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International economics1.doc
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    1. Read and learn the following words and word combinations. Translate the examples:

shipping documents – вантажна документація

title to goods – право власності на товар; entitle v – надавати право

e.g. Shipping documents are usually documents of title to the goods.

negotiable adv – обіговий, оборотний; той, що можна переда­вати/переуступати

e.g. These documents can be sold or bought, that is they are negotiable.

The Bill of Lading (B/L) – коносамент, транспортна накладна на вантаж при морських перевезеннях; розписка капітана судна (master of the ship), що підтверджує прийом вантажа на борт; clean B/L – чистий коносамент; dirty/foul/claused B/L – брудний коносамент, коносамент з відміткою капітана, що вантаж прийнято в пошкодженому стані; through B/L – наскрізний коносамент, який звільняє як відправителя, так і одержувача від зобов’язань по перевантаженню в порту перевантаження ( також tran(s)shipment B/L)

Waybill – транспортна накладна, дорожній лист (при перевезенні вантажу залізницею або автотранспортом)

Railroad Consignment Note – залізнична вантажна накладна

Air Waybill/Air Consignment Note – авіа вантажна накладна

e.g. The Bill of Lading is made out in sets of three originals with two copies.

mail n – поштове відправлення; airmail – авіапошта; surface mail – наземна пошта

e.g. You can send this letter either by airmail or by surface mail.

port of embarkation – порт завантаження ; syn. port of loading

e.g. All cargo was loaded on board the ship in the port of embarkation.

to become/be effective (from) набувати чинності, вступати в силу/бути чинним (з певної дати)

e.g. Insurance becomes effective from the day of shipment.

іnvoice n – рахунок, рахунок-фактура, фактура

certify v – 1) підтверджувати, завіряти; 2) дозволяти

certificate n – 1) сертифікат, свідоцтво, посвідчення; 2) акт; 3) атестат, паспорт; certification n – 1) видача сертифікату, свідоцтва, посвідчення; 2) посвідчення, свідоцтво; 3) акт завірення (напр. підпису)

e.g. Consular Invoice must be certified by the consul.

II. Read and translate the text:

Documents Used in Foreign Trade

The most important documents used in foreign trade are the following:

(1) Shipping documents that acknowledge the shipment (dispatch) or taking charge of the goods. They are usually documents of title to the goods, which means that the holder of the document is entitled to take possession of the goods. In general, these documents can also be sold or bought, that is to say they are negotiable.

The most important shipping document, especially in sea transport, is the Bill of Lading (B/L). The Bill of Lading is made out by the shipowner usually in sets of three originals with two copies. The originals are sent to the buyer by separate mails (airmail or surface mail), one remains with the seller and one is given to the master of the ship. The B/L states the name of the ship carrying the goods, the port of embarkation and the port of destination, and the rate of freight. It also gives the quantity, quality and value of the goods taken on board, specifying the marks and numbers on the packages. A B/L is said to be clean if the goods it refers to have been loaded in apparent good order and condition. If the packages are damaged in any way this will be marked on the bill, which in this case is called 'dirty', or 'foul' or 'claused'.

A Waybill is made out when the goods are carried by rail or road. It is usually prepared by the carrier and, in addition to the description of the goods and the names of the importer and the exporter, normally gives the conditions of the contract of carriage.

A Railway Consignment Note is a document used in international railway transport similar to the B/L, made out by the sender of the goods, handed to the carrier and signed by the person to whom the goods have been delivered, to prove that delivery has been made.

An Air Waybill or Air Consignment Note is used when the goods are transported by air freight.

(2) Insurance documents. They must be effective from the day of shipment and usually must cover 110 per cent of the CIF value of the goods.

(3) Invoices. These usually give the full description of the goods (quantity, quality and price), the name and address of the buyer and seller, the means of transport, etc.

The following types of invoices are used:

(a) Commercial Invoice;

(b) Consular Invoice, which is often required by the customs to confirm the country of origin. It is certified by the consul of the importing country in the exporting country. It enables import duties to be correctly charged;

(c) Customs Invoice.

(4) Various certificates that may be needed for the importation of the goods. The most important ones are:

(a) the Certificate of Origin, which states the Country from which the goods have originated. The identification of the true country of origin is necessary because tariffs may differ according to the country of origin.

(b) the certificate of quality

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the most important documents used in foreign trade?

  2. What shipping documents do you know?

  3. What information does the Bill of Lading contain?

  4. In what case is a B/L said to be clean? dirty?

  5. What value of the goods does insurance usually cover?

  6. What information is given in the invoices?

  7. What documents confirm the country of origin?

  8. Why is it necessary to state a true country of origin?

  9. How is the quality of goods certified?

IV. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

the holder of the documents; in sets of 3 originals with 2 copies; by separate mails; the goods it refers to; the contract of carriage; in addition to; the means of transport; the consul of the importing country in the exporting country; the true country of origin.

V. Give English equivalents of the following:

відправка товарів; документи, що підтверджують право власності на товар; власник корабля; капітан корабля; тариф за фрахт; в очевидному доброму стані і порядку; повний опис товарів; уможливлювати правильне стягнення податків на імпорт.

VI. Compose the sentences using the given predicates. See the example. Specify the type of the document (the subject) in each case:

e.g. The Bill of Lading is made out by the shipowner. It states the name of the ship, the port of embarkation, the port of destination, and the rate of freight.

the document

is made out

is required by

is needed for

is prepared by

is handed to

is certified by

is signed by


refers to



becomes/is effective



VII. Match the definition on the right with the word on the left. Learn the definitions:


  1. details of a ship’s cargo

the Bill of Lading

  1. declare (usually by giving a certificate) that one is certain that something is true, correct, in order


  1. right to the possession of a property


  1. sending goods for delivery; goods for delivery

VIII. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below:

the customs, of origin, the port of destination, the marks and numbers, shipping, the B/L, tariffs

  1. The B/L is the most important … document.

  2. Consular Invoice is required by … to confirm the country ….

  3. If … on the packages are illegible, it will be marked on ….

  4. “Any port of Ukraine” means that … is not specified.

  5. Import … may differ according to the country of origin.

IX. Match the synonyms. Use any 5 words in the sentences of your own:

    1. shipment (2)

  1. discharge

    1. dirty

  1. dispatch

    1. master of the ship

  1. visible

    1. carrier

  1. consignment note

    1. apparent

  1. consignment

    1. waybill

  1. captain

    1. unload

  1. shipper

  1. foul

X. Match the words with opposite meaning. Use any 5 words in the sentences of your own:

    1. clean

  1. receiver

    1. correctly

  1. seldom

    1. enable

  1. different

    1. effective

  1. dirty

    1. often

  1. disable

    1. similar

  1. wrongly

    1. sender

  1. ineffective

XI. Translate into English:

  1. Товари були доставлені літаком в доброму стані.

  2. Комерційна фактура дає повний опис товарів: кількість, якість, ціну.

  3. Контракт вступає в силу/набуває чинності з 1 березня.

  4. Де я можу завірити цей документ?

  5. Позначки на упаковці були пошкоджені.

  6. Визначення дійсної країни походження необхідне для правильного стягнення імпортного мита.

    1. Topics for discussion:

  1. Speak about various types of shipping documents.

  2. Explain the necessity to identify the true country of origin.

XIII. Skills practice:

Assignment 1. Study the Bill of Lading. Match the parts of the descriptions:

  1. The date of the contract between the exporter and the shipping company.

  2. The name of the importer.

  3. Details of the goods.

  4. The name of the ship.

  5. Money paid to the shipping company before the journey.

  6. The place where the goods are unloaded.

  7. The name of the shipping company.

  8. The place where the goods are loaded.

Assignment 2. Explain the following words and word combinations: shipper, consignee, vessel, port of loading, port of discharge

Assignment 3. Act as an exporter/importer. Describe the transaction in each case.

Unit Ten

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