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International economics1.doc
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Infrastructure, industries, the global regime, host-countries, investments, environment

  1. Multinationals transfer technology and know-how to their ….

  2. The service sectors of finance, data processing, and the like are …, that determine the competitiveness of the economy.

  3. Political risks reduced … in many developing countries.

  4. In this new … Japanese multinationals began to expand rapidly.

  5. Changes in U.S. and other national trade policies are causing a transformation of ….

X. Based on the text explain the difference between home-country and host-country.

XI. Match the synonyms. Use any 5 words in the sentences of your own:

  1. venture

  1. income

  1. revenue

  1. choice

  1. option

  1. enterprise

  1. goods

  1. different

  1. diverse

  1. merchandise

XII. Match the words with the opposite meaning. Use any 5 words in the sentences of your own

    1. parent company

  1. common

    1. major

  1. destroy

    1. beyond

  1. minor

    1. erect

  1. within

    1. unique

  1. subsidiary

    1. Match the prefixes with the words. Consult your dictionary. Translate the pairs of opposites:

ex – (2) dis – (2) in – (3) un – (2)

belief, dependent, engage, (in)clude, visible, conditional, different, traditional, champion

XIV. Translate into English:

  1. Компанія опублікувала інформацію про свої щорічні прибутки та витрати.

  2. Наші конкуренти можуть обрати нетрадиційну стратегію проник­нення на ринок цієї країни.

  3. В цій філії працюють громадяни приймаючої країни.

  4. Вдала стратегія дозволила компанії вийти за межі регіону.

  5. Глобальна економіка охоплює світові взаємопов’язані ринки.

  6. Мультинаціональні компанії мають тенденцію проводити дослі­дження і розвиток у своїх власних країнах.

XV. Topics for discussion:

  1. Speak on business activity at different levels: domestic, international, multinational (global).

  2. Dwell on the motivations to expand internationally.

  3. What major factors should a company examine before making a decision to engage in international business?

  4. Dwell on the three basic orientations concerning international management.

XVI. Skills practice:

Setting up a successful business requires careful preparation and planning but also involves a degree of risk-taking. There are a number of questions that all entrepreneurs must ask themselves concerning the products or services that they intend to sell, the competition that they will face, the structure of the business itself and the sources of finance that they will need to open their new venture. This means that all of these parameters must be defined in a business plan: a document that shows how the entrepreneur will organize his or her business, how much he or she expects to sell and where the capital will come from. Once this information has been put down on paper, the entrepreneur can then choose an appropriate form for the company, register it with the authorities and open for business.

Assignment 1. Read these extracts and decide which sections of the checklist they come from.

Assignment 2. Work in small groups. You have decided to set up your own business together and have approached the bank for advice. They have asked you to prepare a business plan. Decide what type of business you are going to set up, and then discuss each of the points listed in the business plan. When you have finalised all the details of your business, prepare a written plan to give to the bank.

Unit Sixteen

Transnational Corporations

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