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32. Typology of phraseological units (isomorphic and allomorphic features).

Phraseological unit is a non-motivated word-group that cannot be freely made up in speech but is reproduced as a ready made unit. It is functionally and semantically inseparable. Characteristic features of phraseological units/set-phrases are non-motivation for idiomaticity and stability of context. Structurally, they may be in all languages: 1) sentence idioms (time and tide wait for no man, на козаку нема знаку); 2) word-group idioms (Ten Commandments, десять заповідей); 3) metaphorically generalised proper names (sometimes geogr. names) as Jack Ketch (hangman), Чалий (підступна, зрадлива людина).

Сommon in both languages are paradigmatic classes of idioms: - substantival (the Trojan horse,троянський кінь; -verbal (to have one's heart in one's mouth,брати бика за роги); -adverbial (by and again, скрізь і всюди).

In both lang’s they can perform such functions as: - the subject (Hobson’s choice is an idiom.); - the predicative/predicate (That was a Hobson’s choice for him); - the object (He recollected the idiom “Hobson’s choice.”); the adv.mod. (He will do it by hook or by crook.; Кров з носа, а зроблю це.)

Id. ex-s exist in both lang-s either as: 1) absolute equivalents having all components the same and absolutely identical or slightly different meaning in some languages of a historically, culturally and mostly geogr. close regions (the heel of Achilles ахіллесова п'ята), 2) near equivalents, i.e. when having in some (usually different) languages one or more components missing or different as in other (contrasted) lang-s, e.g.: to kiss the post - поцілувати замок, 3) genuine and approximate idiomatic analogies (have in Eng. and Ukr. similar meaning but different componental structures: a fly in the ointment, ложка дьогтю в бочці меду).

There are also: 1) national idioms (Eng. to cut off with a shilling, Ukr. передати куті меду); 2) international (Pandora’s box, Gordian knot).

33. Typology of set-phrases of non-phraseological character in English and Ukrainian.

The term "set phrase" implies that the basic criterion of differentiation is stability of the lexical components and grammatical structure of word-groups.

Set ph-s are often words with a unique referent (e.g. Red Sea).There is no clear dividing line between a commonly used phrase and a set phrase. It is also not easy to draw a clear distinction between set phrases (carry equal stress on each word) and compound words (stressed on the 1 syllable).

Set ph-s are usually called "collocations", that is, words that are commonly used together. They can be: - verb-noun combinations (take a bath, make a promise, вступити до університету), - adjective-noun combinations (innocent bystander, білий гриб), - preposition-noun (по вінця, on board) combinations. Collocation comprises the restrictions on how words can be used together, for example which prepositions are used with particular verbs, or which verbs and nouns are used together (e.g. strong tea, but not powerful tea).

Set ph-s should not be confused with idioms. In idioms, the meaning is completely non-compositional whereas in set phrases their elements are semantically motivated.

To non-stable phraseological units belong: 1) idioms, one of the words of which have unusual meaning; 2) non-idiomatic non-stable combinations of words, which are characterized by the frequent co-­occurrence of the word group (укр. генна інженерія, нейтронна бомба, рос. перочинный нож). In Russian and Ukrain sphere of stylistically neutral and official lexicon two-member expressions are predominant.

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