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1.2. Traditional approaches to the scientific study of international economic integration.

The general theory of international economic integration based on the works of representatives of Western economic thought of an advanced market economy. The first attempts at understanding the processes of regional integration are 50 years of the twentieth century. Traditional approaches to the scientific study of international integration characterized by the fact that focused mainly on economic and above all its aspects. Gradually, in Western countries on this issue has developed quite a lot of economic literature, which presented different views.

1.2.1.Rynkova (liberal) school

A. Müller-ARMAK

A. Predol

W. Ropke

The problem of integration as a process of unity against  intehrantiv market countries on the principle of free trade and create a single market space within the integration volume  unity, which would have ensured freedom of the natural market forces.

Economists saw the school market in regional integration possibility of practical realization of the principle of free movement of factors of production. That is why the theoretical search of market direction was based on the concept of a customs union, a reasonable late 40's American economist J. Weiner and an enhanced and supplemented by English scientists George Meade, and Robert F. Herelsom Lizheyem.

The concept of a customs union was to some extent a compromise between the views of supporters and defenders of national protectionism global free trade. It included removing restrictions on trade between countries intehrantamy and introduction of common tariffs for trade with intermediate states.

The concept of a customs union has become a theoretical framework of regional integration policies in Western Europe, which was manifested in 1957 creating the European Economic Community.

Market concept, which reflects certain practical characteristics or features of the integration process at the level of customs union eventually proved unable to give answers and explanations of a complex of problems of regional economic integration. And some market mechanisms were not enough to ensure optimal economic integration grouping. In 60 years in economic theory proved to view according to which the integration process requires purposeful regulation of the regional impact of the state.

1.2.2. Market-institutional direction

B. Belashi

G. Heyperin

M. Biyye

H. Kromer

Under the influence of neokeynsianstva, representatives of this trend came to the conclusion that the solution to resolving the urgent problems - economic integration is impossible without correcting the political, that government intervention in the development of the integration process.

Among these problems - to avoid depression and full employment, development of backward areas (regions), regulation of national and international monopolies.

Was the idea of compromise between market and state-regulated components of the integration mechanism.

American economist Bela Belashi introduced into scientific understanding of the double integration. Economic integration as a process involves measures designed to eliminate discrimination between economic sub - objects of representing various national states. Integration as a state provides for mitigation, leveling distinctions between the national economy.

B. Belashi considering economic integration as a process, proposed its own model of development stages of this process, which became a classic in western science and accepted as such by various international economic organizations.

Model B. Belashi includes its own consistent form of economic integration:

1. FTA elimination of tariffs and quantitative restrictions between Member intehrantamy

2. Customs Union elimination of tariffs and quantitative restrictions on the integration within the union - complemented by the introduction of a tariff on trade with third countries

3. The common market is not only the elimination of trade restrictions, but restrictions on movement within the integration volume - unity of production factors: capital, labor, technology

4. Economic Union freedom of movement of production factors supplemented certain convergence of the policies to eliminate discrimination caused by a mismatch of these policies

5. Full economic integration implies completely unified national economic policy, providing agencies (institutions) supranational authorities

In general, proponents of market-institutional direction practicing integration as a process of elimination of discrimination, limited role of government intervention only correcting imbalances nayvidvertishyh market economy within the integration volume - unity. According to Mr Belashi, government regulation is designed not to target the integration process, and the only balance to correct the discrepancy between national policy and thus intensively to improve the market mechanism. Thus the authors of a market-institutional concept of their views far away from intermediaries marketers.

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