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последний вариант методички по английскому.doc
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авария emergency

(катастрофа) crash аврал all-hands evolution аппарат дыхательный

breathing apparatus аптечка медицинская first aid kit безопасность safety буй buoy ~, светодымящийся light-smoke . вертолет helicopter выход exit ~, аварийный 1) escape route

2) emeregency exit живучесть survivability жилет спасательный life-jacket звукоизоляция sound damp

запрет prohibition костюм спасательный

изотермический immersion survival suit круг спасательный life buoy опасность danger опасный hazardous очки защитные goggles падать за борт to fall overboad пластырь collision mat получить пробоину to be holed

предостережение warning привод дистанционный remote control пробоина hole прожектор searchlight устройство гидростати ческое

работы спасательные salvage ракета

~, осветительная flare ~, сигнальная rocket расписание пожарное fire bill резервный 1) stand-by

2) reserve

разобщающее hydrostatic release unit

свисток whistle сесть на мель to run aground сигнал тревоги alarm signal сигнализация signaling alarm снаряжение водолазное diving equipment

спасательный rescue спринклер sprinkler средство спасательное life-saving appliance судно спасательное rescue cruiser ТБ safety laws тревога alarm

~, аварийная collision quarters ~, пожарная fire alarm ~, учебная muster drill ~, шлюпочная life-boat drill учения drills человек за бортом man overboard шлюпка спасательная life-boat шторм-трап storm ladder якорь плавучий sea anchor


I. Translate the text.

II. Complete the following. Choose the right word from the list.

Abandon ship, alarm signal, conflict, crew training, emergency, English, every month, the experience, fire drills, foreseeable emergency, a man-overboard victim, overlap, the provisions, requirements, safety equipment.

  1. Drills shall, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an actual …….

  2. Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill … .

  3. … of the crew is an important factor in determining how fast a drill or certain drill elements should be carried out.

  4. … is an important component of drills.

  5. The shipowner should ensure that new … on board the company's ships has been approved and installed in accordance with … of the SOLAS Convention and the International Life-saving Appliances (LSA) Code.

  6. The drills of the crew shall take place within 24 h of the ship leaving a port if more than 25% of the crew have not participated in … and … on board that particular ship in the previous month.

  7. The instructions must be in … but may additionally be in another language if this assists in providing clear information to each crew member.

  8. Muster lists must meet clear specific minimum ….

  9. When making up a muster list care should be taken to ensure that the duties allocated to any individual crew member do not … and that his duties are clear and without … in any ….

  10. Man overboard drills are intended to familiarize all members of the crew with the necessary procedures required to locate and recover ….

  11. The muster list and emergency instructions must clearly describe each … used and the actions that are required on each being sounded.