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Английский язык 1 часть

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Fairs and Exhibitions

f>. Товар не был поставлен вовремя, так как у фирмы было слиш­ ком много заказов.

7.В кассе г-ну Петрову сказали, что он может купить билет толь­

ко на восьмичасовой поезд.

К.Каждый год в Москве строится много новых зданий.

9.Контракт будет подписан завтра.




Read the text and the dialogue.


Every year a lot of specialized international and national exhibitions and fairs are held in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies which take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger.

The display of goods at exhibitions includes a wide range of exhib­ its which show the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries.

Fairs and exhibitions are always crowded with visitors, who show much interest in the exhibits on display.

At international and national exhibitions commercial centres are estab­ lished where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of goods.

At different presentations new models are demonstrated and their advantages are spoken about.

At contests and all-prize lotteries1 numerous souvenirs with com­ panies’ logos are given to visitors.

So, each exhibition is an eye-opening experience2 and a method to advertise products and services.


Mr Stepanov, a Russian businessman, visited the exhibition of office equipment which was held at Olympia3 in London.

His company was interested in buying photocopiers of the latest de­ sign. The Model R 210 photocopier of Wilson&Co attracted Mr Ste­ panov’s attention. After he had seen the equipment in operation he got in touch with Mr Adams, the Sales Manager of the company.


16 Английский язык для делового общения

Lesson 1

Stepanov: Good morning, Mr Adams. Here is my business card. Adams: Good morning. I’m glad to meet you. How do you like

our stand?

Stepanov: Oh, it’s very interesting. I’ve seen your latest achieve­ ments in the electronic industry. I must say you’ve made much progress in this field.

Adams: Glad to hear that.

Stepanov: Mr Adams, the stand-attendant has just shown me the Model R 210 photocopier in operation. Is it for sale?

Adams: Certainly. It’s an up-to-date model. It was introduced into the world market two months ago and since then it has been a great success. So I’m not surprised you got inter­ ested in it.

Stepanov: Yes, I was impressed by its efficient performance4 and its design.

Adams: The model meets the highest world standards. It is espe­ cially popular with small businesses and with people who work at home.

Stepanov: I understand that you have modified the previous model.

Adams: Exactly. Model R 210 is easier to operate and to transport, it’s cheaper to maintain and it’s not expensive to buy.

Stepanov: Sounds really interesting.

Adams: What’s more5 — it prints colour copies of high quality at a high speed.

Stepanov: I’d like to have some information about the other prod­ ucts of your company. Can you tell me ...

1an all-prize lottery — беспроигрышная лотерея

2 Each exhibition is an eye-opening experience. — Каждая выставка помогает посетителям воочию убедиться в достижениях той или иной страны (буквально — «открывает глаза»).

3 Olympia — «Олимпия» (большой выставочный центр в Лондоне)

4 performance — зд. работа (оборудования)

5 what’s more — более того, к тому же

N O T E T H E P R O N O U N C I A T I O N :

national ['naejonol] adj specialized ['spejolaizd] adj

a presentation [.prezen'teijon] n to demonstrate [’demonstreit] v a lottery ['btori] n

a souvenir ['suivomo] n


Fairs and Exhibitions

и photocopier ['foutou'kopis] n hi transport [tra:ns'po:t] v electronic [ilek'tronik] adj

Ex. 10. Say w hat you remember about:


different kinds of exhibitions;

the importance of exhibitions for countries — participants;

exhibitions as a method to advertise the achievements of different companies.


the stand of Wilson&Co at the exhibition in London;

Mr Stepanov’s impressions of the model R 210 photocopier;

the advantages of die new model as compared with the previous one.

Ex. 11.Think and answer.


1.Why are exhibitions and fairs growing in size and scope from year to year?

2.What is the purpose of arranging exhibitions and fairs?

3.Why do we say that every exhibition is a good method to advertise dif­ ferent goods?


1.Why did the stand of Wilson&Co impress Mr Stepanov?

2.Why did he want to know about the whole range of goods the com­ pany produced?



to attract smb’s attention

Ex. 12. a) Say what attracts (or doesn’t attract) people’s at­ tention in different places and w hy.


Lesson 1

Example: I think beautiful places near St. Petersburg always at­

tract the attention of tourists because...

the coast of the Black Sea,

the British Museum in London,

the latest models of goods at fairs and ex-




the Kremlin and Red Square,


the Spanish resorts,

(foreign) tourists,

the East End of London,

business people,

the Statue of Liberty in New York,


souvenir shops,


the new districts of Moscow,

clothes at small boutiques,

the shops and department stores in Oxford Street


What attracted your attention when you last visited

the furniture shop,

the market of electronic products,

the international exhibition of...,

St. Petersburg,

some cities abroad;

What news / events have attracted your attention recently;

What kind of catalogues usually attract your attention;

What TV programmes attract your your family’s attention;

оWhat brands attract your attention when you go shopping for clothes / shoes / kitchen equipment.

to introduce (into / in)

Ex. 13. Answer the questions.

1.Are trade companies interested in introducing their goods into the world market? Why?

2.What do trade companies do to introduce their goods into the world market?

3.How does advertising help trade companies introduce their goods into new markets?


Fairs and Exhibitions

4.When was the word “Sputnik” introduced into different languages?

5.What other Russian words have been introduced into foreign lan­ guages?

6.What English words were introduced into the Russian language?

7.When was television introduced into our lives?

8.When were computers introduced into people’s lives? How have they changed our lives?

9.What new models of cars were introduced into the Russian market last year?

10.What new holidays were introduced in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century?

to be a success

Ex. 14. Say which of the things below are (w ere, w ill be) a success and why.

Example: The exhibition of electronic equipment at the Expo Cen­ tre was a great success.

the last Moscow Film Festival;

the ballets of the Bolshoi Theatre;

the performances at the Sovremennik Theatre;

the musical “Cats”;

• the concerts of pop stars;

the new talk show on TV;

the detective novels by Marinina and their screen versions;

• presentations of new collections of clothes by famous designers;

the last Moscow Book Fair;

contests and all-prize lotteries at exhibitions.

to take part (in)

Ex. 15. Agree or disagree.

1.Your company often takes part in fairs and exhibitions.

2.Companies take part in exhibitions because they want to demon­ strate their achievements.

3.People take part in different contests at exhibitions because they want to attract attention to themselves.


Lesson 1

4.Businessmen take part in seminars and conferences to meet new people and establish new contacts.

5.Secretaries always take part in business talks.

6.TV shows attract more attention if famous people take part in them.

7.A lot of people take part in political meetings in Moscow.

8.All students usually take part in the discussions at your English les­ sons.

Ex. 16. Translate Into English.

1.В сентябре в Дели, столице Индии, состоится международная выставка. Она продемонстрирует достижения промышленности

исельского хозяйства и успехи, которые достигнуты в различ­ ных странах мира в области науки.

2.Мне необходимо связаться с фирмой «Браун энд К0» как можно скорее.

3.В этом году фирма собирается представить на мировой рынок новую модель компьютера.

4.Концерты артистов Большого театра всегда пользуются боль­ шим успехом.

5.Картины Сурикова привлекли внимание многих посетителей выставки.

6.Мы хотели бы принять участие в этой конференции.

** *

1.Новая модель компьютера отвечает самым высоким требовани­ ям. Эта модель высокого качества и современного дизайна. Она пользуется большим спросом и хорошо раскупается в специали­ зированных магазинах.

2.На выставках спортивной одежды стенды знаменитых фирм привлекают внимание многочисленных посетителей и пользу­ ются огромным успехом. На них вы часто можете купить това­ ры, которые вам понравились, немного дешевле, чем в магази­ нах.

3.Товары фирмы Indesit широко рекламируются по телевизору

ивсегда демонстрируются на специализированных выстав­ ках. Они удобны в работе и не очень дороги. Любая хозяйка хотела бы иметь оборудование этой фирмы на своей кухне.


Fairs and Exhibitions




Ex. 1J. a) Complete and translate.

to work v + er = worker n

to translate v + or = translator n

1.to write -> ...

2.to read -> ...

3.to sell -> ...

4.to visit -> ...

5.to sing -> ...

6.to design-> ...

b)Complete the sentences.

1.This plant manufactures different models of pumps. The plant is the best... of pumps.

2.The company buys a lot of clothes from France. They are regular

... of the famous French brands.

3.Where does he work? He is a ... of the factory which produces soft drinks.

4. What kind of books does he write? He is a ... of books for children.

5.Who translated this book into Russian? I don’t know the name of the ... but the translation is excellent.

6.She sings beautifully. She is the best... I have ever heard.

7.Nina designs wonderful houses. She is a very talented ...

8.The exhibition was visited by thousands of people. A ll... were im­ pressed by the goods on display.

9.— What country produces the best coffee?

In my opinion the best... of coffee is Brazil.

10.The boy likes football, he plays football every weekend. He knows the names of all popular football...


Ex. 18. a) Supply articles or possessive pronouns where neces­ sary.


Lesson 1

1.This actress has been... success in a ll... performances.

2.A ll... newspapers wrote about... success of... exhibition.

3.We are proud o f ... progress which has been made by our company

in ... field of... electronics.

4. ... industry of Hungary has made some progress, as compared with

... previous years.

5.In ... commercial centre o f ... exhibition ... participants negotiated ...

sale and ... purchase o f ... goods which were displayed o n ... stands.

** *

Mr Ralf Bollman,... advertising agent from Germany, wanted to have ...

helicopter* in his business but he couldn’t g e t... type which he wanted in his country, as ... German helicopters were not of very high quality.

But w hat... aviation industry couldn’t offer in ... West, Mr Bollman

found in ...

East. At ...

Paris Air Show ...

Russian helicopter attracted

his attention. It was ...

really extra-class machine: it was reliable, easy

in operation and it looked fine.


... telephone talk with

... representative o f ...

Russian Company and

... trip to Moscow ended

quite unexpectedly.

... customer became ...

sales representative for that model of...

helicopter in Germany.

H alf... year later Mr Bollman sent...

fax to his partners in Russia: “...

first helicopter sold.... delivery required in 4 weeks”. So ... first Russian helicopter appeared in Germany to ... pleasure of those who built it, those who sold it and those who bought it.

*a helicopter [heli'kopto] — вертолет

b)Say w hat you remember from the text about Mr R. Bollman and his business transaction w ith the Rus­ sian company.


EXo19. a) Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

Mr Petrov, a Russian businessman, (to call) at the British pavilion [pa'viljan] at the international exhibition which (to hold) in London last month. He (to get) interested in the Model K2 machine-tool. After he (to see) the machine in operation he (to get) in touch with Mr Black.

Petrov: Good afternoon, Mr Black. Here (to be) my card. Black: Good afternoon, Mr Petrov. Glad to see you.



Fairs and Exhibitions


I (to come) to London on business and I (to be) happy to


visit this exhibition.

I (to hope) you (to find) it interesting.


It (to be) wonderful. I (to impress) by the size andscope of


the exhibition. It (to be) one of the largest exhibitions I ever


(to visit).

Yes, over 500 companies (to take) part in it.


Mr Black, I just (to see) your pavilion. TheModel K2 ma­


chine-tool (to attract) my attention. I must say your country


(to make) much progress in the machine-tool industry.

It (to be) a pleasure to hear that. It (to be) an up-to-date


model. It (to introduce) into the market at the beginning of


the year and since then it (to be) a great success. A lot of


companies (to show) much interest in the model.

You see, Mr Black, we’d like to place an order with your


company for this model and we’d like to negotiate the price


for the machines.

Yes, of course. We (to be) glad to establish business rela­


tions with your company.

When we (can, to meet) to discuss the matter in detail?


What about Tuesday at 10 in the morning?


All right. I (to be glad) to meet you on Tuesday. Good-bye!

b) Say what you remember about Mr Petrov’s visit to the exhibition and his impressions of the Model K2 machine-tool.


Ex. 20. a) Supply prepositions where necessary.

1.How many companies will take part... the exhibition?

2.I’d like to get ... touch ... your Sales Manager to negotiate some business matters.

3.The display ... clothes ... the exhibition attracted the attention

... many visitors and demonstrated the achievements ... their de­ signers.

4.The new m odel... refrigerator was introduced ... the market... the Japanese company. It is very popular ... the buyers who are im­ pressed ... its performance and design.

5.Jack’s new car is ... high quality. It is easy ... operation and can run

... a speed ... 200 kilometres an hour.


Lesson 1

* * *

Clock and Watch exhibitions ... Switzerland are always a great success. A lo t... businessmen and tourists ... many countries visited the special­ ized exhibition which was held ... Geneva [d3i'ni:va] not long ago. The exhibition was very popular and every day the halls were crowded ...

visitors. The words which were written ... the Visitors’ Book showed that the visitors were impressed... the display.

“The quality ... the watches impressed me,” wrote one ... the French visitors.

“This is a very interesting exhibition. The latest model ... elec­ tronic watches is especially attractive. We hope to see it ... our shops,” wrote a Russian visitor.

“The things which are close ... us play an important role ... our life. This exhibition gives us an idea ... the achievements which have been made ... the Swiss clock and watch industry. The people are impressed

... the friendly atmosphere ... the exhibition.” Those words were written

... a tourist from Canada.

... the exhibition a lot of talks were held, some transactions were ne­ gotiated and some contracts... Swiss companies were signed.

b)Sum up the Information about the eihlbitlon In Ge­ neva and the visitors* impressions of the exhibition.


Ex. 21. Choose and use.

progress, success

1.You have made a lot o f ... in English since you began to study it.

2.I didn’t like the new comedy. It wasn’t ....

3.This ballerina is ... in all her performances.

4. The exhibits on display showed the ... which was made by different countries in the electronic industry.

5.Can we say that numerous TV serials are always ... with those who watch them?

6.Has the Russian film industry made any ... recently?

7.The film which was shown on the stand advertised the ... in the car industry of South Korea.

8.Everybody was speaking about the... ofthe young actor in his first film.