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57. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the means of expressing syntactic connection in Eng and Ukr word-groups.

Types of syntactic connection:

SYNTHETIC(much less common in Eng; absolutely dominant in Ukr)

Agreement a dependent word takes all the morphological categories of the head element: білий сніг-білого снігу

Government (predominant in Ukr) the head word requires the use of the dependent word in a special form, which is preserved with changing the form of the head element of the word group: читати книгу, to see him, to love her .Synthetic government in Eng – only in verbal word-groups: 1)the Vinf+Iobj(to see him) 2)Ying+Iobj (seeing him)with the pronoun in the obj case form.

ANALYTICAL(absolutely dominant in Eng; much less common in Ukr) Syndetic books for home reading Asyndetic home-reading books, бажання вчитися. Only in Eng: substantival word-groups of the NN,NNN patterns are connected asyndetically: cotton yarn, cotton yarn production. Objective word groups: Eng: analytical connection (to ask Peter/somebody) Urk: synthetic or anal-synth connection(запитувати Петра/когось).

ANAL-SYNTH - all of us, добре для Петра

Subordinate word-groups






Boy secrets

Чудові дні


To love her

Щиро любити


So very unusual

Аж надто важкий


We all

Щось нове


The 1st to answer

Перші з грамот


here & there

Так і сяк


Horribly afraid

Легко на душі

58. Syntactic processes and syntactic relations in Eng and Ukr.

Syntactic relations





Coordination (independent relations)

Symmetric (elements are interchangeable)

translate and retell

книги й журнали

Asymmetric (elements are fixed)

ladies and gentlemen

пані та панове

Subordination (relations of dependency: 1-cernal, 2-dependent)

Objective directed by the action of the transitive verb on some object, which may be a life of a lifeless component.

to give the book to Peter/

to give Peter the book

дати книжку Петрові

Attributive formed between adjuncts & head words(subordinating parts) of nominal groups.

a beautiful flower

червона квітка

Adverbial in co-ordinate & subordinate word-groups to express diff adv meanings

to speak slowly

працювати добре


Primary - realized between the subject and predicate in any 2-member sentence of any paradigmatic form or structural type.

I am writing

Я пишу

Secondary is formed in Eng by verbals in connection with other nominal parts of speech. The Sec pred constr are formed by the so-called infinitival, participial and gerundial complexes.

I saw her writing

I found the windows closed – objective with the past part(adj) construction, identical meaning& structural form in Eng & Ukr


Я застав вікно зачиненим (double predicate)

Syntactic processes EXTERNAL (lead to the appearance of the new element) 1)Extension is achieved through adding subordinate components to an element that is the head/nucleus. this book – these books; цікаві книги. 2)Apposition – a kind of incorporation into the syntactic structure by addition. The city of London, Шевченко – поет 3)Detachment Detached may be any secondary part of the sentence and detachment is achieved through extension by means of subordination. Children just as easy-going. Діти-такі ж добродушні. 4) Specification a kind of modifying the syntactic unit by a complementing element of the same nature and function. Not tall, just average; Невисока, якраз середня 5)Enclosure a kind of modification of the sentence structure by inserting into it modal words or expressions or discourse markers. Naturally, I’ll come; Звичайно, я прийду.

INTERNAL (occur within the same structure, no new element appears) 1)Expansion – produce some straits of homogeneous members of the sent (adj, subj, predicates). The police, boys, dozens of people waved to him; Він встав і підійшов до столу. 2)Ellipsis - both main members of the sent are omitted. Where did you go yesterday? – To the theater; Ти коли приїхав? – Увечері. 3)Representation – a kind of reducing-substituting the large part of the sent. by 1 element. Only in Eng: Will you go to the cinema? – I’d like to. 4)Contamination – 2 syntaxemes merge into 1 predicative unit. The moon rose- The moon rose red; Наталка прибігла – Наталка прибігла сердита. 5)Compression – a kind of reduction of the syntaxeme into the absolute secondary predicative complexes. Only in English: He sat, his pen in his hand

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