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Imagine that you had an interview for a job of an assistant operations officer at fma a few days ago. Report the interview to the class.


Out and About

Asking the way

Could you tell me how to get to ...

Could you tell me the (quickest) way to ...

Giving directions

Turn left/right.

Take the first (second) left (right).

Go straight ahead.

Walk over/under ... (bridges)

Go down (up) ... (a street)


...until you get to the junction ....

You'll see the museum on your right/left/in front of you.

You'll come to ...

At the traffic lights, ...

When you reach ...

Showing understanding


I've got that.

Asking for repetition

Could you go over that last part again, please?

Sorry, I didn't get/catch that.

Checking understanding

Have you got that?

Is that clear?

■ Ex. 1.  Build conversations like this from the prompts below.

1. A: Could you tell me how to get to the Art Gallery?

B: Yes. Turn left outside the station, then walk down the street.

A: Down the street.

B: That's right. And you'll see it in front of you.


History Museum

turn right

walk up the street

on your left


go straight ahead

take the first left

on your right


walk over

the bridge

go along

College Street

at the


2. A: Excuse me, could you tell me the quickest way to the post office?

B: That's simple. Go out of the station, turn left and go straight ahead.

A: Could you go over that again, please?

B: Of course. Turn left and go straight ahead.

A: First left and then straight ahead.

B: That's right. And you'll see it at the end of Green Street.



go up the road until

you get to the junction

on your left


go down the street until you

reach the traffic lights

on your right


walk under the bridge

in front of you

3. A: Could you tell me the way to the Polytechnical Museum.

B: Of course. Go out of the station, walk straight ahead, take the second left and you'll see it in front of view. Have you got that?

A: Right. Straight ahead, the second left. Thanks.

B: Pleasure. Bye.


Medical College

walk under

the bridge

take the first right

on your left

Central Bank

turn left

go down the street until

you come to the junction

on your right

■ Ex. 2. Use the map and the language above to complete this dialogue.

The way from Oxford Railway Station to the Museum of Oxford and Town Hall. (C)

A: Could you tell me how to get to ...

B: Yes. ...

A: Right, down Park End Street and into New Road. ...

B: That's it. ...

A: ...?

B: Yes. Cross the road at the junction with Castle Street, then go down Queen Street until you come to the Museum of Modern Art.

A: ... B: ... and you'll see the Museum of Oxford and City Hall in front of you.

A: OK. Thanks very much. B: You are welcome.

■ Ex. 3. Pair work.

1. Student A: You are visiting Oxford and don't know the place at all. You are now standing in Wellington Square. You want to see Christ Church Cathedral but you don't know how to get there. You stop a stranger in the street (Student B) to ask for directions. Remember to re peat and check your understanding of the directions.

Student B: You live in Oxford. You are walking across Wellington Square (6E) when a stranger (Student A) stops you and asks for directions to Christ Church Cathedral (10L).

2. Change parts. Ask for directions from St. Antony's College (24) to Bodleian Library. (91)