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Lecture 8. Integration processes in Asia


8.1. Place of Asia in the world economic relations 8.2. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 8.3. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)


  1. Троненко В.І Курс лекцій з дисципліни Міжнародна економічна інтеграція.– К.: КиМУ, 2002. – 114 с.

  2. Міжнародні інтеграційні процеси сучасності: монографія/ А.С. Філіпенко – кер. авт. кол., В.С. Будкін, М.А. Дудченко та ін. – К.: Знання України, 2004. – 304 с.

  3. Международная экономическая интеграция: уч. пос. / под ред. д-ра эк-х наук, проф. Ливенцева. – М.: Экономист, 2006. – 430 с.

  4. Красильников В.А. Кризис в Восточной Азии: 10 лет спустя // МЭ и МО. – 2007. – №8. – С. 71–82.

  5. Век новой экономики АСЕАН. *Перспектива дальнейшей интеграции. *Экомическое сотрудничество как фактор региональной безопасности. *АСЕАН-США: новые вызовы // Азия и Африка сегодня. – 2003. – №1. – С. 2–16.

  6. Мурашева Г. Ускорение по-вьетнамски // Азия и Африка сегодня. – 2004. – №3. – С. 36–37.

  7. Мурашева Г.Ф. Вьетнам в АСЕАН // Азия и Африка сегодня. – 2009. – №3. – С. 32–39.

  8. АСЕАН: ответ на вызовы глобализации // Азия и Африка сегодня. – 2009. – №5. – С. 22–26.

  9. Воронин А.С. АСЕАН. Испытание на прочность // Азия и Африка сегодня. – 2009. – № 8. – С.9–14.

8.1. Place of Asia in the world economic relations.

Asia takes a special place in the international economic relations. Many experts saying about its international ranking as far as so high, that the XXI century could be the era or "star time" of Asia-Pacific region (APR). Asia in a globalized world economy - is a large regional market, powerful economic, investment, technological, scientific and technical potential, significant reserves of raw materials, specific agricultural raw materials, specific, fast-growing national economies.

Contemporary Asia: 47 countries area - 46 million km 2 population - over 2,750 million

Scientists have been coming that conclusion attempting to predict the possible prospects of the Asia-Pacific countries and territories development through the world processes of globalization. The role of Asia Pacific

region is really growing in the global economy and attention is drawing not only by experts and scientists but also by politicians, worldwide business leaders.

Transformational processes in the Asia-Pacific region during the period after the Second World War, demonstrating one of the most unique and original models of market economies in such a large scale. And one of the unique features of this experience is that unique logic rising of countries and territories, which are differ in area, population, national character of social-economic structure, from the devastation, undevelopment and periphery to a high, according to modern estimates, level of development.

East Asian region is an example of the step, "echelon" industrialization that gradually brought countries of the region to higher levels of economic development. As known this process started in Japan, which carry out a real break from the postwar devastation and poverty to sustainable economic growth and social welfare.

The next countries and territories that went to the modern "newly industrialized economies" of Asia after Japan were South Korea, Taiwan Province of China and the East Asian territory of Singapore, which was under the British sovereignty, - also achieved economic stability and sustained relatively high growth rates. ASEAN countries, followed by China, India, Vietnam and other Asian countries were in the "third echelon" of industrialization in Southeast Asia.

A significant role of industrialization of East Asia has played cooperation with USA and its large-scale activities in their economies, the North American multinational corporations. The other multinational corporations of developed countries are also acting here, but USA presence remains of its priority. The foundations

Economic Organizations and groups in Asia and the APR

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

The Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI)

The Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP)

Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

South Pacific Forum

South Pacific Commission

The Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific

of modern economic structure and overcoming of backwardness were achieved firstly at Japan and later at the future new industrial countries by such forms of cooperation as providing non-paid assistance loans, direct investment and technology transfer.

Obviously, the orientation of East Asian countries for relations with industrially developed countries has formed under these conditions.

The foundation of APR is a powerful block, interregional "triangle" Japan - New industrial Asian economies - the USA have been formed during the 80's - early 90's. Despite all the difficulties and contradictions its advantages were quite significant. Therefore willingness of Western Europe to join and supplement this "block" by fourth edge, mentioned above, and turned it into a "square" was perceived quite naturally. All these affected the development of integration processes in Asia Pacific region.

This orientation for turnover of Asian developing countries to industrially developed countries in other regions has caused economic separation between them and proved deterrent for the development of regional integrated relations.

Integration processes in the APR differently evaluated by specialists.

Some believe that it’s not time even for free trade zone as market integration is developing spontaneously and originally. They think, only trade relations in the ASEAN could be attributed to the first stage - free trade - economic integration conception of B. Belashi. As for APR we could not talk about the free trade, but only as "open economic association."

Noting the rapid development of domestic trade and capital markets as a result of mutual coordination, harmonization of economic policies, other scientists including the whole region to the first stage of integration, other words a free trade area.

Finally the third point of view comes down to the level of integration in some sub regions and between groups of countries is different, therefore they should be considered separately, independently.

The problem and even plans to create a global zone of the Pacific Economic Cooperation have been discussing for a long time in academic, political and business circles of Asia-Pacific countries. But the matter of fact is that the Pacific basin covers a huge geographic space of three continents, countries pool too different to each other in economic, cultural, historical, ethnic and religious relations. So the idea about the unifying of these countries basing on unity of the economic interests and has been creating and supporting very slowly, as the real process of finding options for global trade and economic bloc in the APR started from the 80's of the last century.

So-called Barcelona process the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership takes a special place among the new phenomena in the integration process of the Asian continent. It was joined also by the Mediterranean countries of South-West Asia and North Africa.

The Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in the format of the new approach of the EU and Mediterranean countries to the development and deepening of integration took place in Barcelona in November 1995. As the result the international cooperation named the Barcelona process was started.

The main purpose of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership has been declared a creation of common zone of peace, prosperity and stability. Achieving the goal it was decided to concentrate on such challenges as:

a) Peace and stability,

b) Economic development,

c) Cultural convergence.

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership has led to considerable progress towards the cooperation over ten years. Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP), Euro-Mediterranean Development Aid Program, Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue (FID) and Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) as the most effective tools were involved.

France initiated the establishment of the Union for the Mediterranean based on Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in 2007, the leading role was owned by Turkey. However, the European Union and Mediterranean countries have seen the initiative as controversial.

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