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  1. What question did the reporter ask?

  2. Fma required ten dollars to open an account, didn't it?

  3. What tactics did the people adopt?

5. Shortly after mid-day a hastily called conference took place in the FMA presidential suite. Jerome Patterton and Roscoe Heyward were there, grim faced. Alex Vandervoort joined them. He, too, was serious. The fourth attendee was Tom Straughan, the bank's young chief economist; the fifth, Dick French, vice-president of public relations. Jerome Patterton looked very concerned. He wanted to know who the organizers of the bank-in were. Dick French replied that whoever was behind that was good at law and public relations, because the people who packed the downtown branch were not demonstrators, they were the bank's customers, and that was the problem. Patterton enquired what all those present could suggest to set the situation right. Roscoe Heyward was determined not to give in to intimidation. Patterton shared his point of view. He said that they would look pretty foolish. Dick French objected saying that if the" bank changed its policy about Forum East, it would look good, not bad. Alex added addressing Roscoe Heyward that unwillingness to change the wrong decision was plain pigheadedness, nothing more. Finally, the conference agreed to maintain their stand refusing to be bluffed.

  1. Who attended the hastily called conference in the presidential suite?

  2. Jerome Patterton and Roscoe Heyward were not uneasy, were they?

  3. What was the bank's problem?

  4. What stands did all those present adopt?

6. In the absence of any softening of attitude by the bank, the campaign continued through all Thursday and Friday, until the close of business late Friday afternoon. The big branch was almost helpless. And as Dick French predicted, nation-wide attention was focused on its plight. Much of the attention was humorous. However, investors were less amused, and on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, FMA shares closed a further two and a half points lower. On Monday morning the bank capitulated. At a hastily called press conference at 10am, Dick French announced that the bank would restore full Forum East financing at once.

  1. Why was the big branch almost helpless?

  2. How did the New York Stock Exchange react to the bank-in?

  3. The bank finally capitulated, didn't it? grammar exercises

■ Ex. 1. Tim Williams works in the consultative banking department of FMA. Last week he attended a seminar on banking in the selling role. The tutor elaborated on the rules to help bankers plan and conduct effective sales interviews. Now Tim is telling a collegue what the rules were. Look at the rules and give Tim's words. Use tell, ask, advise.

    1. The tutor advised us to reassess the role of sales in banking.

    2. Focus on the development of long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with the customer.

    3. Do not monopolize the discussion.

    4. Develop a sales dialogue rather than a monologue.

    5. Concentrate on the customer's needs rather than on the sales person or the product.

    6. Do not manipulate clients to buy what they don't want or need.

    7. Have knowledge of a wide range of noncredit, credit-related, and credit products or services that the bank offers.

    8. Scan for selling opportunities during the sales interview.

    9. Do homework prior to arranging an interview.

    10. Collect important competitive information.


You work at the main downtown branch as a) a bank teller

b) a porter

c) a delivery guard

d) an operations officer.

Say what your boss asks or tells you to do.

■ Ex. 2. FMA has made the front pages recently. Below are some examples of what the press say. Report what they say. Use say, write, highlight, point out, emphasize.

    1. FMA is cutting financing Forum East by half. (The Sunday Reporter)

    2. FMA opts out of its commitments to social programmes. (The Wall Street Journal)

    3. FMA enjoys substantial business with Supranational Corporation. (The Free Press)

    4. FMA's main downtown branch is at a standstill. (The International News)

    5. FMA shares have fallen five and a half points. (The Daily Talk)

    6. The Board is deadlocked over FMA president. (The Economist)

    7. The Keycharge promotion campaign has gained momentum. (The Modern World)

    8. FMA operations officer is charged with embezzlement. (The New Times)

    9. FMA shares closed a further two and a half points lower yesterday. (The Boston Globe)

    10. The power struggle between FMA's candidates can't be cancelled. (The Newsday Journal)

    11. FMA hopes to set things right. (The Daily Times Register)


Sum up your point of view on the state of things in FMA. Support it making use of the above quotations.

■ Ex. 3. Tim Williams who works in the consultative banking department of FMA had a sales interview with a customer yesterday. Now he is telling his boss what questions he asked to identify the customer's needs. Give Tim's words. Use the list of questions below.

What is the customer's business?

What are its products? Which are most profitable?

How long has the company been in business?

What is the size of the company?

What is its annual sales volume?

What are the company's goals and objectives?

What are the company's constraints?

What difficulties, concerns, or needs does the company have?

Who are the company's lawyers, auditors?

Who is on the board of directors?

What is the company's management style?