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Lecture 9. Integration processes in Africa


9.1. The peculiarity of the integration processes in Africa

9.2. Characteristics of Integration unions of the African countries

9.3. Arab Maghreb Union (The Maghreb)

9.4. Intercontinental integration process in the Indian Ocean region


  1. Троненко В.І. Курс лекцій з дисципліни Міжнародна економічна інтеграція – К.: КиМУ, 2002. – 114 с.

  2. Міжнародні інтеграційні процеси сучасності: монографія/ А.С. Філіпенко – кер. авт. кол., В.С. Будкін, М.А. Дудченко та ін. – К.: Знання України, 2004. – 304 с.

  3. Международная экономическая интеграция: уч. пос./ под ред. докт. эк-х наук. проф. Ливенцева – М.: Экономист, 2006. – 430 с.

  4. Можаров А.Н. Укрепить региональную экономическую интеграцию// Азия и Африка сегодня, 2009, №11, с. 6-7.

9.1 The integration processes in Africa

The African region is very specific to international economic integration. The idea of regional integration is not new for African countries. Moreover, this idea is being implemented since in 1963 when Organization of African Unity (OAU) was established and the independent countries of continent have expressed their willingness to unite efforts to fight for their vital interests. In 1980 the first Economic Assembly of Heads of States and Governments of the countries-participants of OAU in Lagos adopted comprehensive program aimed at deepening and strengthening interafrican and regional cooperation, known as “The Lahos plan of Action”.

Organization of African Unity established on the base of signing of the Charter at the Conference of heads of states and governments of African countries in Adis Ababa in 1963. Includes 53 member countries, and is a political organisation on the continental level with a broad and ambitious objectives and principles to be done.

Incidentally, one of the first attempt to create such an organization took place in 1900 at the first Pan-African meeting in Manchester. However, it was premature.

In 1991 countries participants of the Organization of African Unity signed in the capital of Nigeria Abuja The Treaty establishing the African Economic Community. Agreement assumed that the community would take place in six phases, would last 34 years and eventually become part of the UAU.

Integration unities

of Africa:

Organization of African Unity;


Community of West Africa States;

West African economic and Monetary Union;

Eastern and South African Common market;

South African Community of Development;

Custom and Economic Union of Central Africa

Today's Africa – it is 56 independent states, covering an area of 30 million km2, which is 1/5th of the globe land, where there are more than 620 million population. Integration processes in this region are caused, on the one hand, by extremely low interconnection links, the mutual competition on raw materials and products markets of tropical agriculture, and on the other hand - a necessity of consolidation of efforts and resources for overcoming economic backwardness.

Economic development of Africa is characterized by:

• disproportionality;

• instability;

• large-scale crisis.

The average GDP per capita in countries in sub-Saharan reaches only $ 500-600 per

year. Of 43 countries with the lowest standard of living (GDP does not exceed $ 600 per capita) 32 - are tropical and southern Africa countries. The deep economic crisis that befell Africa in the early 80's, an example of international integration in other regions of the world have contributed the appearing of the integration processes in the African region, as the way to resolve the situation that occurred here. Excessive "openness" of African economies with limited domestic markets and serious structural imbalances leave no other options to overcome economic backwardness, except by creating mechanisms that would ensure free capital transfusion, movement of goods and labor, exchange experiences and information.

In late XX - early XXI century by the positive trends in economic development such countries as - South Africa, Egypt, Algeria appeared in Africa, which by the level and growth rate are close to the newly industrialized countries.

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