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9. Discuss the following questions and share your ideas with the group.

1. Can you imagine your life without newspapers? How will it affect you?

2. Does the person who owns a daily newspaper possess the right to protect his friends or advertisers – or to give only favorable publicity to his favourite organizations? Why?

3. How would you respond if an editor told you to do something you consider unethical or irresponsible; for example, to interview a grieving mother about her child’s death?

4. Assume that a local politician today announced her candidacy for mayor. Which of these facts about her personal life would you include in a story about her candidacy?

A. She is a millionaire.

B. She is 57 years old.

C. She is the mother of four children.

D. She is 5 feet, 1 inch tall, has grey hair and weighs 180 pounds.

E. Her first husband died, and she divorced her second.

F. Her first husband committed suicide two years after their marriage.

G. After her husband’s death, she transformed a small restaurant they established into one of the largest and finest in the city.

H. She now lives with a bank executive.

I. The bank executive is 26 years old.

J. One of her sons is a high-school teacher. Two help her in the restaurant. The fourth is in prison.

10. Speak on the topic From the history of newspapers”.

Unit 13 The Staff of a Newspaper

A. Discussion. Think of the possible solutions. Share your opinion with the group.

Normally, your newspaper reports every birth, death, divorce and bankruptcy in your community. You also identify everyone charged with drunken driving. And your obituaries include everyone’s age and the cause of their death. You rarely approve any exceptions to the policies. You want to protect your paper’s reputation and avoid charges of favoritism. As an editor, would you agree to help any of these people below?

a) A 74-year-old woman mails you a letter explaining that she is dying of cancer and does not want you to report her age in her obituary. Her friends think she is 65. She is embarrassed by the matter and does not want them to know that she lied.

b) A local couple with four children asks you to not report their marriage. Their children have always thought that they were married, and the news that they are finally getting married would upset and embarrass everyone in the family.

B. Topic Vocabulary. Learn the words and phrases below.

1. weekly (paper) – еженедельная газета

2. to run the press – работать в типографии

3. metropolitan daily – ежедневная газета крупного (столичного) города

4. editorial department – редакционный отдел

5. mechanical department – технический отдел

6. business department – коммерческий отдел

7. to produce a newspaper – выпускать газету

8. feature – тематическая статья

9. editor-in-chief – главный редактор

10. managing editor – заведующий редакцией

11. assistant managing editor – помощник заведующего редакцией

12. city editor/suburban editor – редактор отдела местных новостей

13. national editor – редактор отдела национальных новостей

14. feature editor – редактор тематического отдела

15. foreign editor – заведующий внешнеполитическим отделом

16. daily column – ежедневная колонка

17. art director – главный художник; заведующий отделом иллюстраций

18. editorial writer – автор редакционных статей

19. columnist – журналист-комментатор, постоянно ведущий какую-л. рубрику

20. business manager – коммерческий директор, заведующий коммерческим отделом

21. advertising manager – заведующий отделом рекламы

22. circulation manager – заведующий отделом распространения (газеты)

23. promotion manager – заведующий отделом рекламно-пропагандистской деятельности

24. layout of page – макет верстки полосы, постраничный монтаж, постраничный макет

25. to set the type – набирать (текст)

26. to have charge of news – быть ответственным за новости

C. Read the text.