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Английский язык 1 часть

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Shops and Shopping in London

Ihc guarantee that they are without chemicals. You can order this ser­ vice on line too!

(Based on “Across Cultures”) * organic food — экологически чистые продукты

b) Say w hat ways of shopping for food the text is about.

Ex. 21. a) Look and say:


A • Dress.


100% cotton.

/ '

Yellow or g r e e n /


Sizes 8 to 14. V

. ’ ,

$ 169


B* Bag.

Brown or black leather*. $ 75.45



A • Coat.



100% cotton.



Pink or grey.



Sizes 10 to 14.



Only $ 8 5



B* Bag.



White or black leather.






Regular price $ 50



Sale price $ 40



A • Sweater.



100% wool. Blue or red


j j

Small, medium or laige.



$ 5 0



В • T rousers. 100% cotton.



Black or brown. Sizes 30 to 44.



SA VE $ 10



Regular price $ 75



Sale price $ 65

*leather [Чедэ] n — кожа

1.What is Ann weaming?

In what colours / sizes does it come? How much does it cost?

2.What clothes is Carlos wearing?

In what colours / sizes does the sweater / do the trousers come? How much do the trousers cost?

Are they on sale?

How much can you save if you buy them?


Lesson 5

b) Ask questions about the coat and the bag Mary Is wear­ ing.

Ex. 22. a) Read the story.


Miss Martha was 40 years old but she was not married. She had her own shop, where she sold bread, both fresh and stale which was cheaper.

There was a customer who called at her shop two or three times a week. The man was not young but very attractive. He wore cheap clothes but they looked nice on him. He always bought only stale bread and Miss Martha decided that he was very poor. She always thought of him and was sorry that she could not invite him to have dinner with her. She wanted to talk to him, to know more about him. She wanted to help the poor man but didn’t know how. She liked him and began wearing her best dress.

Once when her customer called on her to buy stale bread, Miss Martha had an idea and a good one, as she thought, to help him. She put some butter in the stale bread.

The next day two men came into the shop. One of them was her cus­ tomer and the other — a young man. rrhe customer was very angry and couldn’t speak. So the young man spoke to Miss Martha: “We work to­ gether in the same office. We use stale bread to take away pencil lines from our plans. We have worked at a plan of a new district for six months. We finished it in the morning and began taking away pencil lines with your bread. You see, as there was butter in the bread the plan is good for nothing and we can’t show it to anybody now.”

When the men left Miss Martha went upstairs, took off her best dress and put on her old brown one.

(After O ’Henry)

b) Retell the story.

Ex. 23. Answer the questions.

1.Why do many people prefer shopping in hypermarkets?

2.What is the best time to call at a hypermarket?

3.What hypermarket do you usually go shopping to?

4.Why do you prefer this hypermarket to others?

5.What goods can you buy there?


Shops and Shopping in London

** *

1.When did you last go shopping for clothes?

2.What did you buy?

3.Where did you try the clothes on?

4.Did the coat (suit) fit you nicely or did you have to ask the salesgirl to bring you another one?

5.Why did you decide to buy it?

6.How much did it cost?

Ex. 24* Speak about:

1.Moscow department stores.

2.Your last visit to a supermarket (a hypermarket).

3.Shopping in a foreign country.

Ex. 25. Act out dialogues. Use the situations:

1.You are interested in buying electronic clocks and require them urgently. Meet Mr Clark, a representative of the Sellers, in your office and discuss the delivery dates and terms of delivery with him. After the talks ask Mr Clark about his plans for Saturday.

2.White&Co have started producing a new model of coffee machines. Contact Mr White in his London office. Discuss the prices and the terms of delivery.

3.You have studied the terms on which Black&Co sell their ma­ chines. Meet the company manager, speak about the weather in Moscow, then discuss with him the number of machines you want to buy and the terms of delivery.



Ex. 26. Supply modal verbs or their equivalents in the correct tense-forms.

1.We (to be) to go to the plant with Mr Brown this Monday, but he (not to arrive) in Moscow yet. We (to have) to go to the plant next week.

2.There is no bus stop near this building, you (to have) to get off at the next stop.


Lesson 5

3.If you don’t leave now, you (not to be able) to come to the concert on time.

4.If Mike (to be) to go on holiday on Monday, he (to be able) to make all purchases on Saturday.

5.If we (can, to go) shopping at ten tomorrow we (to be able) to come home by lunch time.

6.If Mary (to have) to go to the supermarket in theafternoon she (not

to be able) to go to the cinema with us.

7.If my husband (not to have) to stay in the office latetoday we (to be able) to call on our friends.

8.When the Sellers (to be) to deliver the goods?

9.We (to be) to reserve accommodation for Mr Brown tomorrow.

10.As the Buyer (cannot, to provide) shipping facilities the Seller (to have) to deliver the goods on CIF terms.

Ex. 27* Translate Into English.

1.— Ты сможешь пойти с нами в театр?

К сожалению, нет. Мне придется задержаться на работе до 7 часов.

2.— Ты навестил вчера Анну?

Нет, мне пришлось остаться дома.

Ты собираешься пойти к ней сегодня?

К сожалению, нет. Мне предстоит поехать в аэропорт встре­ чать г-на Брауна.

3.— Кто должен ехать в командировку в Петербург?

Г-н Колосов должен был поехать туда, но он плохо себя чувствует, и придется поехать мне.

Когда ты едешь?

Я смогу поехать только через два дня.

* * *

1.Что он сказал?

2.Что он сказал Вам?

3.Вы собираетесь выступить (говорить) на конференции?

4.Он рассказал нам много интересного о Лондоне.

5.О чем Вы собираетесь говорить?

6.Он сказал Вам что-нибудь важное?

7.Директор конторы сказал, что мы должны провести перегово­ ры на этой неделе.


Shops and Shopping in London

8.На уроках английского языка вы должны говорить только поанглийски.

** *

Если вам нужно сделать покупки, идите на Новый Арбат. Это одна из самых больших и известных торговых улиц Москвы. Она привлекает покупателей со всей страны, а также зарубежных гостей. Там вы можете купить все: продукты, книги, мужскую и женскую одежду, обувь, электротовары.

На Новом Арбате находятся большие современные магазины и универмаги и почти все они — магазины самообслуживания. В су­ пермаркете всегда много покупателей, так как многие предпочи­ тают покупать все продукты в одном магазине.

* * *

Вчера я зашла в универмаг “Москва”. Я хотела купить зимнюю куртку. В универмаге был большой выбор курток разных фасо­ нов и расцветок. Я примерила несколько курток и выбрала то, что мне хотелось — синюю куртку хорошего качества и не очень дорогую.




a department store

— универмаг


[di'paitmont 'sto:] n



to attract [o'traekt] v


to attract xisitor








e.g. The Pushkin Museum attracts




a lot of visitors.




attraction n

притяжение, привлекательность


all over adv



all over the country

по всей стране


all over the world

во всем мире


a purchase ['poit/os] n



to make a purchase


1. закрывать


to close [klouz] v



e.g. Close the book, please.


2. закрываться





a suit for

Lesson 5

e.g. The conference closed at 2 o’clock,

6. wear [weo] n

Men’s wear Women’swear underwear sportswear


for winter wear autumn


better wear everyday wear

to wear [weo]

(wore [WD:], worn [wo:n]) v

e.g. Ann wore a lovely dress yes­ terday.

e.g. I hope the suit will wear well,

7.clothes [kloudz] n




1.ношение, носка (одежды)


мужская одежда женская одежда (нижнее) белье спортивная одежда

для лета

— одежда

для зимы для осени для весны

выходной костюм костюм на каждый день

1.бытьодетым в, носить (одежду)

2.носиться (об одежде)


летняя зимняя одежда

Слово clothes в значении одежда употребляется только во множест­ венном числе.


stationery ['steijnori] п

канцелярские товары


bedding п

постельное белье

10. to prefer [pn'fo:] v



e.g. I prefer historical films,



to prefer smth to smth



to prefer doing smth



e.g. I prefer ballet to opera.



I prefer shopping at super­





11. cheap ['t/up] adv


a cheap






12. a supermarket [.sju.pd’maikit] n

универсам, супермаркет

13. food [fu:d] n



to buy

' food






to call at а

Shops and Shopping in London

to sell to offer

a food departmentshop

much food little

14. self-service ['self'so:vis] n

a self-service shop department

15.reasonable [’rirznobl] adj

e.g. We sell goods at reasonable prices.

16.therefore [’deofo:] adv

e.g. The company’s prices were very high, therefore we asked them to give us a discount.

17.household fhaushould] adj household goods

18.a hypermarket [,haipo'ma:kit] n

19.a parking lot п

20.a shopper п

a regular shopper

21.to call [ko:l] v

to call at some place

shop department store restaurant cinema

e.g. Let’s call at the booking office and buy tickets for the Satur­ day performance,

to call on smb

e.g. Why didn’t you call on us last Saturday?

22. a salesgirl ['seilzgo:l] n


24.to choose [tfu:z]

многомало продуктов самообслуживание

умеренный (о цене)

по этой причине, поэтому, следо­ вательно


хозяйственные товары

гипермаркет — торговый ком­ плекс (включает магазины, кафе, кинотеатр, отделения банков, пред­ приятия бытового обслуживания), расположен обычно за городом

стоянка для автомобилей

покупатель (в магазине)

постоянный покупатель

заходить, посещать, навещать

зайти куда-либо

зайти к кому-либо (навестить кого-либо)





Lesson 5






(chose [tfouz], chosen [tfouzn]) v




to choose a











25. a suit [sju:t] n








a light suit




легкий / светлый костюм


to buy






to try on


a suit




to choose





to put on




одеть костюм


to take off




снять костюм


26. to look for v



искать, подыскивать, присматри­

e.g. I am looking for a new sofa







for the living room.




27. a size [saiz] n




e.g. What size suit do you wear?


Какого размеракостюм выносите?

a size smaller / one size too small


на размер меньше


a size larger/ one size too big


на размер больше


28. to try on ['trai' on] v


примерять (одежду)


to try on

a suit




a coat








to try on smth for size


примерять что-либо для опреде­

e.g. Will you try on this suit for


ления размера











29. a changing room n

— примерочная


syn.: a fitting room




30. over adv



— указывает на местонахождение

ovef here



— (вот)здесь


over there



— (вон) там


over prep



— (надевание) на что-либо;


e.g. You should put on a coat







over the dress, it’s cold








пиджак, куртка, жакет


31. a jacket ['d3aekit] n



32. tight [tait] adj



узкий, тесный


33. trousers ftrauzoz] n




34. to look [luk] v



выглядеть, казаться


e.g. You look tired today.


Вы выглядите усталым


The suit looks nice on you.


Костюм вам идет.


35. to fit [fit] v




сидеть (об одежде), подходить,





быть впору



Shops and Shopping in London

e.g. The suit fits you all right.

36.perfect ['po.fikt] adj perfectly adv

e.g. She did her work perfectly.

37.style [stall] n

the latest


last year’s


e.g. The dress is of the latest style.

38.to cost (cost, cost) v

e.g. — How much did the suit cost?

It cost... roubles.

39.cash [kaej] n

cash to pay in cash

by cash

Костюм сидит на вас хорошо.

прекрасный, безупречный

прекрасно, великолепно

фасон, стиль

стоить (о цене)

наличные деньги

платить наличными

40. a pair [pso] n — пара



a pair of




e.g. How much is this pair of


— туфля, ботинок

41. a shoe [fu:]

shoes for

better wear

everyday wear


summer wear

a pair of shoes

пара туфель

42. a sock n



43. a tie [tai] n



44. to match v


подходить (по цвету, тону и т.п.),

e.g. The colour of the tie doesn’t

сочетаться, соответствовать


match the colour of the suit.


45. joggers ['d3ogoz] n

— кроссовки


a dress [dres] n

— платье


summer wear

— летнее платье

a dress for

everyday wear

— платье на каждый день


better wear

— выходное платье

2. to put on, (put, put) v

— надевать (об одежде)

to put on

a jacket




3. a door n


— дверь


Lesson 5




yellow ['jelou]adj



a shirt [fo:t] n

мужская рубашка


a T-shirt



to exchange v

1. обменять что-либо


e.g. If the suit doesn’t fit you can



exchange it later.

— 2. обменяться




e.g. The Sellers and the Buyers



exchanged letters about




future contract.


получить деньги обратно


to get a refund



e.g. You can exchange the coat or



get a refund if you don’t like







change n


1. сдача


e.g. Sorry, I have no change on me.

2. мелочь




a stall n


ларек, киоск

10. a notice n



11. a return [ri'torn] n



12. fresh adj



13. bread n



14. stale adj



15. butter n



16. to be angry v




e.g. Don’t be angry with me.



17. to take off v


снимать (одежду)


e.g. Don’t take offyour cardigan,



it’s rather cool here.






The suit is one size too small — Костюм на один размер меньше


(big) for you.


(больше), чем вам надо.


— The suit will wear well.

— Костюм будет носиться хорошо.


— Will it? That’s nice.


Да? Правда? (употребляется для




выражения удивления).




Это хорошо.