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1.SmartPak website, accessed 29 May 2012, www.smart pakequine.com; SmartPak Facebook page, accessed 29 May 2012, www.facebook.com/SmartPakEquine; “20 Best Company Facebook Pages,” Inc., accessed 29 May 2012, www.inc.com.

2.Angelo Fernando, “Content Snacking—and What You Can Do About It,” Communication World, January–February 2011, 8–10.

3.Jennifer Van Grove, “Social Networking on Mobile Devices Skyrockets,” Mashable, 20 October 2011, http://mashable.com.

4.Angelo Fernando, “Social Media Change the Rules,” Communication World, January–February 2007, 9–10; Geoff Livingston and Brian Solis, Now Is Gone: A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs (Laurel, Md.: Bartleby Press, 2007), 60.

5.Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (London: Portfolio, 2006), 216–217; Dan Schawbel, “Why Social Media Makes It Possible for Gen-Y to Succeed,” Personal Branding Blog, 12 December 2007, http://personalbrandingblog.wordpress.com.

6.2012 CEO, Social Media & Leadership Survey, Brandfog, www.brandfog.com.

7.Richard Edelman, “Teaching Social Media: What Skills Do Communicators Need?” in Engaging the New Influencers; Third Annual Social Media Academic Summit (white paper), accessed 7 June 2010, www.newmediaacademicsummit.com.

8.Catherine Toole, “My 7 Deadly Sins of Writing for Social Media—Am I Right?” Econsultancy blog, 19 June 2007, www.econsultancy.com; Muhammad Saleem, “How to Write a Social Media Press Release,” Copyblogger, accessed

16September 2008, www.copyblogger.com; Melanie McBride, “5 Tips for (Better) Social Media Writing,” Melanie McBride Online, 11 June 2008, http://melaniemcbride.net.

9.Christian Pieter Hoffmann, “Holding Sway,” Communication World, November–December 2011, 26–29.

10.Jon Russell, “Why ‘Going Global’ Makes No Sense for China’s Social Networks—for Now,” The Next Web, 14 May 2012, http://thenextweb.com.

11.Todd Henneman, “At Lockheed Martin, Social Networking Fills Key Workforce Needs While Improving Efficiency and Lowering Costs,” Workforce Management, March 2010, www.workforce.com.

12.H. James Wilson, P.J. Guinan, Salvatore Parise, and Bruce D. Weinberg, “What’s Your Social Media Strategy?” Harvard Business Review, July–August 2011, 23–25.

13.Patrick Hanlon and Josh Hawkins, “Expand Your Brand Community Online,” Advertising Age, 7 January 2008, 14–15.

14.Christopher Swan, “Gamification: A New Way to Shape Behavior,” Communication World, May–June 2012, 13–14.

Chapter 6: Crafting Messages for Electronic Media


15.Samantha Murphy, “Why Mobile Commerce Is on the Rise,” Mashable, 7 March 2012, http://mashable.com.

16.Todd Wasserman, “What Drives Brand Socialability?” Mashable, 12 October 2011.

17.Toyota Facebook page, accessed 3 June 2012, www

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.com/ford; B.L. Ochman, “Doing It Wrong: 11 Boring Things GM Posted on Facebook,” Ad Age, 18 May 2012.

18.“Shaking Things Up at Coca-Cola,” Harvard Business Review, October 2011, 94–99.

19.Alex Wright, “Mining the Web for Feelings, Not Facts,” New York Times, 23 August 2009, www.nytimes.com.

20.Hoffmann, “Holding Sway”; Josh Bernoff, “Social Strategy for Exciting (and Not So Exciting) Brands,” Marketing News, 15 May 2009, 18; Larry Weber, Marketing to the Social Web (Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2007), 12–14; David Meerman Scott, The New Rules of Marketing and PR (Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2007), 62; Paul Gillin, The New Influencers (Sanger, Calif.: Quill Driver Books, 2007), 34–35; Jeremy Wright,

Blog Marketing: The Revolutionary Way to Increase Sales, Build Your Brand, and Get Exceptional Results (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), 263–365.

21.Sonia Simone, “What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing and Copywriting?” Copyblogger, accessed 4 June 2012, www.copyblogger.com.

22.Matt Rhodes, “Build Your Own Community or Go Where People Are? Do Both,” FreshNetworks blog, 12 May 2009, www.freshnetworks.com.

23.Brian Solis, Engage! (Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2010), 13.

24.Zachary Sniderman, “5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity,” 7 July 2010, Mashable, http://mashable


25.HP company profiles on LinkedIn and Facebook, accessed 6 June 2012, www.facebook.com/hp and www


26.Vanessa Pappas, “5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube,” Mashable, 15 June 2010, www.mashable.com.

27.Tamar Weinberg, The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web (Sebastapol, Calif.: O’Reilly Media, 2009),

28.“About Us,” Yelp, accessed 6 June 2012, www.yelp.com; Lisa Barone, “Keynote Conversation with Yelp Chief Operating Officer Geoff Donaker,” 5 October 2010, http:// outspokenmedia.com.

29.Rohit Bhargava, “How Curation Could Save the Internet (and Your Brand),” Communication World, January–February 2012, 20–23.

164 Unit 3: Brief Business Messages

30.Reid Goldborough, “More Trends for 2009: What to Expect with Personal Technology,” Public Relations Tactics, February 2009, 9.

31.Michelle V. Rafter, “If Tim Fry Has His Way, He’ll Eradicate Email for Good,” Workforce Management, 24 April 2012, www.workforce.com.

32.Matt Cain, “Managing Email Hygiene,” ZD Net Tech Update, 5 February 2004, www.techupdate.zdnet.com.

33.Hilary Potkewitz and Rachel Brown, “Spread of Email Has Altered Communication Habits at Work,” Los Angeles Business Journal, 18 April 2005, www.findarticles.com; Nancy Flynn, Instant Messaging Rules (New York: AMACOM, 2004), 47–54.

34.Mary Munter, Priscilla S. Rogers, and Jone Rymer, “Business Email: Guidelines for Users,” Business Communication Quarterly, March 2003, 26+; Renee B. Horowitz and Marian G. Barchilon, “Stylistic Guidelines for Email,” IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 37, no. 4 (December 1994): 207–212.

35.Steve Rubel, “Tip: Tweetify the Lead of Your Emails,” The Steve Rubel Stream blog, 20 July 2010, www.steverubel.com.

36.Judith Newman, “If You’re Happy and You Know It, Must I Know, Too?” New York Times, 21 October 2011, www.nytimes.com.

37.Michal Lev-Ram, “IBM: Instant Messaging Has Replaced Voicemail,” CNNMoney, 31 May 2011, http://tech.fortune

.cnn.com; Robert J. Holland, “Connected—More or Less,” Richmond.com, 8 August 2006, www.richmond.com.

38.Vayusphere website, accessed 22 January 2006, www

.vayusphere.com; Christa C. Ayer, “Presence Awareness: Instant Messaging’s Killer App,” Mobile Business Advisor, 1 July 2004, www.highbeam.com; Jefferson Graham, “Instant Messaging Programs Are No Longer Just for Messages,” USA Today, 20 October 2003, 5D; Todd R. Weiss, “Microsoft Targets Corporate Instant Messaging Custom-

ers,” Computerworld, 18 November 2002, 12; “Banks Adopt Instant Messaging to Create a Global Business Network,” Computer Weekly, 25 April 2002, 40; Michael D. Osterman, “Instant Messaging in the Enterprise,” Business Communications Review, January 2003, 59–62; John Pallato, “Instant Messaging Unites Work Groups and Inspires Collaboration,” Internet World, December 2002, 14.

39.Paul Mah, “Using Text Messaging in Business,” Mobile Enterprise blog, 4 February 2008, http://blogs.techrepublic

.com/wireless; Paul Kedrosky, “Why We Don’t Get

the (Text) Message,” Business 2.0, 2 October 2006, www

.business2.com; Carpenter, “Companies Discover Marketing Power of Text Messaging.”

40.“About StarStar,” Zoove website, accessed 6 June 2012, www.zoove.com.

41.Mark Gibbs, “Racing to Instant Messaging,” NetworkWorld, 17 February 2003, 74.

42.“Email Is So Five Minutes Ago,” BusinessWeek,

28November 2005, www.businessweek.com.

43.Clint Boulton, “IDC: IM Use Is Booming in Business,” InstantMessagingPlanet.com, 5 October 2005, www

.instantmessagingplanet.com; Jenny Goodbody, “Critical Success Factors for Global Virtual Teams,” Strategic Communication Management, February/March 2005, 18–21; Ann Majchrzak, Arvind Malhotra, Jeffrey Stamps, and Jessica Lipnack, “Can Absence Make a Team Grow Stronger?” Harvard Business Review, May 2004, 131–137; Christine Y. Chen, “The IM Invasion,” Fortune, 26 May 2003, 135–138; Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, “A Swarm of Little Notes,” Time,

16September 2002, A3–A8; Mark Bruno, “Taming the Wild Frontiers of Instant Messaging,” Bank Technology News, December 2002, 30–31; Richard Grigonis, “EnterpriseStrength Instant Messaging,” Convergence.com, 10–15, accessed 15 March 2003, www.convergence.com.

44.Leo Babauta, “17 Tips to Be Productive with Instant Messaging,” Web Worker Daily, 14 November 2007, http:// webworkerdaily.com; Pallato, “Instant Messaging Unites Work Groups and Inspires Collaboration.”

45.“State of the Blogosphere 2011,” Technorati, 4 November 2011, http://technorati.com.

46.Marcus Sheridan, “5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging,” Social Media Examiner, 2 December 2011, www

.socialmediaexaminer.com; Stephen Baker, “The Inside Story on Company Blogs,” BusinessWeek 14 February 2006, www.businessweek.com; Jeremy Wright, Blog Market-

ing (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006), 45–56; Paul Chaney, “Blogs: Beyond the Hype!” 26 May 2005, http:// radiantmarketinggroup.com.

47.Solis, Engage!, 314.

48.Dianne Culhane, “Blog Logs a Culture Change,” Communication World, January–February 2008, 40–41.

49.Solis, Engage!, 86.

50.Weinberg, The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web, 89.

51.“IBM Social Computing Guidelines,” IBM website, accessed 5 June 2012, www.ibm.com.

52.Joel Falconer, “Six Rules for Writing Great Web Content,” Blog News Watch, 9 November 2007, www.blognewswatch


53.Dion Hinchcliffe, “Twitter on Your Intranet: 17 Microblogging Tools for Business,” ZDNet, 1 June 2009, www.zdnet.com.

54.Hinchcliffe, “Twitter on Your Intranet: 17 Microblogging Tools for Business.”

55.“The Library of Congress Is Archiving Your Tweets,” NPR, 19 July 2010, www.npr.org.

56.B.L. Ochman, “Why Twitter Is a Better Brand Platform Than Facebook,” Ad Age, 1 June 2012, Ad Age, http://adage


57.Leon Widrich, “4 Ways to Use Twitter for Customer Service and Support,” Social Media Examiner, 12 April 2012, www.socialmediaexaminer.com.

58.Paul André, Michael Bernstein, and Kurt Luther, “What Makes a Great Tweet,” Harvard Business Review, May 2012, 36–37.

59.André et al., “What Makes a Great Tweet.”

60.Interview with Cliff Ravenscraft in Michael Stelzner, “Podcasting for Business: What You Need to Know,” Social Media Examiner, 23 December 2011, www


61.“Set Up Your Podcast for Success,” FeedForAll website, accessed 4 October 2006, www.feedforall.com.

Chapter 6: Crafting Messages for Electronic Media


62.Nathan Hangen, “4 Steps to Podcasting Success,” Social Media Examiner, 14 February 2011, www


63.Shel Holtz, “Ten Guidelines for B2B Podcasts,” Webpronews.com, 12 October 2005, www.webpronews.com.

64.Adapted from “Side Impact Protection Revealed,” Britax website, accessed 6 June 2012, www.britaxusa.com.

65.Adapted from Crutchfield website, accessed 6 June 2012, www.crutchfield.com.

66.JetBlue Twitter page, accessed 6 June 2012, http://twitter




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Writing Routine and

Positive Messages


After studying this chapter, you will be able to

1Outline an effective strategy for writing routine business requests.

2 Describerequests. three common types of routine

3Outline an effective strategy for writing routine replies and positive messages.

4Describe six common types of routine replies and positive.


Matters . . .

Louis Lanzano/AP Wide World Photos

Warren Buffett often deals with complex financial issues in his line of business, but he has cultivated the ability to express even complicated subjects in clear, simple language that seeks to inform rather than to impress.

To succeed, I don’t need to be Shakespeare;

I must, though, have a sincere desire to inform.

—Warren Buffett,

Legendary investor and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffett’s financial acumen has made him and many of his shareholders wealthy, but he is recognized almost as widely for his communication skills. His letters, essays, and annual reports communicate complex financial topics in simple language his readers can easily understand. His approach is simple: Even for a document that will be read by thousands of people, he visualizes a single person (often one of his sisters) as his audience. He treats this audience member as an intelligent human being, but someone who doesn’t have the same level of experience with the subject matter he has. From there, he proceeds to organize and write his messages in a way that clarifies all the essential information and doesn’t try to impress or obscure with complicated language.1 Whether you’re posting a status update on a team blog or producing a report for an audience of thousands, Buffett’s approach is a great example to follow.