text b Hats in the 1940s
- •Text c Hats in the 1950s.
- •Text d Hats in the 1980s
- •Text e Handbags
- •Text f Handbags and shoes
- •Text g Shoes
- •Text h Boots
- •Список использованных источников
Notes to the text
1 reaction took over again — вновь наступила реакция
2 had to go into exile — был вынужден покинуть родину
3 on the voyage — в пути
4 he gave up the sea — отказался от карьеры моряка; букв. отказался от моря
5 took a position — поступил на работу, занял должность
6 followed a successful business career — успешно занимался коммерческими делами, был преуспевающим дельцом
7 to haunt exhibitions — постоянно посещать выставки
8 decided to abandon the bank — решил уйти из банка
9 above all — больше всего
10 discouraged and penniless —обескураженный (упавший духом) и без копейки денег
a willful flatness of planes — преднамеренная плоскостность изображения
12 in the fall — осенью (амер.)
13 suffered a nervous breakdown — заболел нервным расстройством
14 if only for a short while — хотя бы на короткое время
15 abandoned himself to his favourite dream — предавался своим излюбленным мечтаниям
16 disposing of everything 'he owned at the auction — распродав все свое имущество на аукционе
17 to buy back — выкупить
18 the threat of imprisonment released him to death — смерть избавила его от тюремного заключения
Expressions to be memorized
back in France — по возвращении во Францию
at seventeen — семнадцати лет
to go to sea — отправляться в плавание
to give up something — отказаться от чего-либо, забросить
it was not long until ... — вскоре, очень скоро
body and soul — всей душой
to take up painting — заняться живописью
to move to some place — переехать куда-нибудь
to turn out a failure — оказаться полной неудачей, «провалиться»
to obtain employment — получить работу
to abandon art — отказаться от искусства, зд. бросить живопись
to be overcome by desire — быть охваченным желанием
to earn a passage — заработать на проезд; ср.:
to earn one's living — заработать на жизнь
to fall in love (with) — влюбиться, зд. быть очарованным
to go to live — переехать, поселиться
to break away (from) — порвать с чем-либо, отойти от чего-либо
at the insistence — по настоянию
to join somebody — присоединиться к кому-нибудь, объединиться с кем-либо, зд. поселился вместе с Ван Гогом
to leave for some place — уехать куда-либо
to attract attention — привлечь внимание
to set out to work — начать работать, приступить к работе
to hold a comprehensive exhibition — устроить большую, разностороннюю
выставку работ
to meet with little success — почти не иметь успеха
to go for a ridiculous price — быть проданным за смехотворно низкую цену
to take interest (in) —интересоваться чем-либо
1. Translate the following words Into Russian, memorize them, and use them in sentences:
Nouns: account, landscape, exhibition, price, canvas, subject, failure,
aspirations, novelty, surroundings, experience, belongings.
Adjectives: expensive, amazing, brilliant, ornamental, decorative, modest, ridiculous, matter-of-fact, grief stricken, ambitious.
Verbs: to haunt, to admire, to consecrate, to persuade, to infuse, to endure to attempt, to improve.
Adverbs: tremendously, frequently, eventually;