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4 курс - Making A Text In English.doc
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1.6. Purpose

Exercise 1. Find out if the infinitive clauses in the sentences below are clauses of purpose; and replace to by so as to or in order to where possible:

  1. The Minister continued to address his audience.

  1. The Minister stopped to address the bystanders.

  2. I wanted to ask him a question.

  3. I waited to ask him a question.

  4. She passed all that morning in automatic acts, picking up a novel only to lay it down.

  5. He invited me to keep me happy.

  6. He invited me to come to his office.

  7. He left us to catch his plane.

  8. He left us to go our own way.

  9. He encouraged us to win our support.

  10. He encouraged us to visit him again.

  11. He came to see that they had already gone.

Exercise 2. Complete the following purpose clauses with a suitable linking expression. Note that some sentences can be made without using any connector.

    1. A stranger in the crowd had hoisted Phillip up on the shoulder ______ he might see the procession depart.

    2. A cockscrew is a tool _____ opening bottles.

    3. She caught his eye and they looked away from each other _______ not to laugh.

    4. She left the door unlocked _______ him to get in later.

    5. Governments need to create employment ______ both parents and children feel that they are part of society and can contribute towards it.

    6. He dyed his beard ______ avoid being recognized.

    7. Recently, many people have changed their names ______ to make a statement about their ethnic identity.

    8. Any holes and openings should be fenced ______ people can’t fall down them.

    9. There were no carpets _______ not to attract dust.

    10. The superintendent was busy stationing his men round the house ______ the ever-increasing spectators shouldn’t get too close.

    11. The desks are kept some distance apart _______ to prevent cheating.

    12. I don’t let him climb trees ______ he tears his trousers.

    13. He wrote his diary in code ______ prevent his wife from reading it.

Exercise 3. Make sentences, linking the openings on the left with the conclusions on the right. Use the linking expressions in the middle (each expression once only). Note that some sentences can be made without using any linking expression.

  1. New investment has been made

  2. She needs a lot of practice

  3. Being late, she took a taxi

  4. All lights should be turned off

  5. Audio-visual equipment is often used

  6. She never walked through the park

  7. She decided to move to London

  8. She’ll be at the airport

  9. Take your passport

  10. She goes to work by bus



to avoid

in order to


in case

so as

for fear that

in order that

so that

  1. she might meet him again.

  2. language learning.

  3. to meet the new tourist group.

  4. using the car.

  5. to improve her Spanish.

  6. she could be near her child.

  7. not to lose time.

  8. roads can be improved.

  9. to save energy.

  10. they ask for identification.

Exercise 4.

A.Complete the following purpose clauses.

  1. Betty put on some disco music so that

  2. Take notes so as to ...

  3. She is learning Spanish so that…

  4. Governments should take measures in order that…

  5. I left quietly so as not to…

  6. He must consume 2250 calories daily in order not to

  7. My daughter has taken a job after school so that…

  8. A man in a gold suit and a top hat hurried forward to

  9. You need to be firm and assertive so that…

  10. She wound the windows open so that…

B. How can you begin the following sentences?

  1. in order that I might find the men at home.

  2. so as not to frighten it.

  3. so that his father could listen to his chest.

  4. so that she will become a doctor.

  5. in order to exist in the bureaucratic world.

  6. so that no problems arise later.

  7. in order for your body to create warmth.

  8. so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.

  9. so as to see her better.

  10. so that he won’t oversleep.

Exercise 5. Translate the following purpose clauses into English.

  1. Они встали очень рано, чтобы добраться до вершины холма к рассвету.

  2. Он оставил ружье за дверью, чтобы не испугать свою жену.

  3. Эта полка для моих дисков.

  4. Он вбежал в горящий дом, чтобы спасти ребенка.

  5. Чтобы успешно заниматься научной работой, студентам необходимы умения находить информацию, использовать ее и подходить ко всему творчески.

  6. Она говорила шепотом, чтобы ее никто не услышал.

  7. Они эвакуировали людей из здания на случай, если обрушится стена.

  8. Он даже сменил имя, чтобы избежать преследования.

  9. Он читал понемножку каждый день, чтобы не уставали глаза.

  10. Они отталкивали друг друга, чтобы пробиться вперед.