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1. Find the words and expressions from the topic vocabulary that have the following definitions

a. a short piece of writing at the beginning or end of a book in which the writer thanks all the people who have helped him or her;

b. an alphabetical list of names, subjects etc at the back of a book, with the numbers of the pages where they can be found;

c. the outer front or back part of a magazine, book etc;

d. part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing.

2. Paraphrase the expressions in italics using the topic vocabulary

1. The first page of the book has a colourful and attracting picture on it.

2. When writing a research paper it’s necessary to give the list of all books used and quoted in the work.

3. If I come to a house for the first time I always start with reading the titles written on the book side back.

4. We put all the photos in the album according to the date they had been taken.

5. In the supermarket they scan the products you’ve bought by using the code written on the package for its identification.

3. Find English equivalents in the text. Make up your sentences with them

Привлекательный для покупателя, запоминающийся заголовок, разъяснить информацию, использованный шрифт, расположить в алфавитном порядке, разделить на главы, достаточно обширный.

4. Finish the sentences paying attention to the vocabulary.

The preface is too long, so…

I think that all non-fiction books are…

In the appendices of this encyclopedia you can see…

5. Arrange this book parts as they should go in the book (second column) and tell what they contain (third column)


end matter






6. Translate these sentences into Russian

1. The reference list of this book is so huge that it’s hard to imagine how much time the author had spent on its creation.

2. I’ve read my favourite book so many times that its spine is very shabby.

3. Don’t forget about having a copyright notification, or you could have some serious legal problems.

4. He wrote his dedication for me on the half-title page, right under his own name printed there.

5. Today they print a lot of soft-cover books because they are cheaper, but they do not last long, unfortunately.

7. Translate into English

1. Чтобы найти нужную главу книги, посмотрите в справочном разделе, где указаны все ключевые слова с номерами страниц.

2. В список благодарностей автор включил не только людей, помогавших в создании книги, но и свою кошку, которая стала героиней этой истории.

3. Нумерация страниц во вступительной части не ведется, а появляется только в основном тексте книги.

4. Предисловие написал критик и ученый, который большую часть жизни посвятил исследованию творчества этого автора.

5. Нам пришлось искать черно-белую фотографию для фронтисписа, потому что закончились цветные чернила.