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7. A. Read information about some types of printed material. Give Russian equivalents to the words in italics.

Pamphlet – small book with a soft cover, dealing with a specific topic, often political;

Leaflet – single sheet or folded sheets of paper giving information about something;

Brochure – thin book giving information about a company, travel, etc.

Prospectus – small, thin book like a magazine, which gives information about a school, college or university, or a company;

Flyer – single sheet giving information about some event, special offer, etc., often given out in the street;

Booklet – small thin book with a soft cover, often giving information about something;

Manual – book of detailed instructions how to use something;

B. Translate into Russian:

1. The Conservative Party published a pamphlet on the future of private education.

2. I picked up a leaflet about the museum when I was in town.

3. Do you have any brochures about Caribbean holidays?

4. Before you choose a university, you should send away for some prospectuses.

5. I was given a flyer about a new nightclub which is opening next month.

6. The tourist office has a free booklet of local walks.

7. This computer manual is impossible to understand!

8. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words given in ex. 7A.

1. I’ve decided to do my own car maintenance, so I’ve bought the …………… for my particular model.

2. Someone was giving out …………. in the town center today about a demonstration that’s going to take place on Saturday.

3. I love looking through holiday …………. and dreaming about flying off to exotic places.

4. I never read political …………….; they’re so boring.

5. This ……………… gives the opening times for the art gallery.

6. I’ve got this really useful …………….. with details of all the local sights.

7. I’ve read the ………….. and I like that university. I think I’ll apply.

9. Match the information (in the left column) with the type of printed material (in the right column).

1. It lists all the requirements for entry.

a) a political pamphlet on poverty

2. It exposes serious problems in the industry.

b) a university prospectus

3. It draws attention to the fundamental issues.

c) tourists brochure

4. It gives you the lowdown on accommodation.

d) a newspaper article

5. It’s packed with useful tips.

e) a guarantee leaflet with a new camera

6. It contains a lot of small print.

f) a booklet about buying a house

10. Translate some facts about Japanese newspapers into English:

1. Специализированные газеты объединены в Японскую ассоциацию специализированных газет, насчитывающую 117 изданий. Эти издания посвящены отраслевым проблемам, например, металлургии, химии, электротехнике, жилищному строительству, рыболовству и т.д.

2. Почти 90% тиража ежедневных газет доставляется на дом. Чтобы поддержать такую систему доставки утренних и вечерних газет, редакции организовали по всей стране сеть многочисленных агентств. Эти агентства нанимают на почасовой оплате разносчиков почты, в основном – из школьников.

3. В среднем около 40% газетного пространства отдается под размещение рекламы. Доход от рекламы имеет решающее значение для прибыльности газет.

4. Характерной чертой японских газет являются их взаимоотношения со средствами телерадиовещания. Газетные и радиовещательные компании устанавливают тесные деловые отношения, приобретая друг у друга акции или делясь персоналом. Поэтому нередко газетчики устраиваются на работу ведущими телевизионных программ новостей или комментаторами.

11. The following pairs or groups of words are often confused, because they look or sound alike, but their meanings differ. Define each of the words and explain how its usage differs from the other word or words.

1. advice/advise

2. affect/effect

3. average/mean/median/mode

4. cite/sight/site

5. farther/further

6. fewer/less

7. its/it’s

8. lay/lie

9. loose/lose

10. their/there/they’re

11. to/too

12. who/whom

12. Speak on the topic How newspapers are produced”.