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Длительные и перфектные времена глаголов

в Passive Voice

Continuous (процесс)

to be being V3

Perfect (завершенность)

to have been V3

I am being asked


She is being asked



You are being asked


I have been asked


She has been asked



You have been asked



He was being asked




You were being asked



He had been asked




You had been asked



I shall have been asked




It will have been asked



Времена страдательного залога употребляются по тем же правилам, что и времена действительного залога.

Так как глагол в форме Continuous Passive показывает действие в его развитии, он переводится на русский язык формами глагола несовершенного вида с окончанием – ся или неопределенно-личным предложением.

A very interesting case is being discussed now. –Очень интересное дело обсуждают сейчас.

При переводе глагола в Perfect Passive необходимо подчеркнуть законченность действия, поэтому его всегда переводят глаголом совершенного вида.

A very interesting case has been discussed . – Очень интересное дело обсудили.

Упр. 1. Переведите следующие предложения, сказуемые которых обозначают действия в процессе развития:

1. His report was being listened to attentively when the door suddenly opened. 2. This question is not connected with the problem which is being discussed now. 5. The judge is being waited for. 6. The new law is still being worked at. 7. Don’t worry. Speeches are being prepared by professional speech-writers.

Упр. 2. Переведите следующие предложения, сказуемые которых обозначают действия завершенного характера:

1. When you rang up, the work had just been finished. 2. Come at 11. The documents will have been checked and the letters will have been typed when you come. 3. French public law has never been codified. 4. He wrote he had been accepted to the college 5. Traditionally, judges had been appointed by the executive, but the citizens of a new nation wanted public control of government officials. 6. Several American courtrooms recently have been constructed on the circular model. 7. The law of the world has influenced by Roman Law. 8. Laws had been put into writing by Greeks by the 16th century B.C. 9. Some years ago a fraud trial had to be abandoned.

Упр. 3. Найдите сказуемые в следующих предложениях, определите их залог, время и характер действия. Предложения переведите.

1. When we returned the judges had been already chosen. 2. In fact Jim knew about the change of plans. He had been told. 3. By what time will the work have been finished? 4. How much has Susan been fined for speeding штрафовать за превышение скорости? 5. Two men are being questioned допрашивать at the Police Station in connection with armed robbery вооруженное ограбление. 6. Another man has been arrested for the crime преступление. 7. Missing пропавшая schoolgirl Sheila Patterson, aged eleven, has been found alive and well. Now she is being looked after at Leicester Police station. 8. I couldn’t use my car last week, it was being repaired According to English law, people are innocent until they are proved guilty.

Упр. 4. Переведите на русский, обращая внимание на время сказуемого.

  1. This question is still being discussed. 2. Mary is proud. Her advisory opinion has been praised хвалить. 3. Her remark замечание was not answered. 4. Tom is happy. The information has been received through the Internet 5. The guests гости were upstairs. They were being shown the prisoners. 6. We were joined by the whole group. 7. Do you know that your voice голос is being recorded записывать? 8. A burglar alarm has been installed in the apartment. 9. The documents will have been typed before the boss returns. 10. The Cultural Revolution (1966-76) in Chine has also been cited as a cause of crime; it is said to have confused notions of right and wrong and to have destroyed respect for authority. 11. The child was greatly affected by the scene in the court. 12. When I entered the hall the people were being instructed what to do. 13. Experimental schemes have been started to enable offenders to make direct reparation to their victims, either by paying financial compensation or by undertaking some service for them. 14. How long has this man staying in jail?. 16. They realized that the evidence hadn’t been received.

Упр. 5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. She was sentenced to 12 months in prison for careless driving.

  2. The verdict of “not guilty” on all charges has been brought by the jury.

  3. My friend has been released from prison this year.

  4. The woman was charged with possessing a shotgun.

  5. An attempted murder must be severely punished.

  6. His 10-year-old son had been killed after being knocked of his bicycle and crushed by a lorry.

Упр. 6. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующей форме:

  1. The offenders who committed crimes (to punish).

  2. No objections to the plan (to offer) so far, but it (not to introduce) until it (to put) to vote.

  3. The indictment (to amend).

  4. New witnesses (to cross-examine) by the prosecuting counsel.

Упр. 7. Составьте предложения, вставив один из подходящих глаголов (в правильной форме) : “establish, proclaim, concern, achieve, serve, conduct, abolish, announce”.

  1. All the felonies were punishable with death, but the capital punishment…in 1965.

  2. The fusion of courts …by the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875.

  3. The resolution … by the jury.

  4. Whom …the criminal proceeding… by?

  5. Some statements of a judge become effective after they …

  6. Whom …the Crown court …by?

2 курс




Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite


тельная форма


Что обозначает


ленты (синонимы)





could not

могу, можем, сможешь

  1. физическая или умственная возможность, умение;

  2. вежливая просьба

to be able (to)



may not

might not

можно, возможно, могу, быть может

  1. разрешение

  2. предположе-ние

to be allowed (to)


had to

must not


need not


должен, надо


to have (to)

to have (to)

has (to)

had (to)

don’t have (to), doesn’t have (to), didn’t have (to)

приходитсявынужден, надо (было)

необходимость, вызванная обстоятельствами


to be (to)


is (to)


was (to)

were (to)

is not (to)

was not (to)

должен, надо

необходимость совершения заранее запланированного (обусловленного) действия




should not


следует, надо

совет, желательность (субъективное мнение)

ought (to)

ought (to)


ought not


следует, надо

необходимость, обусловленная логикой вещей, моральный долг


Упр. 1. Пользуясь таблицей, переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов:

1. He couldn’t pay his debts. 2. We will be able to finish this work in time. 3. In England and Wales a private person may institute criminal proceedings. 4. You ought to help me with these documents. 5. In the case of property, the courts have to find a balance between two principles. 6. In certain circumstances courts may also order forfeiture of property involved in the commission of crime. 7. The police may arrest a person without a warrant under the arrest scheme. 8. Court may order the confiscation of proceeds gained by a criminal from drug trafficking and this principle is to be extended to other very serious offences. 9. Now, at least ten of twelve jury members must agree before a verdict can be given.11. The prosecution should also inform the defense of witnesses whose evidence may help the accused. 12. You ought to know it. 13. I am to come at 5. 14. I’m typing the letter you had to type in the morning. 15. The public needs to be protected from a dangerous offender. 16. The defendant cannot be tried again for the same offence.

Упр. 2. Переведите, обращая внимание на различные значения двух отрицательных форм глагола must.

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