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Grammar exercises

■ Ex. 1. Complete the following story of Nolan Wainwright's search. Put in the correct simple past form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Nolan Wainwright (copy down) Miles Eastin's home address and telephone number.

  2. He (walk) towards the apartment building casually.

  3. No doorman (be) visible.

  4. The time (be) 10.30.

  5. Traffic on the street (be) light.

  6. No other pedestrians (be) near the apartment house.

  7. He (go) in.

  8. Immediately ahead (be) a lift which he (ignore).

  9. He (see) a stairway to the right and (go) up it, two stairs at a time, to the second floor.

  10. The lock (prove) uncomplicated.

  11. Wainwright (try) a succession of slim blades he (have) with him.

  12. On the forth attempt the lock cylinder (turn).

  13. The door (swing) open and he (go) in, closing the door behind him.


  1. Imagine that you were in the bank one day and saw a bank raid take place. The police want to know what you saw. Write a story of what happened.

  2. Narrate an interesting (mysterious) story you once witnessed.

■ Ex. 2. From Ex. 1 you come to know that Nolan Wainwright was determined to search Miles Eastin's apartment and made his way there.

"Wainwright crossed the room to the window and drew the curtains. He found a light switch and turned it on..."

The further events are given at random. Study your piece. Make out the sequence. Introduce your part of the story by the following phrases:

I believe my part of the story comes first (next). It runs as follows...

If you disagree with your group-mate, use the following phrases:

I am afraid A is not Quite right. I believe my part comes next. It runs as follows...

  1. He also rifled through books. He noted that an entire shelf was devoted to the study of money through ages. Along with the books, a portfolio contained sketches and photographs of ancient coins and banknotes.

  2. Wainwright began a systematic, thorough search. He examined cupboards, drawers and contents, probed furniture, opened suitcases, inspected pictures on the walls, and removed the back of the TV.

  3. Suddenly he saw a carefully sawn board and in the space behind were a small ledger and cash in twenty-dollar notes. Working quickly he replaced the board, the rug, the furniture.

  4. The apartment was small. It was a single room divided into areas. A living-dining space contained a sofa, an armchair, a portable TV, and a small table. A bed was behind a partition: the kitchenette had folding doors. Two other doors revealed a bathroom and a storage cupboard. The place was orderly and clean.

  5. He counted the cash. It totalled six thousand dollars. Then he studied the small black ledger. It was a betting record. He whistled softly at the size and number of amounts involved.

  6. Finally he piled furniture in one corner and rolled up the living area rug. Then with a flashlight, he went over every inch of floor-board. But of anything incriminating there was no trace.

"...Wainwright glanced around the apartment, then he turned down the lights, reopened the curtains and waited."

■ Ex. 3. A key inserted in the apartment lock alerted Nolan Wainwright. The light came on. Eastin saw Wainwright at once. His surprise was total. Nolan Wainwright took his chance to question him. Read what Wainwright thought and ask his questions.

Nolan Wainwright

Miles Eastin

Perhaps you bet alone or with a group.

A group

Other guys were in it. (Who?)

Four other guys

Perhaps they lost too.


Perhaps you bet with one bookie or more.


Perhaps you took the six thousand on Wednesday.


You took it. (How?)

to fill in as a teller that day.

Perhaps you went to the vault to get a spare cash truck with Juanita.

to watch to see one's combination

Perhaps you were desperate for cash.

to have betting losses


You are an FBI man. You come to FMA's main downtown branch. Ask the following people about last Wednsday. Find out all the details.