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  1. Type 0 (zero) and I Conditionals. Real Condition

Zero Conditionals.

subordinate clause (підрядне речення)

main clause (головне речення)

f or instructions

If + present simple present simple

e. g. If you press the button, the machine switches off.

Якщо ви натиснете кнопку, апарат вимкнеться

to express a general truth or scientific fact.

If/ when + present simple present simple

e.g. If / when you mix red and yellow

paint you get orange.

to talk about things that always / often / sometimes happen if something else (in

the if-clause ) happens.

If/ + present simple present simple

e.g. If you cook vegetables for too

long, they taste awful.

Type I Conditionals, (likely to happen in the present or future)

subordinate clause

main clause

If (as soon as, present simple, till, before, + present

after, present perfect


e. g. If you phone me,

Якщо ти зателефонуєш мені,

e. g. If you have finished your work,

Якщо ти закінчила роботу,


I'll pick you up.

Я Te6e 3a6epy.

we can go home.

Ми можемо йти додому


If is used for things which may possibly happen.

e.g. //the weather is fine, we shall go swimming.

When is used for things which are sure to happen.

e.g. I'll phone you when I get home.

By the time means before, not later than.

e.g. By the time I am twenty-five, I will be a skilful engineer.

Until means up to the time when.

II. Type II and III Conditionals. Unreal Condition (unreal to happen in the past, present or future).

1. Form

Subjunctive II


Present Past

Present Past

2nd form of t he verb had done (= Past Simple) (= Past Perfect)

should should



could + Indefinite

Perfect could + Infinitive Infinitive might might

Note: Present Subjunctive II + Present Conditional = Type II Conditionals

e. g. If I had money, I would buy a car.

e.g. But for him, I should go to Lviv. Якби не він я поїхав би до Львова.

Past Subjunctive II + Past Conditional = Type III Conditionals

e. g. If I had had money, I would have bought a car.

Mixed Conditionals

e.g. If I were you / In your place I should have bought this camera. На твоєму місці я купив би цей фотоапарат.

Subjunctive II

is used:

1. after if/(якби)

Present Subjunctive II

e. g. If I had money,

Якби я мав гроші,

Past Subjunctive II

e. g. If I had had money,.

Якби я мав гроші,


Is used:

1. in complex sentences (in the main clause)

Present Conditional

I would buy a car. Я купив автомобіль

Past Conditional

I would have bought a car.

Я купивби автомобіль

2. after as if, as though (наче,ніби) e. g. She looks at me as if she had never seen me before. Вона дивиться на мене, ніби ніколи раніше не бачила.

2. in simple and compound sentences

e. g. I should write him a letter but I don't know his address. Я написав би йому листа, але не знаю його адреси.

3.* after wish!if only. {If only is more

emphatic or more dramatic)

I wish you were happy (but you are not).

Я хотів би, щоб ви були щасливими

If only it were summer now!

Якби тільки зараз було літо!

3.* wish 1 if only + subject + would + Indefinite Infinitive

To express: 1. a polite imperative; 2. a desire for a situation or person's behavior to change.

e.g. I wish you would behave better in class. If only it would stop raining.


Subjunctive I


Infinitive without to e.g. read, go


Should + Indefinite



Should + Perfect


Subjunctive I and Suppositional show that action is necessary, important, or­dered etc.

They are used:

1. after it is necessary, it's important, it's ordered etc.

e.g. It's important we go/should go there. Важливо щоб ми пішли туди.

2. after the verbs denoting order, request, suggestion etc.

e.g. They offered that we have/should have ju ice for breakfast. Вони запропонували, щоб ми випили соку на сніданок.

3. with lest (mp6 ... He).

e.g. I worry lest we should miss the train.

Я хвилююся, щоб ми не запізнилися на поїзд.


Word Order








direct What?

manner How?

place Where?

time When?

e.g. I



a new picture

at the exhibition

at 5 o'clock yesterday

2.а)verb (bring, give,

lend, pay, prom­ise, + direct object + to + indirect object

send, show,

take, tell)

e.g. Give the money to him.

b)verb (buy, find, get, make) + direct object + For + indirect odject

e.g. Buy a present for your girl-friend.


Inversion is:

  1. changing of normal positions of verb and subject.

  2. using a question form of the main verb,

e.g. Not only did he fail.

These words and phrases are followed by a change in word order when they begin a sentence or an independent clause:

at no time

hardly ever/barely (тільки - тільки)

in no way




no sooner.. .than (як тільки)


not after

not once

not only...as well

not until


on no account (ні в якому разі)


only after/then

only by

only if/when

only in this way

only later

rarely (рідко)

scarcely (ледве)

scarcely... when

seldom (рідко)


so/such... that

under no circumstances (за жодних умов)

But: 1. When only refers to the state of begin the only one, there is no inversion following it.


Only after posting the letter did I remember that I had forgotten to write the address.

Only Mary realized that the door was not locked.

2. Inversion after so/such ... that occurs:

a) when the main verb is be.

e.g. So devastating were the floods that some areas may never recover.

b) such used with be means so much/so great.

e.g. Such was the force of storm that trees were uprooted.

Here are some examples of inverted sentences

  1. Never have I heard a weaker excuse!

  2. Seldom has the team given a better performance.

  3. Hardly had the train left the station, when there was an explosion.

  4. Not until I got home did I notice that I left my key in the office. 5.1 am going home. — So am I.

  5. I am going home – So am I.

  6. I don't like meat. — Neither/nor do I.