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1. Match the given words and word-combination with their definitions.

1. corruption

a. an object which has been sent into space in order to collect information

2. correspondent

b. information about a recently changed situation or a recent event.

3. satellite

c. to investigate, to report on

4. news

d. a person employed to report for a newspaper or broadcasting organization

5. to cover

e. someone who writes news articles or who broadcasts news reports.

6. reporter

f. dishonest conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

Stringer; investigative reporter; wrongdoing; the first step in the production; to expose political corruption; to cover a particular subject; to send stories by wire; beat reporter; news staff; to have reporters throughout the world; satellite; to include; public interest; metropolitan paper; to get a series of stories; regional magazine; general assignment reporter; to have well-developed news judgment; to be owned by; to use interviews, research and investigative techniques; major news services

3. Find English equivalents in the text. Make up your sentences with them.

Сбор информации; находить, разыскивать; владеть; зависеть от; передавать материал; иностранные корреспонденты; муниципалитет; разоблачать коррупцию; по всему миру; оценка новостей; спутник; потребительские дела; получать новости от; по крайней мере; классифицировать, рассортировывать; иметь постоянную работу; освещать; широко использоваться; суд; печатное устройство; полицейский участок

4. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.

1. AP

2. UPI

3. general assignment reporter

4. investigative reporter

5. stringer

6. beat reporter

5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. A news syndicate is owned by tycoon.

2. News services were formerly known as advertising services.

3. Many reporters cover a specialty called a beat.

4. Investigative reporters try to avoid covering political corruption or other wrongdoing.

5. Many stringers for big-city newspapers have a part-time job with a suburban newspaper, a regional magazine, or a small radio station.

6. Many metropolitan papers have a staff of reporters in the state capital and in Washington, D.C.

7. Reporters use interviews, research, and investigative techniques to gather information for their stories.

8. Satellites are not widely used to relay stories and photographs.

9. Newspapers depend on news services for at least part of their domestic news.

10. The chief U.S. news services are the Associated Press and United Press International.

6. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do newspapers depend on news services? Name major news services. 2. Where do newspapers get news? 3. Why does a newspaper employ several kinds of reporters? 4. What story does a beat reporter cover? 5. Who is a general assignment reporter? What story does a general assignment reporter cover? 6. Who is a stringer? 7. Who is an investigative reporter? 8. What is the difference between metropolitan and suburban paper? 9. What is the first step in the production of news in a newspaper? 10. What is a teletypewriter?