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последний вариант методички по английскому.doc
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I. Translate the text.

II. Complete the following. Choose the right word from the list.

cardio-pulmonary resuscitation

professional medical services

breathing and circulation

the mouth-to-mouth

chest compressions

the mouth-to-nose

severe bleeding

basic treatment





first aid




  1. First aid is the emergency treatment given to the ill or injured before …can be obtained.

  2. By performing First aid it may be possible to save lives by giving … until professional medical help arrives.

  3. Certain conditions, such as …, or …, require immediate treatment if the patient is to survive.

  4. All crewmembers should be prepared to administer … .

  5. Basic life support comprises the "ABC" steps, which concern the … respectively.

  6. CPR - technique is called … .

  7. If the casualty is unconscious check for ….

  8. If there are no signs of breathing or if in doubt commence artificial ventilation by using … or … technique.

  9. If there are no signs of a pulse, commence ….

  1. Any profound … of the airway, the breathing, or the circulation can promptly produce brain death.

  2. Basic life support must be undertaken with the maximum sense of ….

  3. If … alone is inadequate or absent, all that is necessary is either to open the AIRWAY or to apply ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION.

  4. If … is also absent, artificial circulation must be instituted through HEART COMPRESSION, in combination with artificial respiration.

  5. Brain … is possible if the brain is deprived of oxygen for 4-6 minutes.

III. Select the suitable preposition from the list. Aboard, at, beyond, for, from, in, on, to

  1. Every person employed … the vessel should know how to react immediately … finding a casualty.

  2. The actions taken … the first few minutes will be vital to ensure the recovery of the casualty and the safety of rescuer and casualty.

  3. However, the treatment of most injuries or other medical emergencies may be safely postponed … a few minutes required to locate a crewmember skilled … first aid.

  4. Procedures and techniques … the rescuer’s ability should not be attempted.

  5. A rapid, emergency evaluation of the patient should be made immediately … the scene of the injury to determine the type and extent of the trauma.

  6. … cases where circulation has failed, breathing will also stop.

  7. CPR should be given … a rate of 15 chest compressions … 2 ventilations.

  8. Bleeding is categorised according … the type of blood vessel affected:

  9. The brain, the principal organ … conscious life, starts to die if deprived of oxygen … as little as four minutes.

  10. … the delivery of oxygen … the atmosphere … the brain cells, there are two necessary actions: breathing and the circulation of oxygen-enriched blood.

IV. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does the First Aid mean?

  2. You are alone and administering CPR to a an adult victim. How many chest compressions and how many inflations should you administer in each sequence?

  3. If you are doing heart compression, approximately how many compressions per minute is about right?

  4. Which of these is considered the best way to control severe bleeding?

  5. Approximately how much blood is contained in the human body?

  6. If the heart of a casualty has stopped, approximately how long will it take before the casualty is likely to suffer brain damage?

  7. What is the rhythm when performing mouth-to-mouth ventilation in combination with chest compressions by one first aider only?

  8. After checking for open airway, giving the first 2 inflations and checking the pulse to make sure that the heart is beating, what rate of inflations should be given until natural breathing is restored?

  9. What is the rhythm of resuscitation should two first aiders use when working as a team?

  10. The ABC rule is important for first aiders to know. What does ABC stands for?

  11. When administering chest compression during CPR, at what part of the victim's body should the pressure be applied?

  12. What is the basic life support?

  13. What steps does the basic life support comprise?

  14. What should be done if breathing alone is inadequate or absent?

  15. What should be done if circulation is also absent?