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Английский язык 1 часть

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Health Service

4.Patient: Doctor, I keep talking to myself.

Doctor. I’m not surprised. No one else would listen to you!

5.A patient comes to see a doctor and says that he has a pain in his leg. Doctor. Oh, it’s very serious. How long have you been having it? Patient. For 2 weeks.

Doctor. Why haven’t you visited me earlier?

Patient. You see no matter what I am ill with my wife tells me to stop smoking.

*to afford [o'fbid] — позволить себе

Еж. 15* a) Give your view points.

1.For tobacco companies cigarettes mean money. For us they mean diseases.

2.In the USA there is no more smoking in offices, restaurants, planes or other public places. Do you think it’s a good idea? Most people think it is.

3.We often speak about water pollution and air pollution, but we sel­ dom speak about noise pollution, which also has a bad effect on our health.

b)There are many English proverbs about health. Read and translate some of them .

1.Health is above wealth.

2.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Ex. 16. Give extensive answers.

1.Where do you usually get treatment when you fall ill? What kind of treatment do you get there?

2.Have you ever been taken to hospital? If so, say how long you stayed there and what you were treated for?

3.What are the symptoms of flu?

4.How were you treated for flu when you were last ill?

5.What do you usually do to get well as soon as possible?

6.What is it necessary to do to prevent serious diseases?

7.Why is it necessary to go to a dentist regularly for the examination of your teeth?


Lesson 6

Ex. 17. Topics for discussion.

1.Your visit to a doctor.

2.Your visit to the dentist’s.

3.Your visit to the chemist’s.

Ex. 18. Act out dialogues on the situations:

1.Meet Mr Green of Blake&Co. Ask him about his health. Discuss the company’s prices for tools and bring up the matter of spare parts.

2.Contact Mr Hope of Smith&Co. You know that Mr Hope was ill

some days ago. Ask him how he is. Tell Mr Hope that their prices

for radiators and terms of payment don’t suit your company.


3. Receive Mr James in your


him thatyou


talks with him yesterday asyou had an appointment with adentist.


Discuss the guarantee period for the company’s washing machines.






5 .

7 .


health [ЪеЮ] n


poor health

e.g. His health is poor, free [fri:] adj medical ['medikol] adj medical service

medicine ['meds(i)n] n to study medicine

to take a medicine

a medicine for a headache treatment ['triitmont] n treatment for smth

e.g. He is getting treatment for flu now.

to be under treatment to treat [tri:t] v

to treat for smth

e.g. He was treated for flu by a very efficient doctor, chargeable ['tfa:d3dbl] adj

— здоровье

У него плохое здоровье. бесплатный медицинский

медицинское обслуживание


2.лекарство, медикамент принимать лекарство лекарство от головной боли лечение

лечение от чего-либо Он лечится от гриппа.

находиться на лечении лечить

Его лечил от гриппа очень опыт­ ный врач.

платный, подлежащий оплате


в Великобрита­ нии

8. a patient['peijant] n

9.wake up (woke up, woken up) v e.g. Wake me up at 6 tomorrow.

e.g. He woke up at 7 o’clock yes­ terday.

10.a headache ['hedeik] n to have a headache e.g. 1 have a headache.

11.a throat [Grout] n a sore throat

to have a sore throat e.g. I have a sore throat.

11.a cough [kof] n to have a cough

treatment for a cough

12.a temperature ['temprotjo] n to have (to run) a temperature to take one’s temperature to have one’s temperature taken

13.to be 111 with smth v to feel ill

to fall ill with smth

e.g. Our manager is ill with flu now. He fell ill two days ago.

14.(a) hospital n to go to hospital

to be in hospital

to send smb to hospital

to go to the hospital to see smb an out-patient hospital

an in-patient hospital

Health Service

пациент, больной

1. будить

2. просыпаться

головная боль болеть (о голове)

У меня болит голова, горло

больное горло болеть (о горле)

У меня болит горло. кашель кашлять

лечение от кашля температура

иметь повышенную температуру измерять температуру (себе) измерять температуру (кому-л.)

болеть чем-либо чувствовать себя больным заболеть чем-либо

поликлиника, больница пойти в поликлинику; лечь в больницу лежать в больнице

положить кого-либо в больницу навестить кого-либо в больнице поликлиника больница, стационар

Перед словом hospital артикль не употребляется, если речь идет 0 больнице как о лечебном учреждении. Если имеется в виду здание больницы, то перед словом hospital употребляется соответствующий артикль. Например:

My wife is in hospital now.

1 go to the hospital every week to see her.


Lesson 6

15.to call [кэ:1] v

e.g. Ann has fallen ill. Will you call a doctor for her?

16.to examine [ig'zaemin] v

a patient to examine a machine


17.trouble [trAbl] n

e.g. What seems to be the trouble? The trouble is ...

to be in trouble

to give trouble to smb

to get into trouble

to have much trouble little

e.g. I have had much trouble lately.

Our troubles aren’t over yet.

18.to be feverish [’firvorij] adj e.g. The patient is feverish.

19.(the) flu [flu:] n a touch of flu


contagious [kdn'teid3ds] adj


a disease [di'zirz] n


syn. an illness



a serious



. .



a contagious


to catch a disease

22.a prescription [pris'kripjn] n

to write out a prescription for...

e.g. The doctor wrote out a pre­ scription for my headache.

23.to send down v

e.g. This medicine will send your temperature down.

24.a pill n

to take pills

a headache pills for a toothache

high blood pressure

зд. вызвать (врача на дом)


беспокойство, неприятность, беда Что вас беспокоит?

Беда в том, что...

иметь неприятности причинять неприятности (беспо­ койство) кому-либо' попасть в беду

иметь много неприятностей мало

лихорадить Больного лихорадит. (У больного жар), грипп заболевание гриппом

инфекционный, заразный болезнь, заболевание

заболеть, заразиться (какой-л. болезнью)

рецепт(врача) выписать рецепт от ...

сбивать (температуру)

таблетка принимать таблетки

таблетки от головной боли, зубной боли, высокого давления






Health Service


a mixture [’mikstjh] n




a mixture for

a cough




a sore throat


26. a chemist [’kemist] n


the chemist’s




to go to the chemist’s

пойти в аптеку


to buy smth at the

купить что-либо в аптеке







to make out v

a document

выдавать, выписывать






to make out

a passport




28.a medical leave [so'tifikot] n — больничный лист, бюллетень syn. a sick list


a surgery ['safari]

кабинет врача


syn. a doctor’s office

зд. осмотр врача


examination [igzaemi'neifn] n


a follow-up examination

повторный осмотр


an appetite ['aepitait] n



to have a good





to have a poor





to have no








to lose one’s





to sleep (slept, slept)



[sli:p, slept] v



чувствовать слабость,


to feel run-down









to be run-down





blood pressure ['bbvd 'рге/э]


(кровяное) давление


to take blood pressure


измерить давление


for a while



на некоторое время


1.a dentist ['dentist] n at the dentist’s

to go to the dentist’s

2.a tooth [tu:0] (pi. teeth) n to fill a tooth

to take out a tooth

a toothache ['tu:0eik] n to have a toothache

зубной врач у зубного врача

пойти к зубному врачу зуб запломбировать зуб удалить зуб зубная боль болеть (о зубе)


Lesson 6

3.to record [n'koid] recoding

4.a heart [ha:t] n

5.to ring (rang, rung) v

e.g. The telephone is ringing. Will you answer it, please?

to ring smb up

записывать, фиксировать запись (на пленке) сердце звонить

позвонить кому-либо по телефону



AIDS [eidz]






a cold



a heart disease

болезнь сердца


a nervous disease

нервное заболевание


pneumonia [nju(:)mounjo]

воспаление легких, пневмония

L E S S O N 7

Subject for Study:_____An Offer. Discussing Tests and Packing.



Read the letter and the dialogue.



Here is an offer which was received by Rossimport from a large British company.

2nd September, 200...

For the attention of M r Borisov

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 27th August 200.. concerning the supply of pumps and now are pleased to submit our offer.

With this offer we enclose drawings and specifications together with our leaflet.


The total price of a pump is £ ... which includes packing


and delivery CIF Russian port.

Delivery: Delivery of the pumps will begin two months after the contract is signed and will be completed within a period of three months.

Validity: This offer is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. Payment: Payment is to be made in cash within 30 days of receipt of

the following shipping documents: an Invoice, a BUI of Lading, an Insurance Policy and a Packing List.

We have quoted for the majority of spare parts in accordance with the details in your enquiry. But we cannot guarantee the supply of all items as in some cases our stocks of spares are limited.

We recommend you therefore to place an order as soon as possible to obtain the items you require.


Lesson 7

I would personally very much like to visit you and discuss our possible future business relations.

Perhaps you will be kind enough to advise me of a suitable date and time for such a meeting.

Yours faithfully, on behalf of Blake&Co.

G.E. Fox Overseas Sales Manager



Mr Borisov was favourably impressed by the technical specifications of the pumps. During his first meeting with Mr Fox they discussed the terms of delivery and a possible quantity discount. When the two businessmen met again the following conversation took place.

Borisov: Mr Fox, I want to clarify the

question of inspection and


tests first. Since1 this is going

to be our trial order2, we’d


like our inspectors to be present at the tests.

Naturally. We’ll send you our Notification of Readiness for


the Test well in advance.


We’d like it to be sent at least 20 days before the date of the




Why so early?


Borisov: You know, in the past we had some troubles when Notifica­


tions were delayed and as a result our inspectors couldn’t ar­


rive at the plant in due time3.

I see. In that case the contract will stipulate your require­


ment. But I can guarantee that we won’t let you down. On


our part, we expect a Release Note for Shipment to be


signed immediately after the tests are carried out and a


Test Report4 is submitted. Otherwise we won’t be able to


arrange shipment of the goods on time.

Our inspectors will do that by all means if the results of the


tests are satisfactory.

Thank you.


There is another point I’d like to bring up, Mr Fox. What


kind of packing do you use?



An offer. Discussing Tests and Packing


Oh, we pay special attention to this matter. Our goods need


seaproof packing. So generally some parts are wrapped


up in polythene ['poliOirn] and the whole units are then put


into wooden boxes or crates.

I hope this ensures their safe delivery, doesn’t it?


Of course, it does. We do our best to satisfy our customers


and make our product really competitive and attractive for


overseas markets.

Thank you, Mr Fox. I think we’ve settled all problems. Will it


be possible for us to meet tomorrow morning and sign the




That will be fine.

1 since (conj) — так как, поскольку (вводит придаточные предложения причины)

2a trial order— пробный заказ

3 in due time — в назначенное время

4 a Test Report — акт заводского испытания

Ex. 1. Speak about:

A.1. the documents which were enclosed with the offer;

2.the price and the terms of payment and delivery on which the goods were offered to Rossimport;

3.the terms on which the spare parts were offered to the Russian firm.

B.1. Mr Fox and Mr Borisov’s discussion of inspection and test;

2.the kind of packing the company uses for the pumps.

Ex. 2. Think and answer.

A.1. What information was there in the documents which were enclosed with the offer?

2.Why did the Buyer ask the company to quote for the spare parts?

3.Why did Mr Fox want to establish personal contacts with the people of the Russian company?

B.1. Why will the inspectors be able to sign a Release Note for shipment only if the results of the tests are satisfactory?

2.What do Blake&Co. do to make their goods competitive?


Lesson 7



in accordance with

Ex. 3. a) Read the example.

In accordance with the terms of the contract the goods are to be delivered CIF Sheremetyevo Airport.


what price the offer of Blake&Co stipulates;

what delivery time is offered to the Russian company;

what payment terms the offer stipulates;

who will be present at the tests;

when a Release Note for shipment is to be signed;

how the pumps are to be packed;

• what (in your opinion) guarantee period the futurecontract will stipulate;

what obligations of the Sellers concerning the correctionof defects the future contract will stipulate.

to need (smth)

Ex. 4. a) Read the example.

Do you need any information about this company?

Ofcourse, we do. We’d like to know more about It.

b)Speak in the same way about:

1.the range of the goods the company produces;

2.the technical characteristics of the pumps;

3.the performance of the equipment;

4.the modifications which were made in the machine;

5.the results of the inspection and test;

6.the possible applications of the computer,

7.the reputation of the company;

8.the exhibition which is to be held in Germany in spring;

9.the situation on the Russian market of health food;

10.the kind of packing the company uses for their cosmetics.