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Английский язык 1 часть

10.51 Mб

Health Service

pill every four hours after meals. And this mixture is for your sore throat. You can buy the medicines at the nearest chemist’s.

Patient: Will the flu last long, doctor?

Doctor: I hope you’ll get well in a week’s time, if you follow my in­ structions. Come to my surgery next Monday. But if you don’t feel better call me again.


As Mr Adams felt better by the end of the week he made an appoint­ ment with the doctor for Monday. At 10 o’clock he came to the doctor’s surgery for the follow-up examination.


How do you feel today?


Better, but I’m still off-colour3. I’ve no appetite and I’m not


sleeping very well.

Ah, a little run-down, I suppose. Let me take your blood


pressure. It’s quite normal. There is nothing seriously


wrong with you. You should have a good rest. Can you get


away from your office for a while?

I’m going to the seaside in a month’s time.


That’s just what I wanted to recommend. Get away, stop


worryng and take things easy4.

Thanks. I will. Good-bye.

1The National Health Service (NHS) — Государственная служба здраво­ охранения, по которой все основные виды медицинской помощи ока­ зываются бесплатно. Финансируется за счет государственного бюдже­ та и взносов'населения.

2(a) general practitioner (GP) — врач общей практики (терапевт) 3I’m still off colour. — Я все еще неважно себя чувствую.

4 take things easy — не волнуйтесь; проще смотрите на вещи; относитесь ко всему спокойно.

Ex. 1. Speak about:

A.1. the medical service that is provided in Great Britain;

2.Mr Adams’s disease;

3.the doctor’s visit and his recommendations.

B.1. Mr Adams’s visit to the doctor’s surgery for the follow-up ex­ amination;

2.The doctor’s advice concerning the patient’s health.


Lesson 6



to fall Ш


to be ill

Ex. 2. a) Read the example.

J a n e Is III w ith flu . S h e fe ll III th r e e d ay s ago.

b) Say w hat your friend (sonf daughter, husband, mother, father, etc.) was last ill w ith and when he (she) fell UL

a medicine (for)

Ex. 3. a) Read the ежатр!е.

A fte r th e d o c to r h a d ex am in ed m e h e p re sc rib e d a m edi­ c in e fo r m y so re th r o a t.

b)Say when you (your friend, etc.) last saw a doctor and w hat medicine he prescribed.

Ex. 3•Translate into English.

1.Доктор Менсон не спал. Он думал о своей пациентке, которая была серьезно больна.

2.Разбудите меня завтра в 7 часов, пожалуйста.

3.Вы переутомлены. Вам нужно хорошо отдохнуть.

4.В каком кабинете принимает врач Петрова?

5.У Вас улучшится аппетит, если Вы будете принимать эти таб­ летки.

6.Доктор измерил мое давление, посмотрел горло, а затем выпи­ сал таблетки от кашля и микстуру для горла.

** *

На прошлой неделе моя жена рано пришла с работы. Она ска­ зала, что заболела. У нее болела голова и горло. У нее была вы­ сокая температура, и ее знобило. Нам пришлось вызвать врача. Врач внимательно осмотрел ее и сказал, что у нее грипп. Он по­


Health Service

рекомендовал лекарство от головной боли и выписал таблетки, чтобы снизить температуру. Врач дал жене больничный лист (а sick leave) и посоветовал соблюдать постельный режим. Он ска­ зал, чтобы она пришла в поликлинику через пять дней, если у нее будет нормальная температура.

Через пять дней жена все еще чувствовала слабость, и у нее болела голова. После повторного осмотра врач посоветовал ей больше нахо­ диться на свежем воздухе. Так как жена выполняла все предписания врача, через несколько дней она почувствовала себя хорошо.




Ex. 4. a) Complete and translate.

to appoint v + ment = appointment n

1.to develop -» ...

2.to agree-»...

3.to improve -» ...

4.to treat -» ...

5.to govern -» ...

6.to manage -» ...

7.to achieve -» ...

b)Complete the sentences:

1.The Sellers are to replace all defective parts. They promised to send the ... by the end of the next month.

2.— When is die Seller to ship the goods?

I’m sorry. I don’t remember the date of ...

3.We require computers of the latest design, therefore the computers of Steven&Co do not meet o u r...

4.— Mr Clay has been appointed President of Dunn&Co.

Oh, really! I didn’t know about his ...

5.— Do you know the company has improved the model?

Yes, but the ... are not very big.


Lesson 6

6.I was treated for my disease at the local clinic. The ... helped me to get well.

7.The company managed to get a 10% discount on the price. The ...

can be proud of a very profitable contract.

8.In Great Britain the House of Commons governs the country and the Prime Minister heads the ...


Ex. S.Supply articles where necessary.

1.— Do your children go to ... school?

Yes, they do.

How often do you go to ... school to speak to the teacher?

Every week.

2.— Your children go to ... English school, don’t they?

No, they go to ... French school. It’s ... very good school.

Is ... school far from your house?

No, it isn’t.

** *

What kind of building is it over there?

It’s ... hospital.

Is i t ... out-patient o r ... in-patient hospital?

It’s ... out-patient hospital. And... in-patient hospital is round the cor­ ner.

** *

How long has Jill been in ... hospital?

She was taken to ... hospital two weeks ago.

** *

Could you go to ... chemist’s and buy this medicine for me?

Certainly. Is there ... chemist’s in your street?

Yes, there is ... good chemist’s two blocks away.


Ex. 6. a) Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

Mr Brown (not to feel) well for several days. So he (to call at) the out­ patient department of St. Mary’s Hospital. Doctor Campbell (to receive) him in his surgery.



Health Service

Doctor: What (to be) the trouble?


I (to catch) a bad cold.


You (to take) your temperature?


Yes, I (to take) my temperature before I (to leave) home. It


(to be) normal.

How long (to feel) this way?


I (to be) ill since Monday.


You (to have) a headache or a sore throat?


I (to have) both.


You (to take) anything for your headache yet?


I (to take) aspirin [’aespirin].


And you (to cough) a lo t,... you?




Let me examine you. It (not to be) an ordinary cold. You (to


have) flu. I (to give) you two prescriptions which you must


take to the chemist’s. If you (to follow) my instructions you


(to feel) better in a few days. If you (not to feel) better, you


(to have) to come to my surgery again.

Thank you, doctor.

b)Speak about*

1.Mr Brown’s illness;

2.the doctor’s instructions.


Ex. 7*Supply prepositions.

One morning Philip woke up ... a terrible headache. He asked the landlady to bring him a cup ... tea. A few minutes later Griffiths ['grifiGs]... whom they had lived... the same house ... a year came in.

“I hear you are not well,” said Griffiths, “I thought, I’d come and see what the trouble ... you was.”

“I think I’m falling ill... flu,” said Philip. “let me take your temperature.”

Griffiths sa t... the bed and they spoke ... a moment, then he took the thermometer out and looked... it.

“You must stay... bed and I’ll bring the doctor to examine you.” The doctor called ... Philip an hour later. He examined Philip, took

his temperature and blood pressure.


Lesson 6

“What do you think it is?” asked Philip.

“You are ill... flu. Wouldn’t you like to go ... hospital?” “I think I’ll stay ...hom e”.

“Very well. I’ll write ... a prescription ... some pills. Your friend can buy them ... the nearest chemist’s. Take the medicine three times a day

... meals.”

(by S. Maugham

“O f Human Bondage”)


Ex. в. Choose and use.

to call at, to call on, to call for

1.When the doctor called ... Philip he wrote out a prescription for some medicines. Philip asked his friend to call... the nearest chem­

ist’s and buy the medicines for him.

2. Frank invited Jane to the cinema and promised to ca ll... her at 7.

3.— How is Peter?

When I called... him he didn’t feel well.

4.Let’s call ... the chemist’s. I’d like to buy some medicine for my headache.

5.— Is Jane going to the exhibition with us?

Yes, she asked me to call... her.

6.When you visit St. Petersburg call ... my place. I’ll be very glad to see you.



Ex. 9* a) Read the dialogue.


Mr Adams has had a bad toothache for 3 days and he has made an ap­ pointment with a dentist for 10 o’clock.

Doctor: Good morning, Mr Adams. What can I do for you?


Health Service

Adams: I’ve got a bad tooth that’s troubling me day and night. Doctor: Which tooth is it?

Adams: This one on the right. Is it necessary to take it out?

Doctor: The tooth is very bad but it isn’t too late to treat it. I’ll put some medicine into it. Come the day after tomorrow at the same time. I’ll fill the tooth.

Adams: Thank you, doctor.

b) Say w hat you remember about Mr Adams9 visit to the dentist.


c) Act out a similar dialogue w ith a dentist.



tw o teeth trouble you and the doctor is

going to


treat one of them and take out the other.


Еж. 10. a) Read the dialogue.






What can I do for you, Mr Hunter?


Mr Hunter: Well, I’m a little worried about my health. Yesterday I had a pain here on the left and I couldn’t breathe. I had to sit down and rest for 15 minutes. Do you think it’s my heart?

Doctor: I am not sure. I’d like to ask you a few questions. Do you smoke? Mr Hunter: Yes. A pack a day... sometimes two.

Doctor: How long have you been smoking?

Mr Hunter: For twenty years, maybe longer. I like to smoke. It relaxes me. Doctor. Do you drink a lot of coffee?

Mr Hunter: Yes, but I’ve cut down lately. Now I drink 8 or 9 cups a day. I need coffee. I’m a businessman, I work long hours.

Doctor: 2 or 3 cups a day is all you should drink. It’s bad for the heart. Well, I have to examine you.


You seem to be in good health. There is nothing to worry about. But if you want to stay in good health you should stop smoking and cut down on coffee.

(Based on “On-Track”, Video Activity Book)

b)Do you believe that smoking and drinking coffee are bad for health and people shouldn’t smoke and drink coffee?


Lesson 6

Еж. 11. a) Read the text.

The American Health Food Ltd sent a letter to the Russian Market Re­ search Group. They wanted the Group to supply them with some informa­ tion about the situation on the market of health food in Russia as they were planning to introduce some of their products into the Russian market.

The reply of the Russian analysts is rather optimistic.

They write that the market of health food has been developing for a few years. Some companies are supplying their products to Russia and the products are selling well. However, the American Company can of­ fer a number of items which are not available on the market and which can be in demand. The Market analysts believe that health food should be sold directly to supermarket and hypermarket chains where the prod­ ucts have every chance to be a success.

b)Answer the questions:

What is “health food”? Is it popular in Russia?

Why is the American company recommended to sell health food to supermarkets and hypermarkets?

Do you sometimes buy health food? Does it have a good effect on your health?

Еж. 12. a) Read the story*


One morning Harry woke up with a terrible headache. He phoned his family doctor.

The telephone answered:

“This is a recording. Doctor Crandell is away now. Give your name, phone number and symptoms. Doctor Crandell will call you back when he comes. Thank you....”

“I’m Harry Kranowitz, Riverside 6. I have a very high temperature, a headache, and I’m coughing a lot. I feel very bad.”

Harry went to bed. He had been sleeping for some time when the telephone rang. He got up and went to the living room.


“This is a recording. Dr. Crandell is still away. However your symp­ toms seem to show flu for which you should take two aspirins every four hours, eat light food and drink juice. Dr. Crandell will call you back when he comes. Thank you.”

Harry looked at the phone for a few seconds, coughed and slowly went to the kitchen. He took a bottle of juice, two aspirins and went to bed. He couldn’t sleep. He had a terrible cough and he felt that his tem­


Health Service

perature was still very high. He went to the phone and called the doctor again. As the doctor was still away Harry’s symptoms were recorded for the second time.

Some time later the telephone rang again:

“This is a recording. You have nothing more serious than flu. If you follow the instructions which were given to you earlier you should be better by morning. Thank you.”

Harry went to the kitchen, took some whisky and went to bed. Some time later the doctor himself called him.

“Listen, Kranowitz. Your symptoms show flu for which you should take two aspirins every...”

Harry switched off the phone and went to bed.

A week later he got a bill for $100 from Dr. Crandell by mail. He was sure that the bill had been made out by the computer.

* a mike = a microphone ['maikrofoun]

(After Seimour Joseph)

b)Speak about*

1.Harry’s disease;

2.the instructions from “the doctor” he got on the phone.

c)Think and answer.

1.Where was the doctor all the time?

2.From whom did Harry get instructions?

3.Why was it convenient for the doctor to use a computer?

4.Why didn’t Harry want to speak to the doctor when he called him?

5.Why was Harry sure that the bill had been made out by the computer?

6.Why is the story called “Please cough into the mike”?

Ex. 13* a) Read the text. Use a dictionary if necessary.


Stress is a perfectly natural part of living. Crossing a road, going to a party, driving a car — these are all stressful activities. We live in a fast-moving age, so we must learn how to relax properly. Here are some of the most common symptoms of stress: bad sleep, difficulty in concentrating. Long-term stress is associated with high blood pressure, headaches and heart diseases.

But how do you deal with these problems? The average business person doesn’t often have time to sit down and work out the answers.


Lesson 6

But if you want to be healthy, you have to know how to deal with stress. So here’s a guide to reducing the level of stress in your life.

First, take up a hobby, if possible an active outdoor activity. You won’t worry about your problems when you are concentrating on a hobby that really interests you.

You must take a lot of exercise. This will keep you fit and should also help you to sleep better. It is recommended to combine exercise with a healthy diet.

At work it’s important to make lists of tasks that you must complete during the day. Write down your ideas on paper. It’s necessary to take breaks during the day, so that you don’t become too tired. Learn to say “no”, even to your boss, if you think that your colleagues are being un­ reasonable. And finally, don’t forget that “laughter is the best medicine”.

Start this new action plan today and you’ll find, within a surprisingly short time, that stress at work and at home is no longer the problem it was.

b)Answer the questions:

1.What are the most common symptoms of stress?

2.What recommendations to deal with stress are given in the text? Do you agree with them?

Do you follow any of them?

3.How do you deal with the problem of stress?

Еж. 14* Do you agree that “laughter is the best medicine"? Then read and translate some jokes:

1.Doctor: There goes the woman I love. Friend: Why not many her?

Doctor: I can’t afford it, she is my best patient.

2. Patient: Tell me truly, doctor, what are my chances of getting better?

Doctor: Just 100 percent! Statistics show that only nine out of ten die from your disease — and nine of my patients have already died from it. You are the tenth!

3.Patient What, five pounds for taking my

tooth out? It only took you a few seconds!

Dentist OK. Next time I’ll do it all day.