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1. Match the given words and word-combinations with their definitions.

1. occupation

a. things such as films, television, etc that amuse and interest people

2. contents

b. very important and needing to be dealt with immediately

3. urgent

c. the process of producing large quantities of goods to be sold, using machinery

4. entertainment

d. a job or profession

5. manufacture

e. to pay part of the cost

6. to subsidize

f. the things that are written in a book

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.

1. to purchase

2. a deep human need

3. to meet the demand for

4. to spread particular views

5. occasional publishing

6. readership

3. A. Translate the word-combinations given below.

To look for occupation suited to one’s abilities; pleasant occupation; to be bored for lack of an occupation; a loan to purchase a new car; purchase tax; to appear in society; an immediacy factor; table of contents; contents page; urgent question; to be in urgent need of help; urgent creditor; providing entertainment for tourists; a musical entertainment; to achieve a wide readership; to loose oneself in technicalities; legal technicalities; large-scale manufacture; manufacture mark; of home (domestic) manufacture.

B. Translate the following sentences:

1. Please state your name, address and occupation. 2. The company spent a lot on expansion including the purchase of a large warehouse. 3. When the book finally appeared on the shelves it was a huge success. 4. This newspaper does not have loose pages. Is it really a newspaper? 5. Television brings a new immediacy to world events. 6. If the contents of this letter became known to the Foreign Secretary, there would be grave consequences. 7. He met his guests with very good entertainment. 8. The magazine has a readership of 60,000. 9. The book is understandable notwithstanding its technicality. 10. Farming is partly subsidized by the government.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use the words and phrases from the topic vocabulary instead of the words and word combinations shown in boldface.

1. I’d like to buy a bus ticket please.

2. Our newspaper asks authors for written information on the topic of environment.

3. I must speak to Mr Hill – it’s very important and I must do it immediately.

4. We try to satisfy all needs of our clients.

5. Cost will determine the methods of producing.

5. Paraphrase the sentences from the text. Use your own words instead of the active vocabulary shown in boldface.

1. This kind of publishing is sometimes subsidized.

2. Nonperiodical publications appear on single occasions.

3. They usually have large, loose pages, a high degree of immediacy, and miscellaneous contents.

4. In the 19th century publishing became an increasingly distinct occupation.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я так рад! Я приобрел две очень редкие книги и приглашаю Вас полюбоваться на них. Коллекционирование такое вдохновляющее дело!

2. Журнал принимает авторские рукописи объемом до двух страниц. В дальнейшем редактор сам отбирает нужные материалы, которые подходят под формат издания.

3. Книги этого издательства выходят в свет регулярно и имеют свой постоянный круг читателей.

4. Газеты отличаются от журналов незакрепленными между собой страницами.

5. Незамедлительность предоставления информации – наиважнейшее качество современной журналистики.

6. Я только что прочитал содержание этой книги. Сейчас я не уверен, хочу ли читать это произведение.

7. Он очень долго постигал все технические стороны процесса изготовления книг.

8. Издание этих листовок субсидировалось нашим университетом.