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3* Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions, which you don't need to use.

launched, persuasive advertising, increase sales, target consumer, easy recognition,, mass media, influence, sense of responsibility, informative advertising

1. The general goal of advertising is to ______________ either immediately or in the future, and to do so prof­itably.

2. The function of advertising is to inform customers of goods or services and to _______________ people's behaviour.

3. The advertising is intended to build familiarity and __________of package or trademark.

4. "When a product is first ___________ , sales are low because very few customers are aware that it exists.

5. The role of_____________is to inform the public of the product's existence and its particular uses.

6._________________, as its name implies, is used to try and persuade a consumer to buy a particular product.

7. All advertisements should be prepared with a______________to the consumer.

4* Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions.

1. цели рекламы

2. увеличить объем продаж

3. влиять на поведение людей

4. информирующая реклама

5. убеждающая реклама

6. главный недостаток

7. проводить рекламную кампанию

8. так называемая целевая аудитория

9. уменьшать доверие к рекламе

10. выпускать новый товар на рынок

11. шкала цен

12. экономически эффективная рекламная кампания

5* Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Роль рекламы состоит в том, чтобы информировать людей о существовании товара и об особенностях его использования.

2. Основная цель рекламы - повысить объем продаж.

3. Цели рекламы также включают завоевание новых рынков и привлечение новых групп потребителей.

4. Убеждающая реклама играет на ревности, зависти и желании быть не хуже других.

5. Убеждающая реклама обычно ассоциируется с по­требительскими товарами и используется там, где различия между товарами незначительны.

6. Содержание рекламного сообщения зависит от типа товара и рынка, на котором товар должен прода­ваться.


Running an advertising campaign

6* Before you listen to Dialogue No 1 match each word on the left with a word on the right to create a phrase con­nected with advertising.

1. advertising

a. the advertising campaign

2. target


3. to run

с advertisements

4. promotional

d. customer

5. television

e. advertising

6. newspaper

f. mail

7. street

g. commercials

8. direct


  1. Dialogue No 1 (318 words)

Advertising Manager Ellen Brown is speaking with Personnel Manager Michael Thompson.

MICHAEL: You are not your usual happy self this morning. What's the matter?

ELLEN: To tell you the truth I am very much worried about this new advertising campaign.

MICHAEL: What kind of campaign?

ELLEN: Don't you know our Marketing Director is going to run a new advertising campaign to increase consumer awareness of our products, as he puts it.

MICHAEL: You don't need to worry. I am sure you'll make a good job of it.

ELLEN: You're joking. First, I must plan a variety of adver­tising techniques. This advertising mix must consist of television commercials, newspaper advertisements, and street advertising.

MICHAEL: Well, that is not the first time you're running advertising campaign, is it?

ELLEN: No, of course not. But this time he wants me to use direct mail too, because we have a good target customer database.

MICHAEL: May be he is right. Direct mail is more personal than other media and it has the greatest flexibility.

ELLEN: Frankly speaking, it is very difficult indeed to cor­rectly estimate how much and what kind of promotional efforts are necessary to reach a certain objective.

MICHAEL: By the way, did you consider the possibility of advertising on the Internet?

ELLEN: That's a good idea! We should organize an on-line pro­motion and the customers will be able to order goods on-line!

MICHAEL: To make this dream come true you should first create a company website, where you can advertise the company's products.

ELLEN: Now we come to the problem of expenditures. To what extent does the advertising really pay? Our General Manager is fond of saying: "We know that one half of our advertising budget is wasted but we do not know which half."

MICHAEL: May be he is right.

ELLEN: So everybody is right except me and nobody wants to let me off the hook*.

MICHAEL: Oh, come on, you are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Listen to Dialogue No 1 between two speakers and answer the questions below. Then listen again and check your answers.

1. What are the speakers discussing?

2. Why is the first speaker so worried about the new advertising campaign?

3. What is the purpose of this new advertising campaign?

4. What combination of media is planned by the company in the advertising mix?

5. What advantages of direct mail were mentioned by the first speaker?

6. How many customers will be informed by direct mail shot?