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III. Read the following words:

Senua, Hertfordshire, Minerva

IV. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

  1. A previously unknown Romano-British goddess has been resurrected at the …

  2. The 26 pieces of gold and silver, found in a Hertfordshire field, are believed to be …

  3. Senua is believed to be probably …

  4. Senua's shrine may have been a ritual spring …

  5. The offerings include …

  6. A superb carved cameo of a lion trampling an ox skull is ...

  7. Several of the plaques showed a classic image of ...

  8. ... it was realised that that was the name of a wholly unknown goddess.

  9. The hoard comes from ...

  10. When the field was excavated ... was found, and it ...

  11. Only the ... remains intact.

V. Answer the questions.

  1. Where has been a previously unknown Romano-British goddess resurrected?

  2. For how long has been her identity buried?

  3. Why is this find hugely significant and of national and international importance?

  4. Whom is Senua believed to be?

  5. What may have Senua's shrine been?

  6. What do the offerings include?

  7. What do the plaques still have to be set up-right?

  8. How is a classical allegory of all-conquering death presented?

  9. How was the name of the goddess realised?

  10. By whom, how and where was the hoard found?

  11. What part of silver statuette of Senua remains intact?

VI. Use the following words and word-combinations in the sentences given below: conscience, in (all/good) conscience, on one’s conscience, conscientious, concsious, concsious of sth/that, consciousness.

  1. You cannot ... regard that as fair pay.

  2. The blow caused him to lose ... .

  3. My ... was troubled by the unkind things I had said to her.

  4. He was in a coma for days, but now he’s fully ... again.

  5. It’s still ... that I didn’t warn her in time.

  6. Are you ... how people will regard such behaviour?

  7. This essay is a most ... piece of work.

  8. She cheerfully cheats and lies; she has no ... at all.

  9. Parents’ attitudes are deeply ingrained in the child’s ... .

  10. I could not ... refuse to help.

  11. One’s ... motives are often different from one’s subconscious ones.

  12. I must write to him about his wife’s death – I’ve had it ... for weeks now.

  13. I must go. It’s a matter of ... (i.e. I think it would be morally wrong not to go).

  14. I had to make a ... effort not to be rude to him.

  15. He has a strong social/political ... .

  16. Teenagers are often very fashion-... .

VII. Find in the text synonyms to the words and phrases.

Bit, value, concealed, calamity, to offer, ordinary, grand, rare, to stay.

? How do you imagine Senua?

The truth of arthur

Was he a real historical figure or just a myth? Can we ever know?

    1. Memorize the following words and phrases:

Treachery - предательство

to defend - защищать

to expand - расширять

rival - соперник, противник

gentle - знатный, родовитый

to struggle against - сражаться против

evil- зло

knight - рыцарь

peril – риск, угроза

to betray – предавать к-л

to forge – возглавлять, быть первым

corpus(здесь) - собрание

to exalt – восхвалять, возвышать

kernel – суть, сущность

incarnation - воплощение

shaky foundation – непрочная основа

monk - монах

paragon – образец, модель

quest – поиск

origin – источник, происхождение

heritage - наследие

span of time – промежуток времени

backgrounds – биографич. данные

to set forth – излагать, повествовать

possession – владение, имущество

unfortunately – к сожалению

fabricate - выдумывать

eminent – выдающийся, знаменитый

oral – передаваемый из уст в уста

venerable – почтенный, многоуважаемый

equal - равный

glorified version – приукрашенная версия

harshly – резко, категорично

albeit - хотя

to immortalize - увековечить

to disprove – опровергать ч-л

resemblance - сходство

authenticity – подлинность, достоверность

blend - сочетание

to reveal – раскрывать, обнаруживать

to collapse – развалиться, распадаться

exceedingly - чрезвычайно

evidence - доказательство

spectre – призрак, спектр

elusive – неясный, смутный

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