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Английский язык 1 часть

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Discussing the Delivery Terms and Time


What is the problem?


During our talks in Moscow you promised us to deliver


the goods in January, but our customers require the equip­


ment earlier. Could you make the delivery in October?

I’m afraid, we are heavy with orders. But we can help you


if you agree to take part deliveries.

When could you deliver the first lot?


Probably at the end of October, and we’ll ship the balance of


the equipment in 2 lots within... 2 months. Will that suit you?

Can you guarantee there won’t be any delays?


Yes, we can guarantee that.

b)Sam up w hat you remember about:

1.the purpose of Belov’s visit to New York;

2.the customers’ delivery requirements;

3.the discussion of the delivery time at the talks.

Ex. 25. a) Read the dialogues.


Garston Motors Limited. Good morning!


Good morning. I’d like to speak to someone about our



Is it for motors or for parts?


For motors and for parts, actually.


I see. I’ll put you through to Mr Datta.


Datta speaking.


Good morning. Chris Ingersoll is here. We ordered KS


motors and parts from you. We need them sooner than we


planned. Could you possibly deliver them next month?

Next month ... You wanted to have them at the end of


May, didn’t you?

We thought May would be OK. But we’d very much


like to have the order in April if possible.

I’ll see what we can do. I’ll phone back this afternoon.


Datta: Hello, this is Mr Datta. I’m phoning back about your or­ der for KS motors and parts.


Lesson 3



Oh, what’s the situaton? Can you do anything?


I’ve contacted the plant. We can deliver you the whole


lot by the 20th of April.

Oh, that’s great! Thank you.


That’s all right. We’re always glad to help if we can.

(from “Telephoning in English”)

b) Says w hy Chris Ingersoll phoned the Sellers; how the Sellers met the delivery requirements of the Buyers.

c) Act out the dialogues.

Ex. 26. a) Read the Interview one of the managers of IKEA gave to a reporter of the magazine “Business Week”.

A.Could you tell me anything about IKEA?

B.We’re a big international furniture company. We have shops in many countries.

A.How do you launch new products?

B.We ask people what they want and we design a new piece of furni­ ture. After that we ask the suppliers to manufacture the furniture. Then they deliver it to our shops.

A.And the customers buy it.

B.They visit our shops, see the furniture and decide if they want to buy it. They take the furniture home in parts and assemble it there. Our furniture is always of the latest design and of high quality. It is easy to assemble, it is comfortable and beautiful. Oh, and it’s not expen­ sive. Everybody can buy it!

(from “Business Venture”, 1)

b)Answer the questions:

Why are IKEA shops popular in many countries?

How do they launch new products?

What is the manager’s opinion of their furniture? Do you agree with him?

Have you ever bought furniture in IKEA shops? What do you think of it?

Ex. 27. a) Answer the questions:

1.Which Japanese companies are leading car manufacturers?

2.Is Toyota one of the most popular companies on the car market?


Discussing the Delivery Terms and Time

3.Do they often launch new models?

4.Why do Toyota cars meet the requirements of customers in many countries?

5.Do you think that Toyota cars are in demand? Is the company usu­ ally heavy with orders?

6.How do they deliver their cars to Europe?

7.Do they always assemble their cars in Japan?

8.Who are the competitors of Toyota?

9.Is it a pleasure to drive a Toyota? Why?

b)Ask and answer questions about some foreign com­ pany you deal w ith or whose goods you know wells their products, com petitors, customers; the demand for their goods; the term s on which they deliver the goods.

Ex. 28. Speak about the term s and the dates of delivery un­ der some contracts your company has made lately.

Ex. 29. Act out dialogues. Use the situations:

1.You have sent an enquiry for medical equipment to the American company. Mr Clarie, their manager, is telephoning you. The com­ pany cannot deliver the goods at the time you require. He asks if your company can agree to part deliveries.

2.Receive Mr Brown in your office. Ask him if he enjoyed his flight to Moscow. Speak with him about the model of motors you are in­ terested in. Discuss the terms and the time of delivery with him.

Ex. 30. a) Read the story.


I met Richard about 10 years ago when I came to South America to work for a branch of Pan-America Company. Richard worked for this company too. He was a pleasant man of 25, who easily made friends with people and I liked him.

Soon after I arrived our company signed a contract for the construction of a plant in South America. I made most of the calculations for the con­ tract, but Richard only helped me because he wasn’t very good at this job.

In January a few representatives of the customers together with the Presi­ dent of the company, Mr Prossert, arrived from the USA. The next day our

* Success Story — История успеха


Lesson 3

company manager invited all of them to go and see the construction of the plant. They decided to go there by train. The manager asked Richard and me to pick up Mr Prossert at the hotel and take him to the station.

On the way to the station Mr Prossert asked me a lot of questions and I often answered: “I’m afraid I don’t know, sir. We haven’t made any calculations on that.”

I was very much surprised when Richard said: “I made these calcula­ tions last night, just for pleasure.” “Oh,” said Mr Prossert, “That’s very interesting. Well, now probably you could tell me about..

And Richard could. He knew everything. He answered all the ques­ tions Mr Prossert asked him. When we got to the station Mr Prossert said good-bye to Richard. (However he didn’t say good-bye to me.) On our way back to the office I told Richard what I thought of him.

“Your information wasn’t true. Why did you give him that kind of information?” I asked. “You see, John, if the President of a big com­ pany wants to know something, why can’t I tell him everything he wants.” “But what is he going to think if he checks the information?” “Do you think he’ll remember it? What he will remember is you and me. He is going to remember that Pan-America Co. has a clever young man, Richard by name, who could tell him everything he wanted to know and the other man who couldn’t answer his questions.”

Some time later I remembered all that. I read in one of the newspa­ pers that Richard was Vice-President of a big American Company. And I’m still doing my usual everyday job for Pan-America Co.

(After James Gould Cozzens)

b)Answer the questions:

1.Why did Mr Prossert arrive in South America?

2.Why did Richard answer Mr Prossert’s questions?

3.How did the two young men impress Mr Prossert?

4.Why did Richard manage to make a good career?



Ex. 31. Translate the sentences:

1.Как только ты закончишь работу, мы пойдем в кино.

2.Анна не ляжет спать, пока дети не вернутся из кинотеатра.


Discussing the Delivery Terms and Time

3.Мы свяжемся с фирмой, после того как тщательно изучим их предложение.

4.Если не будет дождя, мы пойдем осматривать достопримеча­ тельности города.

5.Я закажу номер в гостинице, прежде чем поеду в командировку.

** *

1.Спросите г-на Павлова, когда он вернется из командировки.

2.Спросите господина Брауна, поедет ли он в аэропорт встречать президента.

3.Спросите Вашу сестру, будет она жить в Крыму в гостинице или снимет комнату.

4.Мистер Томсон не знает, когда они отгрузят первую партию товара.

5.Я не уверен, что нам удастся завершить поставки к концу года.

6.Я думаю, что мы отгрузим оборудование двумя партиями в те­ чение сентября.

** . *

1.Он ничего не знает о достопримечательностях этого города.

2.Вы знаете что-либо об их предложении?

3.Он рассказал мне все о своей поездке в Санкт-Петербург.

4.— Вы видели вчера что-нибудь интересное по телевизору?

Нет, вчера ничего интересного я не видел.

5.— Есть кто-нибудь в конторе?

Нет. Все уже ушли домой.

6.Кто-то звонил мне вчера, но меня не было дома.

7.Давайте пойдем куда-нибудь завтра.

8.Никто не мог вспомнить адрес гостиницы, в которой мы оста­ навливались в прошлом году.

Ex. 32. Write the sentences. Use the correct tense-forms.

1.It (to rain) in Moscow (in autumn, yesterday, now, tomorrow).

2.It (to snow) heavily in Moscow (in winter, two days ago, this week, the other day, one of these days).

3.It (not, to snow) in Moscow (in September, yesterday, since last week).

4.It (to rain) in Moscow (in December, last week, now, tomorrow)?


Lesson 3

Ex. 33. Translate into English.

1.Когда дождь перестанет, дети пойдут в парк.

2.Пошел дождь. Давайте останемся дома.

3.Я думаю, что будет холоднее, когда снег прекратится.

4.— Дождь все еще идет? — Нет, дождь уже перестал.

5.Вчера в шесть часов пошел сильный снег, и мы никуда не пошли.

6.Если завтра будет дождь, мы не пойдем в Гайд-Парк на прогулку.

7.Дождь только что закончился. На улице очень тепло, но сыро.

8.Как ты думаешь, завтра пойдет снег?

9.Я люблю читать, когда идет дождь.

10.Ты не знаешь, в Испании когда-нибудь идет снег?

** *

Росимпорт был заинтересован в покупке моторов для завода, кото­ рый строился в Сибири. Моторы требовались покупателю срочно, так как их заказчики собирались закончить строительство завода к концу года. Чернов поехал в командировку в Нью-Йорк и позвонил г-ну Смиту, представителю фирмы «Brown&Co». В понедельник Чернов и Смит встретились, и переговоры начались. «Росимпорт» решил разместить заказ на 100 моторов. Фирма могла предложить только 40 моторов с немедленной отгрузкой, остальные 60 моторов фирма согласилась поставить тремя партиями по 20 моторов каж­ дая через равные промежутки времени. Продавцы могли предоста­ вить свои транспортные средства и предложили товар на условиях СИФ. Условия устраивали г-на Чернова, и во вторник бизнесмены подписали контракт.




a pump [рлтр] л

— насос


a shop [fop] п

— цех


construction [kon'strAk/n] п

— строительство, стройка


to be under construction

— строиться


e.g. Some new blocks of flats



in our district are under


construction now.




Discussing the Delivery Terms and Time


to complete [kom'plirt] v

закончить, завершить


. * the construction



to complete




by prep

к (какому-либо сроку)


next year




by the 5th of May




6 o’clock




e.g. We must be at the airport




by 10 o’clock.


покупка, закупка


a purchase ['poitjos] n


purchase and sale

купля и продажа


to make (some) purshases

делать покупки


the Purchasing Department

Отдел закупок

7.to deal [di:l] (dealt, dealt) v заниматься чем-либо, торговать


to deal in smth

торговать чем-либо


to deal with smb

торговать с кем-либо


e.g. We deal with Smith&Co




in lifts and lift equip­






1. ведущий; 2. основной


leading [li:dir)] adj


a leading company


изготовитель, производитель


a manufacturer


[jnaenju'fektjbra] n




a leading manufacturer




e.g. Brown&Co. are a leading




manufacturer o f com­







a manufacturing plant


syn. a production plant


идти (о дожде)


to rain [rein] v


e.g. It rains heavily in Mos------

Осенью в Москве идут сильные


cow in autumn.




to snow [snou] v

идти (о снеге)


e.g. It often snows in the —

На Севере нашей страны часто


North of our country.


идет снег.


to place [pleis] v

помещать, размещать


to place an order with

размещать заказ у фирмы


a company




e.g. Last year we placed an




order for 200 pumps with






срочный, немедленный


immediate [I'mndjot] adj


for immediate delivery

с немедленной поставкой


Lesson 3

to offer / to require the goods for immediate deliv­ ery

14.the balance ['baelons] n the balance of the goods

15.a lot n

e.g. We’ll deliver the goods in two lots of 50 pumps each.

16.regular [Yeqjub] adj

regular buyers customers

at regular intervals

17.within [wi'6in] prep

e.g. We’ll give you our an­ swer within 2 days,

18.exactly [ig'zaektli] adv not exactly

19.to need v

syn. to require

e.g. We need the goods in April.

I need your help,

20. at the latest

e.g. We’ll make the contract next week at the latest,

21. a matter n

an important


an urgent

to leave the matter open 22. to contact [kon'taekt] v

to contact the president the company


партия (товара)

регулярный, постоянный

с равными промежутками времени (временной предлог) в течение, за, не позднее чем ...

Мы дадим Вам ответ в течение двух дней.

(разг.) да; совершенно верно; имен­ но так не совсем так

1. нуждаться, иметь потребность (в чем-либо); 2. требоваться

самое позднее

дело, вопрос

оставить вопрос открытым связаться (с кем-либо); войти контакт (с)

23. to talk [to:k] v

to talk about smth / smb e.g. What are they talking


to talk smth over

разговаривать, беседовать, говорить

обсуждать что-либо


Discussing the Delivery Terms and Time

e.g. ГII talk the matter over with the customers.

24.perhaps [po'haeps] adv

e.g. Perhaps, he’ll arrive to­ morrow.

25.to manage ['maenid3] v

e.g. I hope we’ll manage to deliver the equipment on time.

26.else [els] adv

What else ...? Who else...? Where else...? Anything else?

e.g. What else can 1 do for you?

27.a point [point] v

28.to provide [pro'vaid] v

e.g. Since Bond&Co can provide shipping facili­ ties they usually sell their goods on CIF terms.

to provide smth for smb

Я буду обсуждать этот вопрос с за­ казчиками.

возможно, может быть

суметь (сделать), справиться, ухит­ риться

еще (употребляется в вопросах) Что еще ...?

Кто еще...? Где еще...?

Что-нибудь еще?

вопрос; пункт, деталь (при обсуж­ дении)

1.обеспечивать, снабжать






a representative


[.repri'zentotiv] n



delivery n


to make delivery

осуществлять поставку

to take part deliveries

осуществлять частичные поставки

to guarantee [.gaeron'ti:] v


e.g. We can guarantee the



quality of our goods.



We guarantee that we’ll



deliver the goods without



any delay,



to put through v


соединять (по телефону)

I’ m putting you through.



C an you put me through to


Не можете ли Вы соединить меня с

M r X ?


мистером X?

whole [houl] adj


весь, целый


Lesson 3




весь мир


the whole country


вся страна




вся партия товара


to assemble [o'sembl] v


монтировать, собирать


to assemble the furniture




to make friends with smb

подружиться с кем-либо


to make calculations

делать расчеты






to be surprised [so'praizd]



to be surprised at smth / smb




clever adj



1.It rains (snows).

It rains (snows) heavily.

2.W hat is the w eather like (today)?

Идет дождь (снег),

Идет сильный дождь (снег).

Какая (сегодня) погода?