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Positive Traits Which Bankers Should Possess

There are a number of positive traits all good bankers should possess. The first positive trait bankers should have in order to do their job to the best of their ability is preciseness. Since bankers work with many figures and various financial accounts, it is crucial that all figures and tabulations formulated by the banker are precise in nature. This will ensure that all of the calculations reached by the banker are as accurate as can be.

Bankers should also be good with people. Having excellent interpersonal skills will make the banker that much more effective when they deal with clients and employees of various businesses as they will be able to relate better to a banker who has this positive quality about them. The banker will have to correspond with individuals on a daily basis and by and being good with people the banker will be best able to do his/her job.

The banker should also possess a good mathematical mind. Being good with mathematics will help as the individual deals with finance and numbers each day and needs to be able to adequately understand them. A banker who has a good mathematical mind will find that the job is that much easier to complete.

Bankers should also be determined in nature. One who shows determination in their profession as a banker will do everything in their ability to obtain the best financial outcome for a customer. The banker who is determined will review all possible financial options and only settle when they have found one which best suits the client.

Professionalism is an additional positive attribute which bankers should possess. Since they will not only be dealing with customers but individuals from other financial entities and organizations as well, it is important that the banker exhibits a great deal of professionalism. This will make all dealings between the banker and others go as smoothly as possible.

A banker has numerous responsibilities and duties to undertake on a daily basis. They strive to find the best financial solutions for their clients while abiding by pertinent rules and regulations. They obtain business for their financial establishment and follow up with clients to ensure that they are happy with the progress that they see along the way. By possessing some of the traits listed above, the banker will be that much more likely to complete their daily job duties to the best of their ability.

Text 2. An Accountant

An accountant is a practitioner of accountancy, which is the measurement, disclosure or provision of assurance about financial information that helps managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers make resource allocation decisions.

In many countries the designation accountant, or at least the more specific terms qualified accountant or professional accountant, is a certified accountancy and financial expert. Like other legally restricted professions including doctors and lawyers, different countries have their own training and examination systems to maintain the quality of qualified accountants in their jurisdictions. There are many professional bodies for accountants throughout the world.

Accountants originally worked only in public practice, i.e. professional accountancy firms, selling advice and services to other individuals and businesses. Today, in addition, many work within private corporations, the financial industry and various government bodies.