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5. 3. Ukraine - bsec

Integrating into the global economy, Ukraine gave great importance to cooperation with the Black Sea area, using such factors as geographical proximity, common history and cultural values, interrelation of national economies. In the last decade of XX century considerably weakened suspicion and distrust between states, countries of the subregion were real steps towards deepening and strengthening of multilateral relations.

One of such steps was the creation of an integration grouping in the subregion. June 25, 1992 – the Declaration on the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) was signed. In the Declaration referred to the principles set out in the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter for a New Europe, as well as social values such as democracy, human rights and freedom, social equality and security of the participating countries.

Lecture 6. North-American model of economic integration. NAFTA

6.1. Peculiarities of integration in North America.

6.2. Participants interests of integration.

6.3. NAFTA in world integration process.


  1. Троненко В.І. Курс лекцій з дисципліни Міжнародна економічна інтеграція. – К.:КиМУ, 2002.

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  3. Международная экономическая интеграция: уч. пос./под. ред. д-ра ек-х наук, проф. Ливенцева. – М.: Экономист, 2006. – 430с.

  4. Глинкин А.Н. Соглашения по АЛКА: за год до финиша//Латинская Америка, 2004, №1.

  5. Интеграция в Западном полушарии/ Отв. ред. А.Н. Глинкин. – М.:ИЛАРАН. 2003.

  6. Мединська Т. НАФТА – «Велика трійка» рівних партнерів//Політика і час, 2005.№7.

  7. Комкова Е. Г. Канада и НАФТА: экономические итоги десятилетия//США*Канада: эпк, 2005, №12. – с.3-24.

  8. Шевакина О.А. Эволюция мексиканской экономики в контексте деятельности НАФТА//Латинская Америка, 2007, №7. – с.37-49.

  9. Клочковський Л.Л. Процессы глобализации и Латинская Америка, 2008, №1.с.4 – 14.

6.1. Peculiarities of integration in North America.

Unlike Western Europe, where the process of subregional economic and political integration is based on state corporate basis, economic integration in North America develops on privately co-operative principles.

Basis|foundation| of such peculiar on a continent North America is a high level|Y-level| of interpenetration and cooperation| of private capitals, private enterprise. Firsf of all it relates to USA and Canada. Between these countries there are|is| the liberalized trade, regime of |free|movement capital motion, free migration of labour force. A leading role in this process|Carbro| belongs to the multinational corporations. Since the sixties of the last|passing| century, exacly these countries intend to enlarge the relation firstly on bilateral base the USA-Canada and then on trilateral including Mexico.

In 1994 the trilateral treaty of NAFTA, signed in August 1992, came into effect and these intentions|intention| became|become| reality. Trilateral treaty connected USA, Canada and Mexico in a common marked including at that time over 400 million users and GDP about $ 10,5 billion. As result of integration it was the process of interpenetration huge capital in framework of North America. In fact, North American continent was transformed into the biggest world center of economic power capable on absolute prevailing|dominate| above|over| two other and on domination in a world economy.

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