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Lecture 5. Ukraine in international integaration process

    1. Integration points and priorities of Ukraine

    2. “Associated” membership in the Commonwealth of Independent States

    3. Ukraine – BSEC

    4. European direction of external policy.

    5. Integaration relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.


  1. Троненко В.І. Міжнародна економічна інтеграція: Курс лекцій – К.: КиМУ, 2002. – 114 с.

  2. Угода про Партнерство та Співробітництво. Повний текст угоди, підписаної між Європейським Союзом та Україною в Люксембурзі 16 червня 1994 р. – К.: Представництво Європейської Комісії в Україні, 1994.

  3. Спільна стратегія Європейських Співтовариств щодо України. К., Представництво Європейської Комісії в Україні, 2000.

  4. Зовнішня та безпекова політика України: 2000/2001. – Центр Миру, Конверсії та Зовнішньої Політики України. – К., 2001.

  5. Міжнародні інтеграційні процеси сучасності: монографія / А.С. Філіпенко – кер. авт. кол., В.С Будкін, М.А. Дудченко та ін. – К.: Знання України, 2004. – 304 с.

  6. Международная экономическая интеграция: уч. пос. / Под ред. д-ра эк.-х наук, проф. Левенцева. – М.: Экономист, 2006. – 430 с.

  7. Європейська та євроатлантична інтеграція України: стан і перспективи: збірник наукових праць. – Ужгород: Ліра, 2008.

5.1. Integration points and priorities of Ukraine

Ukraine as a new post-Soviet independent state got a status of a country with a transition economic system in international relations. As known, such status was given by international organizations to European post-socialist countries and to new post-Soviet independent state after the collapse of World Socialism and Soviet Union.

Among many tasks faced by sovereign Ukraine the most important is determining its place in the world integration process. Ukraine tries to solve this quite difficult task by implementation of multilevel foreign policy strategy.

In a constructive sense multilevel is a foreign policy of a country which has several aims but it doesn’t give any primacy to any of them; it’s uploading to different subjects of international relations without giving any advantage to any of them; it’s a policy of saving balance in relations with a top players and with the rest countries-subjects of world politics and international economic relations.

Eventually, multilevel – is a policy and strategy of outspreading of national interests in the world space, directed on the active development of partnership mutually advantageous relations with separate countries or group of countries on every continent. Participation in integration process – is one of the mechanism of implementation such policy and strategy.

Ukraine as newly independent country has to solve difficult specific problems, such as:

  • problem of state creation – to acquire a status of full and equal subject of the world community, Ukraine has to become a “de facto” country;

  • consolidation its positions in the world commonwealth as a sovereign independent, newly created country by overcoming significant internal and external interferences on this way;

  • consolidation of its positions as a subject of international economic space with priority intention to join the EU in the future;

  • development of bilateral and multilateral relation with countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, especially with Russian Federation.

As for establishment of a full subject position of international economic relations, the main link along with inclusion in a process of international economic integration, has to be fruitful full-scale participation in international organizations with the functions of global level such as the International Monetary Fund, the organization of the World Bank, World Trade Organization, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Intellectual Property Organization and others. From 2010 integration goals and priorities of Ukraine are determined by the new presidential authority.

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