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1.2.3. Dyryzhystskyy direction of integration theories

R. Cooper

A. Marshall

G. Myurdal

F. Perry

J. Pinder

P. Striten

J. Tinbergen

Philip A.

Undoubted merit dyryzhyzmu school is meaningful justification for state intervention in the integration process.

Joint for the representatives of this school is sharply critical attitude to the neoclassical theory of international trade as the basis of market views on integration, as well as doubts about the fundamental ideas of "marketers" schodovilnoho movement of goods and production factors on the combined market as the main advantages and the driving force of integration. In general, dyryzhystska school that was actively remind ourselves 60-70 years, represented by different socio-political views and neokeynsiantsiv instytutsiynykiv.

Swedish economist Gunnar instytutsiynyk Myurdal, considering the problems of economic integration at the global economy was against "pure" economic theory that ignores the influence of political factors. In his opinion, national political interests can not exert significant influence on the actual allocation of production factors. For real international integration is needed not a formal freedom of competition on the world market and provide real "equality of chances", which is impossible without active government intervention (ideally - a world power) in market processes.

One of the theorists dyryzhystskoho direction, the Dutch scientist Jan Tinbergen thought that the full economic integration is possible only when the centralization of "national" policy instruments integrated countries.

J. Tinbergen enriched economic science concepts of "negative" and "positive" integration. The concept of "negative integration", he defined the model of market integration process, accompanied by the removal of restrictions on movement of goods and factors of production. "Positive Integration", by J. Tinbergen, is the process of creating truly optimal balanced regional economic mechanism based on the conscious introduction of all desirable elements of coordination and harmonization. And so the problem is the integration of wider problem - the so-called problem of optimal economic policy.

Most consistent dyryzhystam inherent limitation of the integration process, which includes both economic and political aspects, the coordination of social and economic policies within integrated groups. In general, merit dyryzhystskoyi school is that its representatives necessity of constructive state intervention in the integration process.

1.2.4. Theories of regional integration

For States that have left due to the collapse of the colonial system, first attempts were spread model of customs union directly to groups of countries without any modifications. Direct application of the concept of a customs union with the terms of the development or accompanied by a paradoxical conclusion, which openly contradicted the validity or conclusions of complete hopelessness of integrated groups of countries.

The concept of a customs union

J. Weiner

R. Lipsey

J. Meade

F. Harels

According to this concept (50's), on the economic development of countries  union had no serious chance of existence. Most Western economists on the brink of 60's rr.dotrymuvalysya terms mean Kindlberhera American scientist who believed that the prospects for expanding trade vnutrirehionalnoyi customs unions in developing countries is quite low due to limited possibilities for reallocating production.

Despite these theoretical conclusions is in the 60's he appeared on a number of economic - associations in all regions of the world development. Incidentally, the country's development while creating his first economic groups use the same model of "free trade area, customs union, common market" as the developed countries. This approach clearly demonstrated the countries of Latin America and

Caribbean. But the traditional static concept of a customs union was unacceptable in terms of economic development. Therefore, in the writings of Western economists late 60's began to dominate thought that the theory of integration, which resigned, should be based on more general provisions of the theories of economic growth.

Market-institutional direction

B. Bilashi

R. Mayksell

F. Pezos

D. Kizinh

and others

The desire to process the integration of theory development, which would take into account specific conditions and underdeveloped market structures in these countries. Priority attention is focused on economic cooperation in the sphere of industrial production and infrastructure. The main driver of growth efficiency in the unified market should be to increase investment opportunities, primarily - due to foreign capital.

To achieve this level of integration possible through the creation of common markets, which would ensure the free movement of capital. It stressed the need for active economic policies in the development of both participants of the integration process, and center of gravity of such a policy zmischuvavsya problems of integration of the problem of integration. UNCTAD experts, in particular, offered to move the focus of trade issues for joint action in the development of regional industrial and agricultural resources, development of transport infrastructure.

Theory 'peripheral economy'

R. Prebish

V. Urkidi

M. Viontsek

and others

Based on the thesis of the unacceptability of the conclusions of the traditional political economy of large centers of "world economic conditions for a backward periphery, which is operated through the mechanism of international trade prices.

To prevent losses of countries in international trade should be reduced substantially (absorb) surplus agrarian population due to industrialization, which planned a regional scale. Its main tool was to become long-term policy planning importzamischennya.

The theory of "peripheral economy was processed by a group of Latin American scientists, headed by renowned Argentine economist Raul Prebishem that union - united around the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean - EKLAK. This theory representing a further development of the ideas of industrialization, planned on a regional scale.

The need for regional integration to overcome the limitations of national markets, Latin American economists associated not only with the benefits of collective mutual intensification of protectionism and trade liberalization through it, but with the growth opportunities in the regional planning of industrialization scale.

To ensure balanced regional industrialization, trade liberalization, in their opinion, should be followed by the adoption of agreements on complementarity, which would let the program area, which play a key role in strategy development.

Dyryzhystskyy direction

J. Tinbergen

G. Myurdal

S. Dell

and others

The leading Western theorists integration dyryzhystskoho direction also saw the content of regional economic integration in the possibility of coordinating plans for the creation of new industries.

Jan Tinbergen, for example, believed that you should first work out the optimal economic model of heavy industry in the region, and then enter into agreements concerning indirect (subsidies, taxes, assistance in creation of infrastructure) and direct (licensing of new enterprises) instruments of state regulation of the integration process.

In general, the idea of long-term policy of industrialization, which greatly influenced the Western theory of economic dynamics of development and the concept of national planning in most countries that freed themselves, have evolved away practice of most integrated groups of countries in which to late 60's reign market approach to the promotion of mutual economic ties.

The concept of collective reliance on our own strength

E. Oteyza

E. Laszlo

J. Kurtsman

A. I Bhattachar

and others

At the core concept - the opportunities of mutual cooperation of countries that freed themselves to solve problems in their economic development.

The main task of integration unions is to diversify and streamline foreign economic relations of countries subject to a maximum mobilization of domestic sources of growth. The first principle of collective reliance (reliance) on itself appeared in 1947 UN Declaration on a New International Economic Order. At UNCTAD IV conference in 1976 agreed to establish a permanent Committee on Economic Cooperation Development, which became a body of regular discussion and applied research on this issue.

Ideas of collective reliance on our own strength gained further development of the Special Conference "group 77". Eventually the idea of collective reliance on our own strength was one of the conceptual foundations of the UN International Strategy for the Third Development Decade.

However, in the implementation of this concept in life there are major difficulties. First - this enhancement of differentiation, and therefore - and conflicting interests of the countries freed. Relations between the most and the least developed among them, based on the laws of the world market in many ways resemble the relationship began between the center and the periphery.

But it is precisely within the concept of collective reliance on our own strength was proposed several promising principles of regional cooperation and integration of development, including:

• partial, phased approach to the promotion of mutual economic ties with the maximum diversification of areas of cooperation;

• Rationalization of state (pozarynkovoho) regulation of the integration process;

• Cooperation of state trade organizations;

• establishing joint sales company;

• joint appearances to protect its own interests in international forums;

• elaboration of a single mode of treatment of TNCs;

• maximum use of common scientific and technical cooperation;

• development of regional systems of insurance, credit and financial institutions and others.

Despite the many shortcomings of the concept of collective reliance on our own strength, such as declarative, reassessment opportunities common interests of intehrantiv, it can overcome limitations in many Western studies that examined the integration of regional development without taking into account the peculiarities of relations in the global economy.

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