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III. Answer the questions:

  1. What is called the Roman Titanic?

  2. When did this ship sink?

  3. What was there on a board of this ship?

  4. Who found the Roman Titanic?

  5. What is the bay’s fatal feature?

IV. Give the synonyms to the words:

Vessel (n), exquisite (adj), initial (adj), exact (adj), worship (n), seafaring (n), expos (adj), lavish (adj), coast (n), rich (adj)

V. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Роскошный огромный корабль, построенный для благородных римлян, затонул более 2 тысяч лет назад.

  2. Среди ценных находок были античные статуэтки, бронзовые скульптуры, произведения искусства и роскошно украшенные кувшины.

  3. Хорошо известна любовь римских аристократов к роскошным кораблям.

  4. Древнеримские корабли были построены из соснового дерева и укреплены дубовыми перетяжками, для того чтобы противостоять штормам и ветрам.

  5. Так поэтично, что шторм, подобный тому, который потопил этот корабль, дал возможность его найти.

VI. Make up your own sentences with the words (see task 1).

VII. Discuss the topics:

  1. Archeologists are calling this ship the Roman Titanic. How do you think why?

  2. Have the Roman Titanic repeated the fortune of real Titanic?

VIII. Read the text.

Oldest sculpture found in Morocco

A 400.000-year-old stone object unearthed in Morocco could be the world’s oldest attempt at sculpture. That is the claim of a prehistoric art specialist who says the ancient rock bears clear signs of modification by humans.

The object, which is around six centimeters in length, is shaped like a human figure, with grooves that suggest a neck, arms and legs. On its surface are flakes of a red substance that could be remnants of paint. The object was found 15 meters below the eroded surface of a terrace on the north bank of the Rived Draa near the town of Tan-Tan. It was reportedly lying just a few centimeters away from stone handaxes in ground layers dating to the Middle Acheulian period, which lasted from 500.000 to 300.000 years ago.

The find is likely to further fuel a vociferous debate over the timing of humanity’s discovery of symbolism. Hominids such as Homo heidelbergensis and Homo erectus, that were alive during the Acheulians period, are not thought to have been capable of the symbolic thought needed to create art.

Writing in the journal Current Anthropology, Robert Bednarik, president of the International Federation of Rock Art Organisations (IFRAO), suggests that the overall shape of the Tan-Tan object was fashioned by natural processes. But he argues that conspicuous grooves on the surface of the stone, which appear to emphasise its humanlike appearance, are partially man-made. Mr. Bednarik claims that some of these grooves were made by repeated battering with a stone tool to connect up natural depression in the rock.

However, Professor Stanley Ambrose of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US, said he saw no evidence for tool marks and that, although the figure was evocative, it was most likely the result of “fortuitous natural weathering”.

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